I became the god of light.

Chapter 502 Another World?

Chapter 502 Another World

It can be said that there is nothing there, and it can also be said that there is everything there!
At the same time, in Su Yun's perception, the universe is sending out a complex and mysterious atmosphere or information all the time.

In the information that was distributed, Su Yun suddenly noticed a sense of familiarity.

It seems that because of the information emitted by the universe, between the existence and non-existence around, some places have a sense of connection with Him, but it is specious!
"This feeling is a bit like a parallel body?"

Su Yun pondered, "But it doesn't look like..."

It's a bit like, His information spread out from the universe, and that unknown place was affected by His information, thus giving birth to things related to Him.

Out of curiosity, Su Yun's thinking beyond time and space couldn't help but followed that faint sense of familiarity, and headed towards the unknown place!
There seems to be a distance in this place, and it seems that there is no distance. It is very strange, and it is simply a contradiction!
However, even in such a strange place, his thinking beyond time and space has a feeling of being detached from it, and he quickly found a place that gave him a sense of familiarity.

A strange scene appeared. It was clear that there was nothing there a moment ago, but as his thinking beyond time and space spread away, a dark thing like a black hole appeared!
"This is!"

Surprised, he wanted to go in and check the instant connection.

As a result, to his surprise, his over-time and space-time thinking, which has always been omnipotent, encountered obstacles!
It was a seemingly thin barrier barrier that felt infinitely thick!
Su Yun even had a feeling that he was instinctively rejecting his own super-temporal thinking, just like a foreign virus appeared in the human body, and the body would instinctively resist and eliminate it.

Naturally, he will not give up, the powerful and terrifying thinking consciousness is attacking and invading there!
I don't know how long it has passed, it seems like a moment, and it seems like an infinite time.

Su Yun broke through that pitch-black barrier!
As soon as a ray of thinking consciousness entered, Su Yun felt that the connection of consciousness was blocked. The image point is that the signal became weaker and was blocked by that layer of barrier!
Even when the thinking consciousness just entered, an instinctive hostility appeared nearby, oppressing him all the time, trying to eliminate this strand of thinking consciousness!
Even if Su Yun's thinking transcends time and space, in the case of only a little bit, those who are oppressed have a feeling that they will disappear at any time!
But even for such a short time, he also noticed the abnormality.

"Brand new rules!"

Su Yun felt that it was very different from other worlds, and there were rules of parallel universes!
"There turned out to be a new world, or a place similar to the universe?"

Su Yun thought in astonishment.

"Then... what is that connection?"

Just when he was thinking in doubt, and even wanted to find it along the connection, his thinking beyond time and space was obliterated and disappeared!
Su Yun's face turned black, what the hell world or universe!
If the main body is not there, He will definitely teach it to be a human being!
"The targeting is too powerful!"

"We must find a way!"

After thinking for a while, he quickly thought of a place.

"Perhaps, that sense of connection is the key to breaking the game?"

Just as Su Yun was about to take action, he suddenly thought of something, "No, you can't simply send your thoughts to the past, otherwise the situation is unclear, and the sense of connection may disappear along with it!"

At that time, not only will you not get anything, but you will not be able to steal chickens and lose money.

Maybe next time, you won’t be able to find a place!
In an instant, he began to think, should he make a golden finger for himself?
After thinking for a while, he soon thought of a magic technique.

Photon system!
It is also my own thinking, and it also has the characteristics of time and space, so it can go to that place!
"I just don't know, will the photon thinking be weakened after leaving the body?"

Without the powerful hardware of the main body, the possibility of being weakened is very high.

And that place still excludes me so much...

"Forget it, don't care about it, there's nothing wrong with being reckless once!"

Apart from anything else, the photon thinking was split into a small strand, and then carrying the noumenon's thinking consciousness, it quickly rushed towards that unknown place!
Like a moment, and like an infinite time, the photon thinking followed the sense of connection and came to that unknown area!
After breaking through the inconceivable black barrier, without waiting for those instincts to attack and oppress him, his super-dimensional thinking instantly shifted through the sense of connection!
That instinct didn't even react!



There is a feeling of unconsciousness...

"what happened?"

Su Yun felt as if he was stuffed into the body of a dead object, and at the same time, there was invisible oppression and repulsion coming from the void.

That instinct came after me, everywhere?
Fortunately, with the fluctuation of his miraculous thinking, this dead body was forcibly activated!
Cold numbness, like the numbness caused by the long-term blood flow in the body, some people can't feel the body.

This was Su Yun's first feeling.

As time passed, His white fingers moved slightly.

In a toilet with a western style and a pungent smell.

On the yellowed white marble floor, there was an eight or nine-year-old boy who was dressed in black aristocratic clothes and had short blond hair.

His face was pale, bloodless and lifeless.

Look closely and you can't even see the rise and fall of this little kid's chest!
he died……

However, at this moment, a strange scene appeared, the finger of the nearly ten-year-old boy even moved a bit!
If this is known, it is estimated that it will scare the pee!
Finger movement is getting bigger and bigger!
Su Yun slowly opened his eyes.

"Is this a corpse?"

Following the sense of connection, I came to a dead body?
He wasn't surprised that he could be resurrected, even if it was a corpse, even if his thinking and consciousness were suppressed, but under his miraculous nature, he could forcefully manipulate it!
In scientific terms, his brain waves are so powerful that he can forcibly control his body!
And those cells that have not been active for a long time have been forcibly activated to some extent!
Just when Su Yun was puzzled, a faint voice came from a distance.

"It's over... this Arthur is dead, will we be implicated?"

A terrified voice of a teenager.

"What are you afraid of? He is just the son of a marquis who is not valued. Even if he dies, he will not be valued!"

"Besides, we didn't kill him!"

"The Duke's son killed him, what does it matter to us?"

A rough boyish voice.

"Even if that guy who is not valued is dead, someone will cause trouble, and the duke's son will support him, it's nothing!"

"That's the only son of the Duke! What is he, the son of a Marquis who is not valued?"

The rough boy's voice was full of disdain, as if he was the son of the duke, with an inexplicable sense of superiority and pride.

It's like killing a Marquis's child, even if he is not valued, he is still a nobleman, which can make him inexplicably comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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