I became the god of light.

Chapter 517 The Witch's Battle

Chapter 517 The Witch's Battle

Hearing the roar of the tiger, no matter whether it was the old witch or Lina and the others, they were all a little surprised.

Following the roar of the tiger, an orange tiger that was more than three meters long jumped out.

It waved its big fleshy palm fiercely, trying to drive those suicidal birds away.

Seeing that it was a wild beast, Lina and the others and the old witch didn't care, it was just a ferocious beast.

The old witch looked at it, and suddenly thought of something, felt that this beast was a little familiar, as if it had come to steal something occasionally?
Although a little angry, she decided to focus on the enemy first.

However, just when they were about to turn their attention to each other, there was another sound that caught their attention, and they became vigilant again.

Until an eight or nine-year-old child in a platinum dress slowly walked out of the grass.


Everyone's original vigilance was instantly let go.

Although I don't know how a child would appear here, and a giant tiger appeared beside him, but a child is a child, so what threat can there be?
Even if he starts exercising in his stomach, he won't be much stronger!
The three of Lina and the old witch all thought so.

As for the child, they selectively ignored it, and waited until the other party was resolved before dealing with this little problem.

The old witch Jie Jie sneered, "You three little bugs, who sent you here? What's the purpose?"

Kenneth felt the pain in his left hand, and said viciously, "There is no reason, you old witch should be eliminated!"

"I know it even if you don't tell me, it's the royal family, right? Can you call three great knights at once..."

The old witch sneered, and was about to say something.

Before she could finish speaking, a big sword swung towards her face, stabbing towards her chest.

But Kenneth saw an opportunity and wanted to use a sneak attack to kill the witch when she was distracted.

The old witch sneered, as if she had expected it long ago, and was ready to dodge before Kenneth threw the sword.

With a whoosh, the big sword brushed past the old witch.


Kenneth, who thought he was sure of everything, was a little taken aback.


Before he had time to think, he greeted the other two.

The three rushed towards the old witch fiercely, and when they started, the old witch was also prepared.

Her eyes widened, and a few complicated and ugly words appeared from her mouth in a blink of an eye.

An incredible scene appeared in the next second, a whirlwind was created out of thin air, and then swept towards the three people who were rushing, sand, stones and dust were flying, making them a little bit blind for a moment, and their movements slowed down.

At the same time, a flock of dead birds in the sky and some poisonous insects crawled from the ground and rushed towards the three of them frantically.

The three of Lina were shocked, and a mysterious power appeared in front of them. How could this not surprise them!
What was thought to be a legend in the past, turned out to be true?
Even Su Yun who was in the distance was a little surprised.

"Quak quack quack..." The suicidal birds made a hasty and ugly call.

The black feathers kept falling, and one by one the dead birds broke their wings.

Seeing that the three of them wanted to stand against the whirlwind, and the dead bird and other animals blocked them from breaking through, the old witch would naturally not allow this to happen.

After a complicated and unspeakable language was spoken, a thick black and green fog appeared on her upper body.

Then she pointed, and the black and green thick fog gathered and wrapped around the three of them.

The three of them, who had just stared at the gust of wind that was about to rush over, were startled and subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

But even if he was careful, he was still somewhat contaminated by the black and green mist.

The sizzling sound came out, causing the three of them to be shocked.

The weapons in their hands turned out to be pitted, as if corroded.

Even the armor on their bodies became rusty and stained, and even the skin turned black and green after being stained, and some flesh and blood were corrupted, emitting a pungent stench instantly.

The old witch happily said, "Corrosion..."

"What a vicious force, let's go!" Kenneth yelled.

Lena and William nodded.

They all realized that if they got together, they would be easily hit by this weird move, and if they separated, the old witch would probably be helpless.

The old witch who was smiling all over her face darkened faintly.

These people actually hit her weak spot!
The few blows just now looked powerful, but they also consumed a lot of her, causing her to feel a little dizzy.

Looking at the three people surrounding her in three directions, the old witch felt a headache.

Kenneth held the spare long sword in his right hand, and stepped hard on the floor with his right foot. The ground was slightly sunken, and the powerful explosive force made him explode at a very fast speed.

Fortunately, the old witch had already prepared a new witchcraft, otherwise she would definitely not be able to react and be killed.

Charm witchcraft!
Kenneth, who was about to attack, stopped, looked at the old witch with a dazed look, and suddenly felt that the wrinkled face, and the yellow bared mouth and buck teeth were so cute, so impressive. People are intoxicated.

When he lost his mind, a little green snake flew out from the old witch's sleeve.

It seemed that there was an invisible force holding it up, and it flew towards Kenneth who was in a trance.

The snake's mouth opened wide, and venom leaked from its two fangs.


"Be careful!"

Lina and the two exclaimed.

The two rushed over, trying to knock the snake into the air. The old hag, who had been prepared for a long time, shook her gray sleeves, and two little green snakes flew out, flying straight in the direction they were going.

It was just such a little effort, Kenneth was bitten by the green snake on the neck before he recovered.

"Ah!" The burning pain made him wake up.

The deadly venom spreads from the main artery to the whole body!
Kenneth's face, full of brown beards, turned black in an instant.

The old witch was all smiles.

"Old witch! I'll fight you!" Kenneth roared.

Perhaps because he knew that he was likely to die, he immediately rushed towards the old witch regardless of whether it was the bugs on the ground or the death birds pecking at him. He just rushed towards the old witch with red eyes and resentment. witch.

The speed at which the great knight exploded without any scruples surprised the old witch who was too late to continue performing witchcraft. She turned around and wanted to run away.

It's a pity that even if her brain can react, her old body can't.

Facing the long sword cutting straight towards her head, she could only dodge sideways as much as possible.

"Ah!" With a scream, the old witch's left arm fell to the ground along with the basket.

"Die!" Kenneth's twisted heart felt happy.

Witches are really fragile!
As long as they are not given time to perform their witchcraft, they can't even defeat the apprentice knight!
Before, the three of them were a little confused by the mysterious power, and the distance was enough for the old witch to perform witchcraft. Otherwise, the so-called witch would have died long ago!
Kenneth was full of sarcasm, and was about to send this useless witch to die.

As a result, the snake's venom broke out, his head became dizzy, and his body staggered.

A whirlwind appeared from around the old witch, quickly blowing away Kenneth and the other two big knights who were about to come up to make up the knife.

Excessive blood loss, and the drowsiness caused by continuous witchcraft, made the old witch's face extremely pale.

Shoulders and arms were sliced ​​open and she would probably have died even if she had been a witch!
"I want you to die!"

Under the resentment, while the whirlwind was still there, she took out a transparent bottle containing green liquid with her intact right hand, and then poured it down without saying a word.

The old witch's complexion was ruddy as if she had been injected with chicken blood, and she burst out with terrifying power in an instant. She even charmed the three of them, and then controlled the green snake and the poisonous insect to bite them!

The screams came one after another, and the deadly snake venom was injected into their blood, and the three of Lina looked desperate.

As for the old witch, she took advantage of her charm and fled to the distance, wanting to leave here.

However, the three great knights were all like this, how could the old witch escape and rushed up like crazy.

The old witch's face was flushed abnormally, and she burst out with a powerful force, once again charmed the three of them, and she collapsed on the ground, howling and panting.

Stimulated by the severe pain, the three of Lena quickly recovered.

It's just that the snake's venom was almost gone, Kenneth fell directly to the ground, his face was blue and foaming at the mouth, while Lina and Wei Qian were much better and still had the ability to move.

Facing the two big knights walking towards her with hatred on their faces, the old hag let out a miserable laugh, and was about to explode before dying.

"Well, can you stop for a while?"

Su Yun, who has been eating melons and watched a show about the death of each other, couldn't help but speak.


The old witch, Lena, William, and Kenneth, who was lying on the ground covered with poisonous insects and was about to pass out, all froze for a moment.

that kid?
Facing the three distorted faces and the vicious gaze of the old witch, the child who had been ignored by several people was not only not frightened, but calm and composed.

It wasn't until then how many people realized that they seemed to have underestimated this child?
Just as they were thinking this way, the young boy turned to look at the old witch and asked, "Where did your witchcraft come from?"

"What? Want to learn?" The old witch was short of breath and sneered.

Lina and William were startled, and their eyes towards the child instantly became vigilant, even with a hint of murderous intent.

"Do you think everyone has talent?" The old witch sneered, "A man also wants to learn witchcraft?"

Everyone could hear the sarcasm in her words.

But it's no wonder, she can't be blamed for thinking so.

You know, there is no one in a thousand people who have the talent for witchcraft!
Even most of the people who have the talent for witchcraft are women. Although men have a little bit, but the number is very small, and the talent is not as good as that of witches. That's why she is so sarcastic, with a faint taste of superiority in her voice.

Relieved, Lena and William laughed at the child's delusions.

What would the world be like if everyone could learn witchcraft?
At the same time, they also feel that the child has some problems in thinking.

If you don't learn good chivalry, what kind of vicious and wasteful witchcraft!
"Huh?" Suddenly, the old witch was surprised, and the shocking words made several people astonished.

"How are you not affected by the charm witchcraft!"

Just now, she felt malicious in her heart and wanted to kill this child. She used a little bit of charming power, and wanted him to deal with the two big knights, and then was killed by the big knights. As a result...

At the moment when the witchcraft was performed, as soon as the charming spiritual power enveloped the child, she realized something was wrong.

Mental power collision...

Great shore, vast!
She doesn't know how to describe it!
Although that spiritual power was very little, it gave her a feeling of facing the world in a trance, and she was like a little bug!
Even when her mental power collided, under that stalwart mental power, she felt suffocated and couldn't breathe.

Horror, thriller!
"Maybe 'God' is like this?" In a trance, she didn't know why she came up with this idea.

The old witch shook her head quickly, thinking that she was really crazy, otherwise how could she think of God.

Although this child is special, how could he be a god?

But even so, this powerful mental power made her extremely shocked, and she murmured, "What a terrifying spiritual power, your talent..."

A man who possesses such a daunting talent!
She has never seen anyone with a higher talent than the kid in front of her!
The old witch's answer made Lina and the two startled, "This child has a talent for witchcraft? A wizard?"

"Does he still have a terrifying talent?"

In a flash of thought, they had murderous intentions towards this child.

Even if it's a child, having talent is a curse!
And it is very lucky for them to be able to kill a guy with great talent before they die!
Before the snake's venom took hold, William rushed to the old witch, while Lina pulled out the dagger from her waist, and threw it at the head of the child in the distance with all her strength.

"I'm sorry little brother, I can only let you..." Lina smiled helplessly.

However, the next scene made several people look dazed and astonished.

I saw the child stretch out his hand, and two fingers easily caught the flying dagger.

The sound of inhalation sounded one after another.

Is this a joke?
A child catches the dagger thrown by the great knight?
Still look very relaxed?
"You..." Lina was shocked and was about to say something, but the white dagger flying back in front of her eyes made her eyes look shocked.


The dagger was pierced straight into her chest, and blood oozed out.

"Big Knight?" Lina called out in disbelief.

 Thanks for the reward of 11600 coins from the hall master of 'not mature enough'.

  Thanks to the head of 'Black Cat in the Rain' for the reward of 500 coins.

  Sorry, I will add more tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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