I became the god of light.

Chapter 553 Exposed?

Chapter 553 Exposure
Spatial fluctuations appear.

In a blink of an eye, the four of Lu Zhiang came to the mountain outside, right next to Xiangyang's little electric donkey.

When the warm sunlight shone down on them, it made them feel alive.

Keeping their feet on the ground made them realize that they were still alive and had escaped from that place!
No, it shouldn't be said to be running away!
The magic lamp floated in the air and shone with light, and several horrified eyes stared at it.

The tall Ming Bing was stunned and said, "That painting has been swallowed!"

"What kind of containment is this!" Lu Zhiang murmured absently.

Suspected to possess the ability of parallel time and space, the very powerful and weird painting was actually defeated by another contained object?
The three of Lu Zhiang didn't even know if this could be described as defeat.

It's not a simple escape, or suppression, it's like devouring the painting!
And the power required between them is not at the same level at all!
It is speculated from the side that the ranking of the contained objects in that painting should be ranked in the top [-], and the power is very powerful, but even so, they were all swallowed up by the golden lamp without any resistance.

Any fool can know what this means!
It means that the power of this lamp is more terrifying and more incomprehensible!
At the same time, they were also a little puzzled. Obviously the contained objects had indelible characteristics, but for some reason, they had the feeling that the painting had been swallowed up and had already disappeared.

"It should be an illusion!"

they thought.

Lu Zhiang looked at the golden lantern in Xiangyang's hand, and asked in a trembling voice, "What is in your hand?"

Hearing this, Xiang Yang subconsciously hid the lamp behind her back, trying to get the three of them to look away from it.

He panicked and said vaguely, "It's nothing, it's just an ordinary lamp."

The three of Wang Fei: "..."

It's just talking nonsense!
This is called ordinary, so what is called extraordinary?
Looking at the ordinary golden lantern, Lu Zhiang looked solemn, and said flatly, "It's a contained object!"

Xiang Yang took a step back subconsciously, shook his head and said, "No!"

The tall Ming soldier had already recovered, and after glancing at the golden lamp in fear, he said, "Anything with abnormal power is a containment object!"

"Obviously..." He stared straight into Xiang Yang's eyes and said solemnly, "It is indeed a containment object!"

"It's dangerous!"

"You should hand it over to our Abnormal Containment Bureau for containment!"

Even though he had expected it long ago, Xiang Yang was still furious after hearing these hypocritical words.

He had a feeling that Goldfinger was being watched, and retorted angrily, "No, it's not dangerous, and it doesn't need to be contained!"

Lu Zhiang frowned, and said in a deep voice, "It will get out of control, you can't imagine how terrible it is!"

He had a look of fear on his face, "You have seen that painting before, and it was swallowed without even the slightest struggle. Can you imagine how terrible this lamp is?"

"If it gets out of control, the harm it will cause is absolutely catastrophic. You can't..."

Xiang Yang was about to explode, feeling that he had kindly saved the three white-eyed wolves, and questioned angrily, "You are just spying on its strength, and you want to hold it in your own hands!"

The three of them, who were about to persuade the young man in front of him to give up the magic lamp, couldn't help but startled, thinking about what he said.

After thinking about it, they had to admit that even if they were afraid of the power of the golden lamp, some possessive desires inevitably arose in their hearts.

"This containment is likely to be ranked in the top [-]. It seems that the harm does not seem to be great? If it can..."

"No, no, the containment is dangerous, it's tempting people to use it!"

Their moods fluctuate.

Seeing that their faces changed, Xiang Yang's expression was very ugly, and he dodged and ran towards the electric car not far away.

As soon as the car lock was unlocked, the three of Lu Zhiang followed.

Wang Fei looked at him cautiously and said, "Sorry, you can't take it away, keep it!
Xiang Yang sneered, "I saved you, and you treat me like this?"

As he said that, he suppressed the panic in his heart, sweat oozed from the palm of his right hand, then raised the magic lamp and waved it in front of their eyes.

"Do you really think that I'm afraid of you?" He pretended to be arrogant.

The faces of Lu Zhiang and the others changed drastically, and they subconsciously took a few steps back.

They didn't know the situation of the magic lamp, so they naturally thought that this young man could use it, after all, he had used it before.

Thinking of the power that made Hua helpless before, they shuddered and did not dare to approach this young man.

Xiang Yang endured his nervous and trembling body, knowing that the opportunity must be lost, he quickly got on the little e-Donkey, and then drove the car towards the distance!
The three of Lu Zhiang hesitated for a while, but they still didn't dare to go forward to stop them.

This is more than they can handle!
"Brother Lu, what should we do now?" Ming Bing asked anxiously, "That containment is too dangerous to keep that young man in his hands!"

Although I haven't figured out what the working principle of the contained object is, what ability it has, and how far it can do it, but just showing it is already very scary!
"This matter is beyond our ability to deal with. It must be handed over to a more senior member." Lu Zhiang said rationally.

As he said that, he took out a hidden pocket camera from the chest area of ​​the black clothes, and said happily, "Fortunately, there is this, and it will be easy to deal with later."

In order to record and leave useful clues at the same time, each member of the Containment Bureau is equipped with one, and this time it seems to have done a good job again!
With this, the Bureau should be able to analyze something, maybe even analyze the operation mechanism of that containment, and its weaknesses!
While talking on the phone, Lu Zhiang said, "Let's go back!"

Ming Bing and Wang Fei nodded.


Xiangyang, who was galloping on the road, calmed down his rapid heartbeat, facing the slightly hot wind, he couldn't help wiping the sweat off his face with his right hand, and thankfully said, "Fortunately, they were bluffed by me!"

Otherwise, it is estimated that he will be miserable, and he will definitely be completely abused by those three strong men.

"Shouldn't you recognize me?"

Glancing at the gas mask hanging in front of the car, Xiang Yang's face was full of hesitation and fear, and he felt lucky.

Due to the urgency of time, he was wearing a gas mask during the process, and the three of them hadn't seen his appearance. At most, it should be impossible to tell his age from his voice...

"I hope that the Abnormal Containment Bureau is a waste, or it doesn't take me very seriously."

So far, he can only comfort himself like this.

"Hey, I didn't even get any money this time, and I lost a wish in vain."

Xiang Yang wants to cry but has no tears.

The three free wishes are used up, and the autumn wind will come later?
And there is a risk of exposure!
It's such a shame that the pants are gone!
(End of this chapter)

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