I became the god of light.

Chapter 432 Ascension

Chapter 432 Ascension
With the arrival of this day, the whole Vatican became lively.

People from all over the world have used various means to come here, just to watch the Son of Man ascend to heaven when this day comes.

This afternoon, as dusk and night alternated, the mountain where Messiah had sacrificed was full of people, and even densely spread to the bottom of the mountain.

Everyone raised their heads and looked quietly at the white figure who was walking towards the top of the mountain.

Apart from piety, the crowd's faces were filled with strong reluctance. They didn't want the Holy Son to leave.

But thinking this way, they also knew that the kingdom of the Son of God is not here but in heaven.

In the crowd, some people carried the live broadcast equipment, and the camera was aimed directly at the back of the Son of God, and passed the picture to people from all over the world who could not come.

People all over the world are concerned about today's events. Billions of viewers are watching the screen nervously, staring at the white figure in the screen, not wanting to miss anything.

If you miss it, it may be a lifetime of regret.

As time goes by, the last section of the road up the mountain will eventually come to an end.

Just at this time, the light on the horizon dimmed, and it was at the time of the alternation of dusk and night.

When he was about to reach the top of the mountain, Messiah stopped and turned around.

He looked at everyone silently.

The people watching from below had a premonition of something, and their hearts were filled with reluctance and sadness.

After watching quietly for a while, Messiah turned his head to look at the Pope, Simon and others standing not far away.

Under the gaze of other people, he suddenly raised his right hand, and then a white light glowed in his hand.

The white light faded away, and a pure white book lay quietly in his hand.

He said to the Pope and others, "This book of creation is for you."

The Book of Genesis?
Everyone was amazed by the name, and then a deep envy was born in their hearts.

Seeing Pope St. Joseph accepting the white book in trepidation, some people even felt jealous.

The thing given by the Holy Son is still called this kind of name, and it looks like an artifact!
After handing over the book, Messiah turned and continued walking towards the final mountain top.

At some point, the sky began to change. As the Son of God was about to walk up to the top of the mountain, strands of light began to appear in the dark sky.

The light dispelled the darkness, and it was extremely conspicuous against the surrounding darkness.

This scene caused exclamations to resound.

The light became more and more intense, and even the clouds in the sky opened up as the light gathered, and the white light shone straight down, shining on everyone.

The Messiah reaches the top of the mountain and turns around one last time.

He lowered his head and looked peacefully at the people standing from the top to the foot of the mountain, as well as the people standing outside, with a smile on his face.

Bathed in the holy white light, his voice like water came out.

"Peace be with you."

After the sound of blessing came, the last words of the Son of Man before leaving also slowly echoed in the ears of mankind.

"I will be with you."

After finishing these words, under the gaze of everyone, the Holy Son, who was bathed in white light, raised his head.

An extremely dazzling ray of light suddenly flashed, covering the entire mountain, making the people watching couldn't help but close their eyes slightly.

When everyone saw it clearly, the Holy Son who had sacrificed for mankind and saved everyone had disappeared with the white light.

He raised his head subconsciously, and the faintly scattered white light in the sky made everyone seem to see a giant gate. Outside the giant gate, angels lined up in two lines, as if they were welcoming their king.

A holy and pure white figure looked back at them for the last time, and then everything dissipated, and everything returned to calm.



One after another, sad and sad cries sounded all over the mountain.

Pope St. Joseph, who was protected by many soldiers, seemed to be empty, with a dazed expression, "Holy Son..."

The strong man Simon next to him knelt down on one knee, looked at the sky, and murmured, "My Lord, my God."

The whole mountain was filled with sadness.

A little boy standing on the mountainside, wearing blue and white clothes and looking up, turned his head to look at the tall white man standing beside him.

"Father, why didn't the Holy Son stay? Isn't it good to be with us all the time?"

Robert looked at his son, touched his head, and said, "Heaven is the home of the Son, of course he will go back."

"It's also our home, and we will go back one day."

"Oh." The little boy half understood.

In a corner not far away, the middle-aged man No. [-], who was completely covered in black and covered up, looked up at the sky, with a complicated and dazed expression on his face, with some faint regret.

A remorseful sigh came, he turned around slowly, and walked towards the foot of the mountain.

With the departure of the Holy Son, the atmosphere in the whole world became gloomy and depressing, and it took a long time to recover.

In a huge white laboratory, more than a dozen researchers in white coats are walking around in a hurry.

Suddenly, the door of the laboratory opened automatically to both sides with a beep.

The movements in the hands of the researchers stopped slightly, and subconsciously turned their heads to look over.

An ordinary-looking white middle-aged man in a black suit slowly walked out of the silver metal gate.

The first time he entered, he looked at a white-haired old man in his sixties, the guy who dominated the researchers.

"How's the research going?"

The middle-aged man in a suit, Marek, stared at the old man and asked.

Hearing this, the white-haired old man put down the equipment in his hand, and walked in front of Marek with a glass bottle.

He held up the bottle in his hand and showed it to Marek.

I saw that the long glass bottle was filled with some transparent liquid at this time, and in the transparent liquid like water, a group of light golden blood the size of a fingernail was slowly floating in the liquid.

After reading the bottle, Marek looked at Joel suspiciously, asking him to explain.

After showing the blood to Marek, Joel exclaimed, "I've never seen such a special blood, it's so beautiful and perfect!"

"Not only is the structure very stable, but it also possesses terrifying vitality!"

"Even if it was extracted from that stone, can you believe that the blood cells are still alive after such a long time?"

"Even it is still absorbing the light wave energy between heaven and earth, replenishing itself all the time!"

As he spoke, he walked around the laboratory excitedly.

"Not only that, even the ordinary stone has been affected by this blood, and its essence has changed!"

"An ordinary stone actually releases energy all the time, like a powerful radioactive source. After experiments, it was found that it is still beneficial to the human body. It's incredible!"

Joel was amazed again and again.

Marek frowned and asked, "I want to be more specific! How is the experiment going?"

The old man Joel suddenly paused, and his chrysanthemum face froze for a moment.

"Have you researched something yet?" Marek narrowed his eyes, and there was a dangerous light in them.

He dared to swear that if the old man had wasted so much time and still hadn't come up with anything, he would definitely propose a replacement.

Marek's expression made Joel embarrassed, and he said aggrievedly, "It's not my fault!"

"You don't know the horror of that blood!"

He took a deep breath, a faint light of awe flashed in his eyes.

"That blood cell has a strong exclusivity. No matter if it is a virus or anything, as long as you try to integrate into it, it will be wiped out by it immediately, and then eroded and turned into energy."

His face was full of grievances, "This experiment can't go on, I really don't blame me!"

"Dr. George was right!"

"That blood is too strong!"

While he was talking, the other researchers next to him immediately complained about him.

Marek took a deep breath and frowned, "Have you conducted biological experiments?"

After the words fell, the entire test site fell silent, and the researchers looked at each other with embarrassment on their faces.

"No?" Marek was annoyed.

Joel hurriedly said, "The energy contained in that blood is very powerful. We are afraid that there will be unforeseen consequences if we use it on living things!"

To put it bluntly, they are afraid.

As smart people, they dare not experiment with biology, not even a small white mouse.

Don't be afraid of [-], just in case, if they really play off and become cannon fodder like in the movie, then they have no place to cry even if they want to.

Moreover, this is the blood of that person. This possibility is too great. It is not something that can be studied casually. It is like trying to step into the realm of God, which directly makes them afraid.

Glancing at a dozen researchers, he found fear on their faces, and Marek became even more angry, "Aren't these guys usually very bold? Why are they timid now?"

Although he understood, he was secretly annoyed.

If this is not researched out, the higher-ups should scold people.

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of something, and a trace of hesitation flashed across his face.

After a long while, he still opened his mouth, "I brought a prisoner over here, and you can experiment on him!"


Joel and other researchers were shocked.

After being surprised for a while, they calmed down.

It's not that they haven't done human experiments before, but this time it's a little different.

In the face of this blood, they have not even done biological experiments, and it has entered the human body so quickly, is it not good?
"If something goes wrong..." Joel hesitated to speak.

"This is the request from above, you just follow it, someone will protect you!" Marek retorted.

Hearing the request from above, Joel and the others who were hesitant to speak couldn't help but shut their mouths.

Joel said helplessly, "Okay."

Marek nodded, then took out his cell phone and made a call.

A few minutes later, four men in black with guns appeared, and they pressed a strong man into the gate of the laboratory.

This brawny man had a beard all over his face, his skin was bronze, and his muscles were bulging one by one on his tall body.

At this time, he was only wearing a pair of brown shorts, his upper body was naked, his hands and feet were chained by silver chains, and he was pushed and moved by the people behind him.

"Tie him to the bench!" Marek ordered.

"Yes!" The four men in black responded.

As the order went on, the strong man wanted to struggle, but under the condition of being drugged all over his body, he couldn't struggle with four men at all. He was pushed onto a silver smooth metal bed.

There were four imprisoning handcuffs at the upper and lower corners of the metal bed, and he was directly imprisoned there, unable to move, like a wild animal waiting to be slaughtered.

(End of this chapter)

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