Chapter 508
"Drip, the "Arthur Knight Exercise Method" (medium royal level) takes about one day to train an apprentice knight, and the limit takes about two days."

"This is the speed I expected." Su Yun smiled slightly.

He wasn't too surprised by this speed, except that the exercise method jumped from the civilian level to the royal level, and he calculated it based on 24 hours of exercise.

Didi automatic practice!
"Drip, 24-hour automatic cultivation..."

"Apprentice knights, it is expected to take about a day..."

The muscles and breathing in the body are automatically adjusted, making him exercise his whole body all the time!
Even more than that, the royal-level exercise method has an additional effect, it can exercise the internal organs!
As the practice grows longer, the internal organs will gradually become stronger. Whether it is strength or the power that can be erupted, it will naturally increase. This is the superiority of royal-level exercises.

If the noble knights are compared to the royal knights, the royal knights can definitely fight three!
Thinking about it, Su Yun couldn't help but think of the legendary level, "If there is more information, it should be deduced."

"Even the royal level has special effects, so it must be rated as a higher level, and the legendary level that only exists in stories and legends must be even more powerful?"

Su Yun was looking forward to it.

"However, there are too few data now, and only more data can speed up the progress."

He couldn't help but think of the large amount of information from the Vienna Academy, as well as the information from other nobles. If they can be obtained, the legendary level will definitely be deduced!
As for now, there is a lack of new information, so it can only be deduced slowly by the comprehension and creativity of the photon system.

"Photon system, deduce advanced royal level!"

"During the deduction... it is expected to take about fifteen days..."

The next step is to wait slowly.

During dinner, because he didn't go to the academy, the Marquis Vicente asked about it.

Amid the sound of tableware colliding, a thick male voice sounded.

"I heard you asked for leave?"

"I want to rest for a few days and go again in a few days." Su Yun said casually.

Marquis Vicente frowned slightly. Fortunately, he didn't expect much from him, so he didn't ask any further questions, and asked another question instead.

"You went to the library today and browsed through books all day?"

Mrs. Gulila and Raymond, who were listening with pricked ears, were shocked for a moment.

"This Arthur has changed sex?"

Fortunately, they didn't have any surprises for a long time. When they heard the Marquis frowned and said about Arthur's speed of turning the pages, the two looked strange and looked at Arthur with contempt. A waste is a waste. They are so big and they are still playing around!
Su Yun lowered his head and said submissively, "I'm collecting information to study."

Marquis Vicente frowned and looked at Arthur seriously, thinking that he was not only joking but also lying!
Mrs. Gu Lila, who was at the side, caught a glimpse of the Marquis, and smiled triumphantly in her heart.

"I'm really thinking too much. Sure enough, nothing has changed with this bitch Arthur."

Thinking about it, she decided to maintain the image of a loving mother, and said kindly, "Arthur is only nine years old. After all, he is still young. It's okay to play around, and he will be fine when he grows up."

Seemingly kind, but faintly pointed out Arthur's age.

It's fine if you're a commoner at the age of nine, but nobles can be regarded as little adults, how can they be so nonsense?
Sure enough, the next second...

Marquis Vicente frowned even tighter, looking at Arthur in disappointment.

Su Yun's mouth twitched slightly.

These days, honestly no one listens?
After having dinner in a bad atmosphere, Su Yun finally returned to the room calmly under the gaze of disappointment and disdain.

In the evening of the second day, the sound from the photon system sounded on time.

"Drip, the promotion to the trainee knight was successful!"

Feeling that the strength of his body has nearly doubled, and he has grown a few centimeters taller, Su Yun is in a good mood.

Time goes on.

"Drip, the promotion to the peak apprentice knight has succeeded!"

Standing by the window in the room, Su Yun smiled slightly facing the setting sun shining in, and thought to himself, "Deduce the time needed to be promoted to a full-time knight!"

"Drip, "Arthur Knight Exercise Method" (medium royal level) will take about two days to become a full-fledged knight."

Noon two days later.

"Drip, the promotion to the official knight was successful!"

Su Yun shook the palm of his hand, and a powerful force circulated in his hand.

His current physical strength is very strong, he can easily defeat a hundred adults!
"Nine-year-old official knight." Su Yun looked down at his own body with a strange expression.

Thanks to his strong control over his body, his body shape and height have not changed much, and he no longer looks thin and small, like a normal child of a commoner.

It's just that compared with the children who practiced the knight exercise method, he still looks a little thinner. No one would have imagined how much power is hidden in his small body!
After gaining the power of a formal knight, Su Yun was not complacent. Not to mention the possible mysterious power, he said that the cheap father and the old man named Julio were not something he could deal with now.

Subconsciously, Su Yun thought of the next level.

Great knight!
"Drip, "Arthur Knight Training Method" (medium royal level) will take about ten days to cultivate to a great knight."

Su Yun felt a little slow, but he could only wait slowly, and the time could be shortened only if the knight skills were improved.

Another eight days passed, and there were still two days before the promotion.

This dinner, at the dining table, the Marquis Vicente, who had watched Arthur play for many days, couldn't bear it anymore, and looked at him sternly, "Arthur, it's time for you to go to the academy!"

Mrs. Gulila on the side wished that this bastard would waste more time, but she was a loving mother, so she could only persuade her kindly, "Your father is right, even if you want to play, Arthur, you can learn to play, you can't Falling down like this."

As she said that, she had a look of regret.

"If you can't learn anything, you can ask your elder brother for advice, he will become an official knight in a few days!"


The serious-looking Marquis Vicente, as Gulila expected, looked at Raymond with a look of surprise.

"Raymond, are you going to advance?"

"Yes father!"

Feeling his father's surprised gaze, Lei Meng couldn't help raising his head and proudly glanced at his younger brother.

He said triumphantly, "I feel it, the limit that is about to be broken!"

"Okay!" The corners of Marquis Vicente's solemn face couldn't help but curl up slightly at this moment, "As expected of my son!"

He is sincerely happy for Raymond, a 13-year-old official knight, this is worth showing off!
Raymond, the eldest son, is indeed his favorite. He can become a formal knight at this age, and even an extremely difficult great knight is expected in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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