Chapter 446
Under the rushing waterfall about ten meters high, water droplets splashed, and a dazzling brilliance was reflected in the refraction of light.

On the bank of the waterfall pool, there are two people.

A man in his 30s, with waist-length purple hair, tall and straight, wearing a black dress, with a slightly gloomy face.

He was floating cross-legged in the air.

As for the other one, he was a man in his 20s, wearing a blood-colored armor, tall and strong, with short hair and thick eyebrows, and a tough face.

At this moment, he was standing by the pool with a careless face, with an impatient expression on his face.

The moment Su Yun looked over, those two people immediately reacted and looked over sharply.

A thick and very manly, but irritated voice sounded in the voice.

"Which guy are you?" The thick-browed man gave him a suspicious look.

Looking at this guy who was shining in the sky and completely covered his face, he felt uncomfortable.

"Why didn't I think of that?" he muttered to himself.

He showed his face foolishly, this guy who didn't know which member was actually hiding his face, he regretted it when he thought of it.

These must be the most insidious of the members!
He basically had a plan in mind.

Su Yun lowered his figure, and the light on his body covered everything nearby.

After he revealed his identity, the eyes of the two showed surprise but not surprise.

It's really secretive enough!
The short-haired strong man thought unhappily.

Except for the appearance of the light on his body, which is different from their imagination, this hidden act really fits his name.

Afterwards, Su Yun also figured out who they were. The black-haired man with thick eyebrows and big eyes and a grinning expression was indeed the soldier, and the man with purple long hair was a spirit body.

"I didn't expect you to be so fast, only a little later than the warrior." The spirit body forced a smile on the slightly gloomy face.

The stiff and ugly smile caused the soldier to touch his thick arm and muttered to move away a little.

Su Yun nodded, and explained casually, "It should be me who is closer."

Then the scene became quiet, no one answered the phone, and each stood in their own direction and waited quietly.

However, during the waiting process, the soldier occasionally looked in Su Yun's direction, scanning him suspiciously, as if he wanted to look into the light to see what he looked like.

It's just a pity that, facing the white light that was naturally concealed, he obviously failed.

1 minute passed, and there was movement in the distance.

A pale yellow figure flew from a distance, and quickly appeared in the eyes of the three.

This is a very beautiful girl in a light yellow dress with a beautiful appearance.

Her presence made everything around her slightly brighter, as if adding a beautiful landscape.

"I am resurrection, are you?" She glanced at them curiously, looked at Su Yun a few more times, and then there was a trace of annoyance in her eyes, and she also regretted not covering her face.

After some self-introduction, Su Sheng looked at Su Yun inquiringly, and said, "Secret, you and I think differently."

Su Yun looked at her suspiciously.

Resurrection said to himself, "How should I put it, it's too bright, if it's hidden in the dark, it's almost as I thought."

The soldier's eyes lit up, and he smiled, "That's right, that's what I thought!"

The corners of Su Yun's mouth twitched slightly, and he ignored the two guys.

While speaking, another member arrived. It was a handsome young man wearing golden armor and full of domineering aura.

Knowing that he was upside down, the gods continued to wait.

Then, a white-haired guy who looked like an old man flew over slowly.

Looking at this guy, not only Su Yun was surprised, but even the other gods were a little surprised.

"There are still such old gods, is this the real face?"

Hearing that the self-introduction was a prophecy guy, Su Yun was a little surprised.

Next, with cold expressions, handsome faces, and their bodies shrouded in gray misty mist, they seemed to be observing mysteriously, and they appeared in the eyes of the gods almost in no particular order.

"It's another guy who hides his head and shows his tail!" The soldier said angrily.

Stealth and observation are indeed insidious!
Resurrection's crisp voice said, "Everyone is here, spirit body, where are you talking about?"

After the words fell, all the gods looked at the spirit body.

"follow me."

The spirit body stood up straight from the cross-legged state, and flew towards the sky.

The prophecies looked at each other and followed silently.

After flying for a few minutes, the gods followed the spirit body and stood on a special boundary.

Wisps of black gas drifted away, as if it was a foggy day.

Su Yun glanced ahead through the mist, and found that a large piece of withered forest appeared there. Not only were the trees long and pitch-black, they were also crooked like ghost claws.

At this time, the sky is almost at dusk, and under the last afterglow, the shadows of the trees are like ghosts, and the whole place has a sense of eerieness.

Not only that, they had just arrived here when pairs of green eyes opened in the shadows.

After a sound, black and green monsters appeared in their eyes.

It was a group of animals with black and green hair and eyes all over their faces, like deformed goats.

Seeing the eight harmless humans and animals in front of them, who seemed to have no strength and could be slaughtered at will, a greedy red glow appeared in the eyes of these animals.

The next second, they let out a shrill howl, rushed out of the black mist ferociously, and rushed towards them crazily.

"Looking for death!" The soldier grinned ferociously.

These evil creatures with only three or four auras dare to offend them. Is this because they want to eat them?
"I come!"

He shouted to stop other people who were about to do it.

Under the surprised attention of the gods, the warrior held his right hand, and a spear covered with dense patterns and full of blood appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Then, under the astonished gazes of the others, he rushed directly towards the hundreds of evil creatures.

Soon, the painful wailing sounded continuously.


The soldier laughed loudly, slashing the blood spear in his hand again and again, each time an evil creature's body was cut off, and then fell to the ground and convulsed.

Bathed in blood, the blood-colored armor danced and became even more bloody.

In less than half a minute, every evil thing here was stabbed and hacked to death by him!
The smell of blood everywhere!
Su Yun looked at the soldier standing among the corpses of evil things, his face was full of obsession, and the blood spear in his hand was still dripping blood, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Crazy!" Resurrection muttered.

With their strength, they can clearly kill this group of monsters from a distance, but this soldier still wants to go up and kill them himself?
And the look of crazy enjoyment on her face really made her unbearable. She had a good impression of the soldier at first, and thought he looked relatively simple, but now her senses are directly negative.

It was not simple, this is a madman!
(End of this chapter)

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