I became the god of light.

Chapter 480 True God Promoted!

Chapter 480 True God Promoted!
Facing the vigilant eyes of the gods, the spirit body didn't care at all. He smiled and said, "Don't you take advantage of this opportunity to be promoted? If you miss it, you will have no chance."

"Actually, don't worry about me, my purpose is the same as yours."

When he said this, he had to predict a few times before he realized that his goal now was promotion!

But after being told by the spirit body, they hesitated instead.

Would this be dangerous?
But if you don't get promoted, you will miss this opportunity...

The earth shook and the sky shook, and the strong aftermath continued to spread, and the gods retreated again and again.

At this moment, a new accident occurred. At some point, the cracked earth began to heal, and the gap quickly closed.

Not only that, under the attack of the two terrifying existences, the ground that could be easily split suddenly became extremely solid, and they were barely damaged in the aftermath.

This weird scene instantly attracted the attention of other gods, and they all realized something.

"Another true god has come!"

Sure enough, in the next second, a large amount of yellow light seeped out from the entire earth, and they gathered quickly.

At the same time, devout whispers of prayer sounded.

"He is old, He is eternal, He was born with the world!"

"He is the eternal earth, the source of thousands of lives!"

"Mother of the earth who multiplies all beings, the ineffable greatness!"

In the shocking eyes of the gods, the infinite yellow light converged into a hazy and slender god.

As heard in prayer, seeing Him was like looking at the earth itself!
Even his original body was comparable to the size of the entire earth, but under the constraints of the world, it shrunk down to two or three tenths of the world.

But even so, he still looks towering, and the gods look small and pitiful against the backdrop of his body.

As soon as he appeared, his mouth closed slightly, and he spoke a name.

The complex and mysterious voice finally turned into three words.


The real name from the true god resounded throughout the world, and all things seemed to be deaf, and they didn't hear it, and they didn't hear it.

Even ordinary gods can only vaguely hear and understand part of it. Only those who foretell them, who have reached the peak of gods, can barely hear them clearly.

Their expressions were horrified, and the name kept echoing in their minds.

Ares, is this the real name of the Scarlet True God?
As soon as they thought of this name, they suddenly felt a chill all over, as if they were being watched.

They suddenly realized that anyone who thinks or reads this real name will be noticed by the Lord.

In horror, they hurriedly tried their best to ignore this real name, and tried their best to forget it.

The blood-colored giant, who was in the middle of a fierce battle, glanced at the mother of the earth lightly when he heard the words, and didn't pay attention to her, and continued to fight fiercely with the nuclei of all mysteries.

The Mother of the Earth frowned, and when she was about to say something, a black tentacle covered in green mucus and emitting a stench suddenly appeared from the void, and was drawn straight towards his chest.

Looking at this disgusting tentacle, how could the mother of the earth bear this kind of thing to get on her body.

He directly joined the battlefield, and was about to crush that disgusting thing to death!
The Nucleus of Mystery, which was already at a disadvantage, didn't care at all. In his half-mad consciousness, it would be nothing if there was another true god. It can also be said that he is used to it and has no fear.

Because, no god can really kill him!
For him, this is like a game after waking up. If you lose, you can continue to sleep, and when you wake up, continue the game!
Tentacles were drawn towards the blood-colored giant and the Mother of the Earth, and were cut off by a blood-colored spear and a golden scepter.

After the black tentacles fell to the ground, large areas of the ground were polluted and changed in nature, turning into monsters as they squirmed.

If the mother of the earth hadn't seen the situation and restricted the changes of those lands, a lot of monsters would appear at this time, and then wreak havoc on the land.

When the earth became stronger, the sky suffered, and large tracts of space were shattered under their waving, looking like they had been brutally abused.

In this case, the owner of the sky outside him will naturally not turn a blind eye.

The sky squirmed!
A mass of invisible, colorless, but vaguely outlined things squirmed in the air, as if between the intersection of reality and illusion.

Its strong sense of existence reminds that this is also a great existence that cannot be understood!
The sky is shouting, singing, and praying, rejoicing for His coming.

With His coming, the sky was strengthened, and a large area of ​​space was easily broken under the offensive of the three great beings, and the form was changed immediately.

During the attack, one after another pitch-black cracks appeared, but they were hard to shatter!
With the appearance of the ruler of the sky, the world turmoil became more intense!
"Are the true gods from the mainland over there attracted?" Su Yun murmured to himself.

While being shocked by the power of the true gods, he couldn't help yearning for it, and couldn't help but want to be promoted.

He glanced at the resurrected them, and found that the expressions on their faces were still hesitant.

He glanced at the core of the myriad of tricks that was completely at a disadvantage in the face of the three true gods, and who did not know when it would be resolved.

He couldn't help but reminded, "If we don't get promoted again, we won't be able to get promoted until the Nucleus of Mysteries is defeated, and we will probably be liquidated by the True God."

As soon as these words came out, their hearts shuddered, and some urgency appeared on their faces.

However, no god is a fool, and everyone knows the fate of being a top bird, but the situation of the core of myriad tricks is really not good.

At this time, Guan observed with a smile, "You all don't want to be the first one, so let me do it."

The gods couldn't help but look at him in astonishment. You must know that the first one is the most dangerous one. Observe him...

Just as they were astonished, the strange fluctuations that suddenly appeared from the world immediately caught their attention.

The rules are in flux!
"Is it true to observe him?" The resurrected few were stunned.

The turbulence of the rules immediately attracted the attention of all the gods who understood the rules, as well as the true god.

"Who is so bold?"

The gods all over the world were amazed.

"Someone is promoting to the true god?"

The three true gods who were fighting paused, their faces were slightly puzzled, and then they realized that something was wrong.

This volatility...

Before they could figure it out, another wave appeared.

There was a moment of hesitation on the face of the resurrection, thinking that the most dangerous thing was done by observation, what else was he afraid of.

She gritted her teeth.

A breath of life sweeps the world, the world is full of vitality, what existence has merged into the world!
Among the countless illusory rules, the original illusory rules of life will become real!
The rules are more turbulent, and the world is cheering, as if celebrating the birth of another true god!
However, there was a thump in the resurrection heart, a little uneasy.

Because she noticed that the influence she caused was somewhat different from the previous observation?
Subconsciously, she turned her head to look at the observation, and the observation that happened to be shrouded in the mist also looked over.

Although he couldn't see his face, he had an intuition in his heart, and he must have smiled when he observed this meeting.

With a thump in his heart, Su Xing wanted to question him.

(End of this chapter)

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