I became the god of light.

Chapter 561 Danger Comes

Chapter 561 Danger Comes
The system's message completely blew up the comment area.

"Don't tell me I haven't thought of this, it's really similar!"

"System? How awesome is it?!"

"If it's really a system, then I'll turn into lemon essence on the spot, it's so sour!"

Envious, jealous and hateful comments began to flood the screen. Who wouldn’t want a system? In the real world, a guy who seems to have a system appears, and everyone’s whole body is not well. How can we still play happily?
A netizen named 'Splatoon' said sourly, "Maybe this is the child of luck?"

A netizen dissatisfied said, "Son of luck, fart, if you snatch this golden finger, can he still be a son of luck?"

"In my opinion, he was just lucky enough to get that magic lamp. What's so great about it, just give it to me!"

He spoke sourly.

As soon as the words came out, a group of compatriots who shared the same hatred with the enemy immediately appeared.

"This dude is right, if you give us this thing, we can too!"

"Stop talking, I'm going to stop this person!"

Whether good or bad, or good intentions or malicious comments, wantonly appear on the Internet.

Soon, this matter also attracted the attention of rich people from all over the world, as well as high-level officials. All of them were revived by the fact that the dead made their hearts beat faster.

Even some people who know the truth and know that the magic lamp is a containment object will definitely pay a price for using it, and they are not less excited.

After all, there are many people in the world who have lost important people due to accidents. In order to resurrect people, what is the price?
Even in the eyes of some people, even the sacrifice of life is worth it!
So for a while, not only online, but also all over the world were undercurrents.

With so much attention, in just a few hours, several news related to the magic lamp directly airborne into the top ten of the hot search list, attracting the attention of many people.

Naturally, the Abnormal Containment Bureau also discovered this matter, and in a rage, it began to take measures!
The big supermarket that Xiang Yang had just left not long ago was already surrounded by the police, and a large number of people surrounded it to check.

The revived Huli woman was naturally retained at the request of the police, preparing for some inspection and research.

A dead person is resurrected, who knows if there are any side effects.

However, the police did not check for long, and another wave of people came.

The ordinary-looking young policeman in his 20s stared curiously at the five people in the distance, and asked the middle-aged policeman beside him suspiciously.

"Who are they? Why do they look so powerful?"

The middle-aged police officer shook his head, "It belongs to a certain department, I don't know very well, but it seems to have a lot of power depending on the situation."

"Oh." The young policeman was thoughtful, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought, "Could it be a hidden department that deals with mysterious incidents?"

Not far ahead, five members of the Abnormal Containment Bureau who were sent to investigate the incident were solemnly looking at the elevator space.

After keeping the others away, they discussed it.

The leading young man has a handsome appearance, his face is pale, his eyes are cold, and there is a sense of ruthlessness.

The four people next to him looked at this man with faint fear, as if they were afraid of him.

The four of them are B-level, and each of them has a containment item on their body. Naturally, ordinary people will not be afraid, but this A-level member, they are afraid, because the other party is more terrifying than them!
He is inhuman, powerful, and has the possibility of losing control. At least he is a member of A-level. There is another name for this kind of person, the containment person!
Under normal circumstances, they will not be dispatched, and only dangerous and powerful containment objects like this wishing lamp are worth their shots.

At this time, the pale-faced A-level inmate named Wang Dao checked the place where the original elevator contents were, and said in a cold tone, "Judging from the remaining traces and aura, the strength of the elevator contents is ranked between the two. Between one hundred and three hundred."

"It can make it incapable of resisting, that wishing magic lamp is really good."

As he spoke, an inexplicable smile appeared on his face.

"It also has the ability to revive, hehe, it's really good, no wonder the higher-ups want to recycle it so much!"

Words of appreciation kept coming out of his mouth, as if he admired the magic lamp very much.

However, to the ears of Yidong and the others, they faintly understood a meaning.

Nearly 30 years old, thick-backed, with a simple and honest face, Ito couldn't help asking in shock, "My lord, do you want to fuse the containment - 89 wishing magic lamp, and seize its ability?"

Wang Dao glanced at him coldly and said with a sneer, "That's right, that's what I thought!"

His eyes were excited, revealing the light of determination.

The four of Yito gasped, naturally understanding what he meant.

After every B-level member uses more containment objects, no matter how careful they are, they will inevitably be eroded by the strange power of the containment objects.

In this case, there are only three choices left for people.

The first never uses the container.

The second is waiting to die as the erosion increases.

The third type is to use a containment object frequently, the two will have a resonance fit, and you can choose to fuse with each other!
In other words, it becomes one with the contents!
At that time, not only can it fully use the power of the contained object, but its own physique will also transform into an inhuman, with the ability to be almost immortal, it is simply a humanoid contained object!
Powerful, weird, irresistible!
Of course, if you gain something, you will naturally pay, and it is still a huge sacrifice!
From the beginning of the integration of the containment person and the containment object, it will uncontrollably march towards out of control, and become an irrational and crazy humanoid containment object!
In this case, other than waiting for time to pass and turning into a monster, the only way to slow down the process of getting out of control is to get another contradictory containment to form a delicate balance.

And the wishing magic lamp contained in it seems to be very powerful, the danger is not too out of control, it is not extreme, and it has so many abilities, if it can be integrated...

So the behavior of Lord Wang Dao is not difficult to understand!

But understanding is understanding, a beautiful girl still hesitated, "But Lord Wang Dao, after knowing that the wishing magic lamp has the ability to resurrect, the above has already specified that we want to get the wishing magic lamp, we..."

"Well, are you ordering me?" Wang Dao looked straight at him with cold and slightly crazy eyes.

The girl Wenying shivered, lowered her head in fear, and said in a panic, "I'm sorry."

She didn't dare to offend this lunatic who could lose control at any time. If she really died, maybe no one would stand up for her.

"Hmph!" Wang Dao snorted coldly, and glanced at the girl mockingly.

After a few seconds, he said proudly, "Come with me, we'll find that lucky guy."

"Yes!" After Yidong and the others responded, their eyes couldn't help showing curiosity, thinking that they were coming, one of Lord Wang Dao's containment abilities.

Sure enough, in the next second, Wang Dao, an A-level person, had two patterns appear in his brown eyes, which were two compasses!
This is an ability called the 'pointing compass' containment ability, as long as you know most of the information about the object, you can use it to point out the other party's location!
Of course, out of fear of the wishing lamp and hearing the news that the divination crystal ball had been destroyed, he did not dare to deduce the location of the wishing lamp.

However, the location of the wishing magic lamp cannot be deduced, that guy named Xiangyang, is it possible that he can't deduce it?
The compass pointer turned quickly and soon pointed straight in one direction.

"I found that lucky guy." He smiled grimly, his face full of impatience.

As long as he gets the third containment that can balance, he can become an S-class member!
He walked quickly towards the east, and the four of Yidong quickly followed behind.

On the way, the girl Wenying hesitated for a moment, but still asked, "Sir, are you sure about this trip? The wishing lamp looks very powerful, should we wait for the others?"

Wang Dao glanced at her with disdain, and said indifferently, "How can a mere containment be turned upside down?"

How can he who possesses wisdom be the same as a rigid containment object with no strength?

The girl Wenying shut up, although she was a little worried, but with this domineering lord at the head, there shouldn't be any surprises, right?

After they left, the C-class personnel began to put the finishing touches on cleaning up the effects of the anomalous event.


Xiang Yang, who has attracted a lot of attention, is holding a black automatic umbrella in a small shop in surprise.

As if knowing his weak appearance, the magic lamp showed kindness this time and gave him a non-dangerous containment location, which is what he is holding in his hand now.

After buying the umbrella for more than [-] yuan, he excitedly walked to a remote corner.

"Recycle!" Xiang Yang excitedly said.

The magic lamp floated from his hand, emitting a brilliant golden light.

Then the black hand trembled slightly, and was swallowed without any resistance!
The magic lamp trembled slightly, the golden light subsided, and was received by Xiang Yang.

"Ding, you got 1 points."

"Ding, you have 1 points left."

Xiang Yang looked at the magic lamp in amazement. No matter how many times he saw the magic lamp show its power, he would only be shocked.

It seems that no contained object can resist it, so powerful and unstoppable!
"I don't know, is the magic lamp powerful among all the contained objects?"

Thinking according to common sense, Xiang Yang thought that there should still be more powerful than the magic lamp, but I don't know how many there are.

"I can't imagine, if there is a more powerful containment, how powerful and powerful would it be?"

In Xiangyang's eyes, the magic lamp was already very powerful, and his poor brain couldn't think of anything even more powerful.

After thinking about it, he took the magic lamp and was about to put it in the backpack that was zipped behind him.

Unexpectedly, at this time, another reminder sounded from the magic lamp.

"Ding, the upgrade charge is 42%."

Xiang Yang was stunned, and then said in shock, "Damn it, the magic lamp can still be upgraded, so it's so cool?"

There was excitement in his eyes.

It is so powerful now, if it is upgraded again, it will be fine!

But while looking forward to it, he also had some inexplicable worries.

The magic lamp has always been unfathomable to him, and it also has system intelligence. He is wondering about one thing, does the magic lamp have self-awareness?
Shivering, he didn't dare to think about it, thinking that he should have thought too much, if such a powerful magic lamp is still conscious, what a terrible thing it would be?
At this time.

"Ding, the magic lamp map has locked the location of the equipment, do you want to go to recover it?"

Xiang Yang shook his head, put aside the thoughts in his mind, and replied, "Yes!"

"The magic lamp navigation is turned on, starting from the current location, the whole journey is 7.3 kilometers."

"The magic lamp map has selected a route for you..."

With anticipation, Xiang Yang rushed towards the next goal.

To be careful, he tried to walk from a remote place the whole time. After changing a red hat, he has not been found yet.

However, after only walking three or four kilometers, a group of five people met Xiang Yang near a remote alley near the downtown area.

Looking at the five young people with special temperament, especially the indifferent young people walking in front, a flash of vigilance flashed in Xiang Yang's eyes, and he subconsciously slowed down a bit.

He didn't think it was such a coincidence to meet such a guy with such a special dress and temperament in such a remote place, and there were five of them at a time.

Sure enough, the next second, the sound of applause sounded.

"Clap clap clap..."

Wang Dao led the four people to stop, clapped their hands, and exclaimed, "You found out?"

He didn't care if he was really discovered or not, and he didn't even bother to sneak attack. The confidence brought by his strength made him fearless!
"You're that lucky guy?"

As he said that, he looked at the black backpack behind Xiang Yang, with a look of greed in his eyes.

"Don't let me do it, you'd better hand over what's on you, I can choose to let you go!" He said contemptuously.

"Just an ordinary person, you don't have the strength to struggle, you'd better be sensible!"

After saying that, the four of Yidong looked cold, and tacitly took out something from the hidden parts of their bodies.

They are a blue transparent ring, a black notebook, a yellow rune paper, and black sunglasses.

Xiang Yang has touched the contained objects several times, and is very familiar with the special feeling of the contained objects, and instantly recognized the details of these objects.

Just looking at it, he was so frightened that Chrysanthemum tensed up and broke out in a cold sweat.

Facing the five people who were walking slowly, he forced a smile, "Isn't it good that so many of you bullied me? Can you let me go?"

"What do you think?" Wang Dao sneered.

Xiang Yang knew that he would not be spared, so he immediately called out to the boss, "Big Brother, Magic Lamp, help!"

When Wang Dao and the others heard the magic lamp, they stopped subconsciously, looked at Xiangyang nervously, and were always on guard against possible attacks.

"Ding, it has been detected that your life is in danger, do you want to activate Didi's automatic beating service?"

Didi hit people automatically?
Not to mention Xiangyang, Wang Dao and the others were all stunned, thinking to themselves whether this is the system or not, at the same time they felt a little familiar, as if they had heard it somewhere.

Thinking about such a good thing, Xiang Yang had already envisioned the scene of him killing all directions, and hurriedly said excitedly, "Yes!
"Ding, Didi's automatic beating service is starting..."

As the words fell, a pink light appeared on Xiang Yang's body, quickly enveloping him.

Wang Dao couldn't bear it anymore and shouted, "Do it!"

As the order was issued, several people each displayed the ability of the contained objects!
The blue ring on the middle finger of the girl Wenying's right hand bloomed with blue light, and then pointed in the direction of the sun.

A cold wind appeared, and wisps of ice condensed quickly.

The blue icicle spread rapidly and rushed towards Xiang Yang in the blink of an eye.

 Thanks to the Grandmaster of 'Black Cat in the Rain' for the reward of 500 coins.

  Thank you for the 500 coin reward of 'Borrowing a Wisp of Voiceless Voice from Heaven and Earth'.

(End of this chapter)

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