I became the god of light.

Chapter 539 The End of the Wizarding World

Chapter 539 The End of the Wizarding World
As soon as the flesh and blood body came into contact with his regular body, it instantly became full of regularity and divinity, and would soon be assimilated into light and darkness.

Su Yun suddenly thought of something fun.

After doing all this, he should have left with the harvest, but after thinking about it for a moment, he decided to do whatever he wanted.

After all, the avatar stayed there for a while, and left just like that, feeling a bit regretful.

With a thought in Su Yun's mind, a rule was used by him.

Bloodline rules!
On the earth, a group of people suddenly found that the world had returned to normal, with light and darkness disappearing.

When they looked up tremblingly, everything returned to normal, with blue sky and white clouds, as if nothing had happened!
After a while, the faces of the wizards showed the look of the survivors, and it was not until this moment that they had time to think about other things.

There was no danger, and some people with no brains could not help but look in the direction of Marquis Vicente and others with malicious intentions.

Marquis Vicente keenly sensed the dark, prying and greedy eyes, and his face darkened.

what do they want!
A tall, tall and thick man with a smile on his face walked towards the place where Marquis Vicente and the others were.

With a look of respect on his face, he asked curiously, "Who was that just now?"

All eyes are fixed on here.

Marquis Vicente's heart sank, and he already had a premonition that the family's situation would not be good in the future.

These greedy wizards will start to fear God and dare not do anything.

But ten years, 20 years later...

It is very likely that someone will not be able to resist going to their family, spying and searching for something related to God!
After seeing the great power of God, no one can refuse what God has!
Just when Marquis Vicente and the others felt bad, a sudden change occurred!
The faces of Marquis Vicente and Julio changed.

A powerful breath erupted, and the space was slightly distorted!
Wisps of pale golden divine blood were quickly born from their bodies, and their aura was surging at a frightening speed!
The black dimmed.

Thunder roared in the sky.

"what happened?"

The wizards looked terrified, and were forced back again and again by the strong wind formed by the momentum.

At this moment, the void resounded with divine praise, as if an angel was singing.

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to those with whom he is pleased."

Everyone was stunned, with panic in their eyes.

is God!
Not long after, the surging momentum slowly subsided, and the scene inside was also revealed.

Time seemed to turn back, Julio's gray hair and wrinkles disappeared, and together with Marquis Vicente, he became extremely young.

What caught everyone's eyes were two young men in their twenties, handsome, stalwart, full of divine aura.

The aura of higher life permeated the air.

Whether it is a wizard or a believer in the cult, this meeting feels like becoming an ant, with a desire to kneel and surrender!
Marquis Vicente, with bright short blond hair, steel needle-like stubble all over his chin, a muscular body and a resolute face, tremblingly shook his powerful palm.

The decayed and tired feeling of the body disappeared, and the surrounding things became clear, whether it was vision or hearing, everything was different!
Everything seemed to open its doors to him!
At this time, a message appeared in the minds of the two Marquis Vicente.

Although nothing else was said in the message, the two understood and knew who did it all.

They looked at each other complicatedly.

Then, they looked at the wizards with cold eyes.

"What do you want!"

The wizards backed away in horror.

It's a pity that the power of the first generation of gods is overwhelming, and no mortal can defeat them.

Screams and the smell of blood filled the air.

Su Yun, who became regular and invisible, looked at the scene on the ground from a distance, and nodded slightly.

"I didn't expect the result to be good, and it really came out."

Through the law of blood, he gave them his divine blood!
All members of the Balcarcer family completed their transformation in an instant and became gods!
The distance between the bloodlines makes each of them have different strengths, and the strongest among them is naturally Marquis Vicente, who has reached the level of a ninth-level god or above!
This is because Su Yun thought that he would not be able to encourage the growth of the seedlings and make the gods lose their potential, so he removed the light and dark attribute of the divine blood and turned it into a divine blood with no attributes, otherwise they would all have god-level strength!
As for what attributes they will have in the future, and to what extent they will reach, that depends on themselves.

"Maybe through the remaining instincts, you can gain power?"

Su Yun thought amusedly.

Speaking of the instinctive consciousness of the world, he couldn't help but sigh the harvest of this trip.

After devouring that thing, unexpectedly, he got a lot of origin in a blink of an eye, and that thing was actually condensed by origin!
At the same time, he also knew how that instinct appeared, and it was related to him, because a lot of beliefs appeared in his relationship, and after the world absorbed it, that instinctive consciousness was born somewhere.

"Most of the origin of this world is in that instinct, and it was swallowed up at once, but it made me complete three-tenths of the fusion of light and dark."

"Unfortunately, this world has been squeezed dry by me."

Su Yun felt a little regretful.

Also because of this, that instinct was abolished, from mentally retarded to almost brain dead, leaving only a little residue.

It is estimated that it will recover a little after ten thousand years have passed, right?

"Sure enough, the universe is still powerful, with a steady stream, comparable to a power bank."

Su Yun sighed and murmured, "The omnipotence has also been strengthened a lot."

After swallowing that instinct, the rules of countless worlds were opened to him. To put it bluntly, his use of all the rules has been strengthened by about half, and he has moved a little towards the true omniscience and omnipotence!
"Maybe, I know what is missing to become the Supreme God here in the real world."

Su Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

After thinking, he took one last look at this vibrant world.

"I don't know how the world will end up."

Although he can spy on the future of this world through prophecy and other rules, but...

His body of rules breaks away from the world.

"That's not interesting, the unknown is interesting."

Before disappearing, the chuckle that can sink the world reverberates.

A battlefield full of wreckage.

With his departure, the Marquis Vicente in the wizarding world felt a little lost.

Julio looked at him suspiciously.

Marquis Vicente shook his head slightly, looked up at the sky, and thought it might be an illusion.

Time goes on.

The age of wizards ends, and a new age begins.

This is the age of the gods!
Theogony first page, first line.

The God of Creation, who is illusory and only exists in concepts...

There is also a powerful first-generation God King...

 Thanks to the Grandmaster of 'Black Cat in the Rain' for the reward of 500 coins.

  Thanks to 'Ni Ye Ye, Song Er' for the reward of 588 coins.

  Thanks for the reward of 588 coins from 'Mizui'.

(End of this chapter)

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