I became the god of light.

Chapter 449 Powerful Banquet Members

Chapter 449 Powerful Banquet Members

"Finally dead!" Resurrection was overjoyed, she looked at Upside Down and the warrior, and smiled, "Thanks to you two!"

The soldier grinned, stretched out his hand, and the blood spear flew back.

With regret in Su Yun's eyes, he secretly sighed, "Strength..."

The confrontation just now seemed simple, but the aftermath that emanated made him a little startled.

He also chose to dodge. If he really chose to make a move, he might not even be able to break through the black mist defense of the three-eyed giant!
Fortunately, some prophecies accompanied him without doing anything, otherwise it would be really difficult.

"I hope there won't be a large-scale battle in the future." Su Yun could only pray like this.

After a while, Resurrection asked suspiciously, "What the hell is this giant? Why is it so huge?"

Looking at the huge body that looks like two mountains even if it is dead, she is amazed.

I have been observing soy sauce all the time, and said, "It should be the natural birth of the evil god's power leak."

Hearing what he said, the gods became terrified.

"No?" Resurrection was stunned.

"The evil god still has the power to create life? Or is it such a powerful creature?"

Observer nodded, and sighed, "The power of the evil god is beyond our imagination."

Resurrection asked, "Where do we go next?"

As she spoke, she glanced at the fully revealed scene after losing the giant.

Except for the black mist, the whole space doesn't even have land, and even the place where the giant fell is a space barrier!
"Look for it." The observer shook his head.

Resurrection looked at the prophecy tentatively, but the prophecy also shook his head slightly.

"In this place, my power can only be used nearby."

Resurrection nodded disappointedly.

Then, the gods continued their journey of searching.

Not long after they flew, they were suddenly taken aback and stared straight into the distance.

In the black mist in the distance, an arm comparable to the whole three-eyed giant passed by, making their hair stand on end!
"Go!" Observer was startled, turned and left without saying a word.

The other gods were also very obedient, and hurriedly followed behind and left like lightning.

"What kind of monster is that?" Resurrection had a headache.

If the monster didn't have the characteristics of the evil god, she would have thought it was the evil god. The difference in size was too huge. Compared with it, the gods were just little black spots!
Judging from its size, it is stronger than the previous one!
Even if the gods are not afraid of it, it will take a long time and expose more means to solve it!
Time passed quickly, and two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Boom boom boom!
A roar echoed in the black mist, and a three-eyed monster with a height of more than six kilometers appeared in the distance, and its strength was comparable to that of a god who had comprehended the rules!
At this time, apart from Observation and Su Yun, even Prophecy picked an opponent to join the battle.

During these two days, they have been flying towards the center of the space.

However, along the way, they found that this space was very huge, and because of the hidden monsters, they did not dare to fly too fast, resulting in slow movement.

On the way to the center this time, I encountered these six powerful three-eyed monsters. Originally, they wanted to avoid their sharp edge. After being chased for a long time, they had no choice but to choose to attack.

The situation in the six battlefields in the distance is different at this moment, and the strength of the banquet members is also directly reflected here.

Su Yun watched from a distance.

On the prophesied battlefield, He seems to be able to predict the enemy's opportunity at every moment. Under the predicted situation, no attack can hit Him!
In contrast, his attack was a bit scraping. Although it made the humanoid three-eyed monster very embarrassed, it probably took a long time to kill him.

"Prophetic authority?" Su Yun thought to himself.

Except for the prophesied battlefield, the scene of the resurrected battlefield is somewhat similar in comparison. Every attack of her can deprive the monster of its vitality, but the effect time is a bit slow.

"Life authority?" Su Yun guessed.

Thinking about it, he turned his head to look in the direction of the spirit body, only to find with a frown that a barrier covered the picture, preventing him from seeing anything.

Frowning, just when he was suspicious, the first death result was about to appear on the battlefield.

He immediately turned his head to look in the upside-down direction.

The space was messed up piece by piece, the three-eyed monster's hand was obviously about to attack upside down, but it turned out to appear behind him, and even other body parts were misplaced, and the whole body became extremely deformed.

In the end, it seemed to be tired of playing upside down. In a distant area, the space was distorted, and a jagged black crack appeared. The body of the three-eyed monster not far away disappeared in a flash, but was transferred to the crack!
A bloody scene appeared.

"Sure enough, I kept my hand before the inversion!" Su Yun's eyes froze, and after finding out that the inversion could transfer people into the space crack, he was secretly vigilant.

Or, it is also his disguise now, and part of his strength is still retained?
Before the moment of life and death, no one knows how much of his strength has not yet appeared.

As the upside-down kills the opponent, there are also results on the warrior side.

Every blow of the blood spear in the soldier's hand can leave a huge wound, bathed in blood, and the soldier's face is full of enjoyment.

At this time, he gave the final blow, piercing the head of the three-eyed monster with a blood spear.

"So fast?" Su Yun wondered.

This is obviously different from the previous performance. One-on-one to solve this three-eyed monster, which is stronger than before, is extremely enjoyable throughout the whole process, and the fight is smooth and dripping?
So why was it so difficult before?
"This guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes is really not as stupid as he appears on the surface!"

Su Yun even suspected that the fighters were still hiding at the moment, maybe they saw that the upside-down had eliminated the opponent, otherwise they would probably continue to fight!
In addition to the upside-down and the warriors, there was also a result on the final side. A dead black light rushed past, and the three-eyed monster was filled with death, as if at the last moment of its death, the last ray of life in it dissipated!
The monster crashed to the ground!
Finally, with their help, the prophecy and resurrection ended the scraping trip, and their expressions of relief can be seen from a distance.

As for the spirit body...

"Dead?" Su Yun frowned.

He found that the barrier had already disappeared, and the opponent of the spirit body had already died.

The mystery of the spirit body, the extremely powerful upside-down space authority, and the terrifying combat power of the fighters...

The more you look at him, the heavier your heart becomes, each of these is so powerful...

Su Yun silently experienced the comprehension of the rules.

"Is it only one-fifth completed...the gap, alas..."

He sighed slightly.

Don't try to compare with them until you fully comprehend.

As soon as the soldiers arrived, Resurrection complained, "Why don't you come help us? I'm exhausted!"

Her eyes were full of resentment, observing and secretly.

Observe the smile, "I'm not good at fighting."

Resurrection curled his lips, with a look of disbelief, "Even prophecy has the power to fight, you, a mysterious guy, must be stronger!"

After the resurrection, the resentful eyes turned to the secret.

"What about keeping you secret? What excuses do you have?"

 Thanks to the Elder 'Black Cat in the Rain' for the reward of 500 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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