I became the god of light.

Chapter 568 Promoted Ranking

Chapter 568 Promoted Ranking

What Xiang Yang didn't know was that when the wishing magic lamp revealed its resurrection ability, it was already very attractive, but later on, it had the power to deprive the contained objects and suspected to destroy the contained objects, which made people even more envious and fearful!
There are also smart people, speculating from the existing data, that they suspect that the wishing ability of the wishing magic lamp is very powerful and has a very wide range of effects.

Bold speculation, if the wish triggers a natural disaster, there is a high probability that it will come true, causing a devastating blow to the world!
Because of this, the file of the wishing magic lamp in the Abnormal Containment Bureau was directly modified, and the danger was raised by a level!
The most obvious is the ranking increase, from ranking 89 to a very dangerous 19th!
Containment – ​​19 Wishing Lamps, Hazard Class A!
In a dark alleyway.

A middle-aged man named Yuan Tong, a tall and muscular member of the Abnormal Containment Bureau with full beards, sighed.

"If it weren't for the uncertainty about whether the wishing lamp has the ability to destroy the world, the ranking would probably be in the top ten."

"So strong?"

The two young men who followed him and were brought out by him to carry out the task were amazed when they heard this.

"Of course." Yuan Tong nodded and replied, "If it wasn't for the fact that the level of the wishing magic lamp was not high, you probably wouldn't know about it."

"Is it such an exaggeration?"

The two young men in their twenties were dumbfounded when they heard this.

Yuan Tong shook his head and explained, "Even though the danger level of the wishing magic lamp is still A level, its detailed information file has been listed as S level, which is the same level as those top ten dangerous objects."

"You are still too young to understand the horrors of a truly powerful containment!"

"What!" The two young men were stunned and shocked.

They have vaguely heard of the top ten containment items.

It is rumored that the top ten include the following ones, each of which has the ability to destroy the world, which is extremely terrifying!
And among them, the number one contained object is said to be very special, and they don't know it too well.

"I agree with the above decision. The wishing magic lamp does have this potential!" Yuan Tong murmured, "It should not be known to more people, so as to prevent people who want to use it to do bad things."

"If it is in the hands of people with a bad heart, it will definitely cause irreparable losses, so we must contain it and prevent it from wandering outside!" Yuan Tong said firmly.

"But Brother Yuan, I heard that the wishing magic lamp is in the hands of an ordinary person, has it been successfully contained by the Bureau?"

Among the two young people, a dark-skinned young man named Luo Xiong asked honestly.

"No." Yuan Tong shook his head regretfully, with a look of regret.

At this time, another young man named Chen Qi suddenly muttered, "It's really enviable."

A containment of such a high level is actually in the hands of an ordinary person, it's simply amazing!
Yuan Tong frowned, and scolded, "Chen Qi, what are you thinking? Don't you know that such dangerous things should not be in the hands of individuals?"

"And no matter how powerful the wishing magic lamp is, it is still a containment object. Not only is it dangerous, but using it will definitely have side effects, and you will have to pay an unimaginable price!"

"Even if we succeed in obtaining it, we must seal it properly and keep it in the end!"

His serious face interrupted Chen Qi's delusional attempt to control the wishing magic lamp.

"Brother Yuan, I'm just talking casually." Chen Qi quickly replied with a smile, as for what's in his heart, it's unknown.

"I hope so." Yuan Tong gave him a deep look.

Chen Qi felt a little terrified when he was watched, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "Brother Yuan, let's talk about missions."

Yuan Tong nodded, and couldn't help thinking of the containment target this time.

According to the brief information investigated by the Bureau of Abnormality Containment, there are serious problems in the community not far ahead.

In that area, four people died one after another during this period of time, but no trace of the murder was found after the investigation. The bureau suspected that the incident might be caused by the contained objects, so they were sent to investigate and resolve the matter.

"Those corpses..."

Yuan Tong couldn't help thinking of the autopsy report.

Judging from the examination, panic and fear remained on the faces of the corpses, and one could imagine their despair before they died. They seemed to be suffering and surrounded by panic all the time.

It's just that those people had no obvious external injuries. It's unbelievable that the cause of death was starvation?
Before entering the neighborhood, Yuan Tong warned with a serious face, "You should have read all the materials, you'd better follow me closely!"

Chen Qi and the two hurriedly agreed, and then followed behind him, walking towards the Sunshine Community not far away.

In order to avoid the investigation being affected, they chose to come late at one o'clock in the night, so they didn't meet anyone on the way.

Even because many people died in the Sunshine Community in the past few days, and the cause was not investigated, the residents who don't know why are thinking, could there be some murderer in the community?
So this time, there was no one in the community, and everyone locked the door and turned off the lights, trying to avoid accidents.

And some people chose to move out temporarily, which made it easier for them to investigate.

However, what they didn't know was that the three of them were discovered by a person and a group of netizens just after entering the community!
In a building on the front of the community, in a room on the fifth floor, a young man was holding a telescope and aiming at the entrance of the community through the gap in the curtains.

The figures of several people were naturally taken into the eyes of the young man.

"Come?" The young man looked excited, "It's so late, is there anyone else coming?"

"Brothers, there must be something wrong with this person!"

Xu Yiming is a major anchor, who happened to live in the community where the accident happened. He was worried about how to get a new program before, but the emergence of the community incident just solved his urgent need.

He put down the binoculars, walked quickly to the table in the room, and looked at the two computers on the table, one of which displayed the screen.

Judging from the screen, it turned out to be a surveillance video with more than 20 perspectives!
At this time, the figures of Chen Qi and the three who entered just happened to appear on the screen, and Xu Yiming and the netizens saw it squarely.

Nearly [-] netizens who had dozed off suddenly regained their senses in an instant.

Xu Yiming looked at the rapid rise of netizens, who were about to exceed [-] at night, with a smile on his face. He was grateful to these three people in his heart, and at the same time lamented his cleverness. He even thought of showing the surveillance to the netizens.

As a main professional anchor and a secondary professional hacker, it is not too simple to transfer the monitoring to his own computer.

Even in order to improve the effect of the program, he reluctantly bought more than ten pinhole high-definition cameras and installed them in every corner of the community, filling most of the dead spots in the community surveillance!
"Look, brothers, what are these three people looking for here?"

"There is only one truth, they have a problem!"

Seeing the behavior of the three people, Xu Yiming showed surprise on his face, and quickly stirred up the atmosphere.

Netizens were also as he thought, no longer feeling sleepy, staring at the screen with vigour, for fear of missing something.

A barrage appears.

"Sneaky, there must be a problem!"

"Yes, I thought so too!"

"Thief? Murderer? Let's see what these three people are doing!"

Barrages floated by.

After watching for a while, just as the netizens and Xu Yiming were enjoying watching, another figure caught their eyes.

It was a person carrying a shoulder bag, wearing a black hat, and a blue mask on his face.

"I wipe it, and someone else? Still dressed like this, what do you want to do?"

Netizens expressed that they were confused. In this community where a few people were killed, no one wandered around at night, but three sneaky people came here, and another person who was covering up was coming. What do you want to do?
held a party?

something wrong!
This was the first thought of netizens and Xu Yiming.

Xiangyang, who had just walked into the Sunshine Community, couldn't help but scratched his head wearing a black peaked cap, and looked at the community strangely.

"Is it an illusion, why does it feel like there are no people in this place?"

Several buildings were pitch-black, as if everyone had fallen asleep, which was very eerie.

"Let's find a containment object."

Xiang Yang shook his head and didn't think much about it.

He walked towards Building No. [-] tens of meters ahead.

When he was walking there, Yuan Tong and the other three were holding a palm-sized circular detector, detecting something on the fourth floor of Building No. [-].

Looking at the data displayed on it, Yuan Tong shook his head.

"Not here, let's continue to the fifth floor."

After speaking, he led the people towards the fifth floor.

When they went up to the fifth floor, Xiang Yang also came to the fifth floor.

"Is it here?"

He had just arrived outside the iron gate of the building, and before he could worry about how to open it, he found that the gate had already been opened, and there was a stone fixing it so that the gate would not close.

Strangely, he didn't think much about it, thinking that it was done by the residents for convenience, so he walked in very naturally.

After walking a few steps, he found the elevator.

According to the prompt of the magic lamp system, the contents are on the top. According to the distance, it is probably on the fourth or fifth floor.

After pressing the elevator, he waited silently.

Ten seconds later, the silver elevator door opened with a ding.

Walking into the narrow elevator, Xiang Yang thought for a while and pressed the number for the fifth floor.

The elevator door closed, and the feeling of weightlessness came from the upward movement, and it would not take long to reach the fifth floor.

But at this moment, Xiang Yang suddenly felt something was wrong.

After a few seconds, he finally realized what was wrong.

"Doesn't this elevator use access control cards?"

He muttered something strangely, but didn't think much about it, thinking that it was not carried out.

Then the next second, his face changed.

Even though the displayed number has reached the fifth floor, the elevator door did not open!
After waiting for a few more seconds, he began to panic.

"Is this elevator broken?"

Seemingly aware of his plight, the magic lamp system kindly reminded him.

"Ding, you have arrived at your destination."

Xiang Yang's expression changed, and he subconsciously thought, "Is this the place that the magic lamp said?"

The elevator accident is also because of this reason?

When he was surprised, Xu Yiming and the netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned watching the surveillance video in the elevator.

Elevator malfunctioning?

Everyone felt strange.

At this moment, the faces of Yuan Tong and the other three who had just walked up to the fifth floor changed, but the detector emits a red light, which means that they are very close to the containment!
As soon as they thought about it, they saw that the red glow of the detector began to weaken, as if it was moving away?
 Thanks to the Grandmaster of 'Black Cat in the Rain' for the reward of 1000 coins.

  Thanks to 'Read Du Du Du Du' for rewarding 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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