Chapter 462
The Goddess of Harvest was terrified, the God of Mechanics could no longer maintain a calm face, and the expressions of the other three were also very ugly.

In their current physical condition, if they do not take other measures, they will definitely die!
The five gods hurriedly used their own means.

The God of Mechanics, who was wearing a silver robe, suddenly changed color and turned into a silver mechanical body.

Then, a small silver thing detached from the mechanical body, and quickly turned into another pair of mechanical gods!
As for the original body, it seems that it has lost its spirituality, its eyes are dull, and the strange injury that was suppressed broke out, and it was swallowed up and turned into dust in an instant!
"And..." Suddenly, the Mechanic God's eyes froze, frightened by the dust that appeared on his new body.

But fortunately, he noticed a little difference, the strange power was weakened!
He was overjoyed, and hastily separated more new bodies!
During his self-rescue, the other four gods also made various actions.

The plants adorning the Harvest Goddess suddenly grew fruits one by one, and then matured and separated. Every time some fruits were separated, the strange power on her body decreased a little.

The God of Contract was even more strange, as if he hadn't done anything, the power of the Eternal Night Technique on his body was inexplicably weakened.

Of course, it would be more perfect if the screams from believers in various places on the mainland were ignored.

He forcibly signed a contract with the believers and transferred the injuries on his body!
As for the Goddess of Wealth, she also has similar means. She keeps throwing out a lot of gold coins and faith crystals, and the bright brilliance flickers in the air.

As the wealth and items disappeared inexplicably, her injuries began to recover.

There is nothing in the world that cannot be solved by wealth. If there is, it must be because your wealth is not enough!
The real version of Cai Ke Tong Shen!
The God of Justice looked ugly, and suddenly a ring item appeared in his hand.

Weird rule power burst!
This force not only attracted the attention of the gods, even Su Yun, who was about to continue attacking, stopped his hands and frowned.

The half-destroyed body of the God of Justice stopped the destruction and stood still for this second!
Time has started to turn backwards!
Every second of backflow allowed him to recover from his injuries by one point.

Under this power, all the gods felt a sense of insignificance, as if they were powerless in the face of the vast world.

Four gods exclaimed.

"The power of time!"

While shocked, they thought of something.

"Ouroboros of Time?"

Their eyes froze, and they set their gazes on the ring in surprise.

Take a closer look at what kind of ring is there, it is clearly a snake biting its head and tail!
"It has long been heard that the God of Justice is related to the Ouroboros of Time. Is this actually true?"

In amazement, they saw the ring in the God of Justice's hand, and as his injury recovered, it turned into a wave of time and dissipated.

Pain flashed across the face of the God of Justice.

But the five gods didn't have time to think too much, they only had a few seconds to use their means, and they were ready to continue running after recovering from their injuries.

Even with a tacit understanding, they turned into five escaping lights and fled from different directions!
After this time, the five gods vomited blood at a loss. Not only did they fail to achieve the goal of gaining faith, but they even lost part of their believers!
God escaped?
The mortals, who were expecting the five gods to drive out the evil gods, had an unbelievable look in their eyes.

They couldn't believe that the five great gods would escape?
Just all of a sudden, the prestige of the five gods who were originally incomparably powerful dropped to freezing point in an instant.

As for the Lord of Darkness in the air, the mortals felt even more fearful.

How strong does this have to be for the five gods to retreat at the same time?
Su Yun glanced at the fleeing five gods, frowned and looked at the back of the God of Justice, and fixed his eyes on the Goddess of Harvest.

"The life-saving means are amazing, but it's too easy to just run away like this."

He really thinks that this is a place for sightseeing, so he can come and leave whenever he wants?
Even if you can't keep them all, you can still keep one or two!
As for the Goddess of Harvest, not only did her believers give him a bad impression, but her previous remarks also made him uncomfortable, so she was directly regarded as her first target.


An indifferent hum echoed between the heavens and the earth.

Ripples of space appeared, and the huge darkness disappeared into the air.

After the Harvest Goddess felt that she had escaped successfully, joy flashed in her eyes.

However, that joy later turned into hatred.

"Lord of Darkness!"

Thinking of the previous life-and-death crisis and the diminished faith, he was filled with hatred.

"Where did this guy come from! Damn it!"

Just as he was swearing viciously, ripples suddenly appeared in the space in front of her.

The Harvest Goddess thought of something, and her face showed horror.

Sure enough, in the next second, the darkness that covered the sky and the sun appeared!
As soon as she moved, she wanted to back away and run away.

Now that Su Yun was born, he naturally wouldn't let her run away like this.

With a power gap of more than nine times, no matter in terms of speed or strength, this Harvest Goddess will have no advantage!
Eternal Night!
Golden Wheel!
The sky once again returned to the state of eternal darkness, and the black light covered her body in the blink of an eye under the horrified gaze of the Harvest Goddess.

A breath of regularity erupted, and the Harvest Goddess tried to resist.

It's a pity that the Eternal Night Technique under the strength increase is not something she can resist at all!
In fright and anger, she was hit by the Eternal Night Technique again, and the black golden wheels that followed were even more life-threatening!
There was no accident in the process, under Su Yun's merciless means.

The Harvest Goddess has fallen!
The aura of rules dissipated, and at this moment, changes occurred on the mainland at the same time, and the statues of the goddess of harvest in various churches suddenly cracked the gaps.

At the same time, there is an atmosphere of sadness in the world, it seems that the world is sad, lamenting the passing of a god incarnated by rules.

Every mortal who feels sadness is full of sorrow and pain in his heart, very uncomfortable, and has the urge to cry.

Normally, ordinary people would definitely not understand what happened, but at this moment, everyone clearly knew what happened.

Because, countless huge projection screens in the sky faithfully reflected what happened!
Under the eyes of everyone, they saw with their own eyes that the Harvest Goddess fell under the hands of the Lord of Darkness!
In the village of Stauffen, Daniel, who was eagerly hoping that the Goddess of Harvest would banish the darkness, collapsed to the ground with a pale face.

"God...God has fallen?"

How can it be!
how so……

His face was full of disbelief, "No, this must be fake, how could the goddess of harvest fall, this is not true!"

He felt his faith was broken, and he didn't want to accept it!
(End of this chapter)

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