I became the god of light.

Chapter 583 The Reality Bender

Chapter 583 Reality Bender (4000)

If the power of the Lord can be borrowed, then who needs the power of the Lord of Holy Light!
James considers himself a believer in God, not the Lord of the Light, and does not want to convert!
Suddenly, he thought of an embarrassing question.

"Then how do we borrow it?"

"Uh..." Ed was stunned, and suggested awkwardly, "Maybe we can try, use the rituals of the Lord of other latitudes, try to contact the Lord?"

"With the almighty power of the Lord, if He is willing to lend us strength, I think we will succeed!"

After thinking for a while, Ed could only think of this point.

Charles looked at the two of them happily experimenting with complicated eyes.

In his heart, he wanted them to succeed, but he didn't want them to succeed.

Half an hour later, as the ceremony and prayers proceeded, Charles and Ed looked at James standing in the formation with extremely nervous faces.

Father Ed asked, "How?"

"I...I didn't sense the power of the Lord..." James was a little frustrated.

Unlike the master of communication latitude, as long as the ceremony is completed, he can basically sense the corresponding latitude vaguely, but he doesn't feel anything when he senses the master.

"How could this be..." James murmured dejectedly.

Father Charles could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"The news is false?" Father Ed was stunned, "Or maybe the Lord didn't want to..."

Just when the expressions of several people were different, what they didn't know was that when they were performing the ceremony, Su Yun in the distance naturally sensed it, and also focused his attention on them, observing them carefully.

Charles laughed, "Son, I told you a long time ago that the Lord does not exist in our universe. We should learn how to communicate latitude."

"I..." James gritted his teeth and said, "I will communicate with the Lord, let me try again!"

Charles frowned, looking at James who was very stubborn and trying again and again, he couldn't help but shook his head.

Su Yun, who was watching, couldn't sense him for this person, but felt normal. He was not the master of latitude, so how could he be sensed by them.

If he really sensed something by chance, it is estimated that waiting for this person will not be a good result, he may become a lunatic or a fool, or even get a headshot directly.

Facing this person's request to borrow his strength, Su Yun thought about it, and agreed casually, and then shifted his attention away from here.

Although he left, the impact on the three people in the basement was not light.

Charles and Ed stared forward dumbfounded, looking at James, who was covered in white light in the formation, with expressions of disbelief.

Charles exclaimed in disbelief, "Successful?"

"What a pure light power, how could it be..."

Feeling the power that is holy and brighter than the latitude of light, Charles couldn't believe it.

"Haha... I succeeded!" James said excitedly, "Father Ed, did you see that?"

He turned his head and asked excitedly.

"Yes, James, I saw it." Father Ed was also shocked, and his heart was full of excitement.

What does this represent?
The Lord must exist!
Father Ed feels that his faith has been pinned on at once.

Looking at the excited two, Charles, who had long since converted, looked blank, and suddenly felt regret in his heart.

His face changed back and forth, and finally he could only say one reason to comfort himself, "My child, maybe the power of God is not so easy to use, and the spell in the book may not be successful."

As soon as he said it, he felt that what he said was very reasonable. They have studied the use of latitude energy for more than a thousand years. Maybe the power of the Lord is not suitable for those use methods!
When the time comes, there will be power, but it will not work, so it will still be useless?
It takes time!
After comforting himself with this excuse, Charles' eyes lit up slightly, and he regained a little confidence.

James and Father Ed were startled and worried.

"I'll try..." James said hesitantly.

After finishing speaking, he immediately began to mobilize the borrowed light power in his body lamely, trying to use the method introduced in the book to use a lighting technique!
Just after chanting the incantation, suddenly the eyes were bright and bright. It should have been just a ball of light the size of a human head, but it seemed to have turned into a flash bomb and exploded in the basement. Ed and James' eyes were stinging, and then stars appeared in their eyes.

"My God, James, you should stop!" Father Ed exclaimed, covering his tearful eyes.

"Oh, good!" James panicked, and hurriedly withdrew the lighting technique.

It was only then that Ed and the two regained their vision, but the Venus in front of them still made their vision blurred, and they couldn't see anything at all.

"Is this lighting?" Father Charles couldn't believe it.

Not only the shock magic can be used as usual, but also shocked by this outrageous power!
Afterwards, as Charles turned pale, he saw a series of incredible things.

The power of any latitude, any form of surgery, as long as the method is followed, James can use the power of light!
Just like a bondage chain of flame latitude, James can use a chain of light!
One kind of power can be used for all spells?
How incredible is this?!
Because of the omnipotence of the Lord?
"How is it possible... how is it possible..."

Father Charles fell into a trance, filled with remorse and guilt.

If ever, I persisted...

Ed looked at James in surprise, so that he wanted to ask the Lord for forgiveness, and then borrowed his strength!
"The power of the Lord is indeed inconceivable!"

He could already foresee how much impact this incident would have on the world!

Su Yun, who returned his attention to the magic lamp, naturally noticed the shock of the little believer named James.

He didn't think there was anything about it, not to mention that the original power of the true god was not that simple, but even the experience in the wizarding world could still allow him to do this.

Just as he was pondering, he found that Xiang Yang was already close to the moving container.

Xiang Yang, who was running, was panting desperately, and was almost exhausted by the moving container and collapsed to the ground.

"Fuck, is this a car, or is it something on the car, is it moving too often?"

Xiang Yang complained.

He was so tired that he almost wanted to turn into a battery car thief and chase that thing with his car!
After complaining for a while, his eyes lit up, "But this is almost the same, with a distance of more than ten meters, I don't believe he can..."

The place where he is now is the city center, where there are movie theaters and so on, and the flow of people is very large.

After running forward for about ten meters through the gap between the crowd, he looked at the target of this trip, and then he was shocked.

Among the crowd of people a few meters ahead, there was a person whose body was human, but whose body was as dark as the night sky!
At this moment, he was walking in the crowd first, but the people around him seemed to turn a blind eye to this strange person, and they were still talking calmly and smiling.

"Humanoid containment?"

Xiang Yang murmured in shock.

When he said these words, the dark man seemed to have noticed him and turned his head to look over.

The dark eyes, like the abyss, make people shudder.

The two looked at each other.

Just as they were looking at each other, there were more than a dozen people twenty meters away, communicating.

"No, someone is contacting the twister!"

"Attention everyone!"

The dignified voice of Captain Wang Guanghua, an S-class officer, came from the intercom headset.

The fourteen players, all of whom were at least A-level, couldn't help becoming nervous when they heard this.

O twister!

Someone can break through the containment in the Bureau-368, ignore the influence of the ring, and see the twister?
The other party is not an ordinary person?
Only guys with special powers can invalidate the ignore ring!
Is it an inmate?
But no matter who he is, if this causes the Twister to explode, the consequences will be disastrous!
"Quick, send the image of that area!"

Soon, Xiang Yang's figure appeared in the eyes of fifteen people.

Why does this person look familiar?
Everyone frowned and thought for a few seconds, then suddenly became shocked.

"It's the most wanted target in the Bureau!"

"Looks like the guy with the Containment-19 Wishing Lamp?"

"I heard that the bureau sent more than a dozen S-level personnel to look for him. Is it true?"

The voice of discussion rang out in everyone's earphones.

Wang Guanghua frowned upon hearing this, and his face became more dignified.

The power of the nineteenth-ranked magic lamp should not be underestimated. If you provoke twisters...

He knows more than anyone else.

For example, the twister is not the No.7 containment object as other A-level personnel think, but a 001 existence that only a few S-level personnel know about!
Reality Benders!
According to the files in the Bureau, the other party was just an ordinary human being at first, and after dying in an accident, he finally resurrected inexplicably.

And it's a resurrection with memory and will!
When he didn't realize that he died at first, the other party could still be an ordinary person. After he accidentally learned that he had died once, he completely changed, and the other party had the power to distort reality.

That is to modify reality, to change reality according to his wishes.

For example, if he wants to, he can turn a tiger into a lion!
This is a very scary thing!
As time goes by, the scope of the other party's influence is getting bigger and bigger, and the consciousness of human beings has gradually disappeared. The latest loss of control even wiped out a continent!
If it weren't for the remaining human consciousness of the other party, knowing that this matter was wrong, and changing that continent back, it would definitely be unimaginable afterwards.

After this incident, the bureau was very afraid of this guy, even because no one knew the limit of this guy's power, so this reality bender who gradually lost his human consciousness was directly assigned to 001 by the bureau!
After trying to keep him out of containment, the bureau even sent five S-level personnel to keep an eye on him all the time to prevent him from getting out of control.

In the end, it was because the other party was very peaceful and had lived in peace for a few years, so he was the only one left in the bureau to watch and escort him, in order to prevent anyone or the contained objects from messing with him.

Thinking that the reality bender would explode, Wang Guanghua thought for a while.

Although according to his thinking, the wishing lamp has no power to make the reality bender lose control.

But if this stimulates the twisters, the entire continent or the world might suffer!
in case!
"Even if I carry the Containment-005 Oblivion Interrupter, I can't be careless!"

After thinking about it, he immediately reported the matter to the bureau through the communication device.

After finishing, he stared at the scene nervously.

Just as Xiang Yang was looking at that pitch-black figure with horror on his face, two more groups of people arrived near this area. They all followed Xiang Yang's trail and came here!
"That guy named Xiangyang is not far ahead?" Chen Li turned his head and asked the baby-faced youth.

The baby-faced youth Tang Qing nodded, and said confidently, "It must be here!"

"That's good, let me find it!"

An impatient smile appeared on Chen Li's face.

The wishing magic lamp will soon belong to him!
After thinking about it, Chen Li took the two people around him and rushed towards the front not far away.

At the same time, from another direction, eight priests in white robes also came here.

"Wishing lamp, sacred object?"

The leader, an old man with a white beard, showed disdain on his face.

As a fanatical follower of the Lord of Holy Light, he felt that it was necessary for him to clear obstacles for the Lord, such as the rumored sacred lamp created by that unfounded God!
He will prove that it is not a sacred object at all, it is just a containment object!
Moreover, only the Lord of Holy Light is the real Lord!
The eight fanatical believers of the Lord of the Holy Light ran towards the target not far away with determination in their eyes.

"That..." Xiang Yang said in embarrassment without looking at him with horror, "I want to say that I passed by here, do you believe it?"

For this kind of unknown creature, he has a great desire to survive, and he thinks it's better not to provoke the other party!
He bit the bullet and said, "I'm leaving now!"

With that said, he was about to step away from here.

But before he could take a few steps, a thick man's voice and an old man's voice sounded.

"Don't run!"


Xiang Yang's face froze, and he looked in astonishment at the two groups of people who were dispersing the crowd and rushing here.

Who are these people?
Chen Li, a burly man, was stunned, his eyes skipped Xiangyang, and looked at the eight priests in white clothes in the distance.

The two parties looked at each other coldly.

But after looking at each other, they all looked in the same direction again, with astonishment on their faces.

The pitch-black humanoid...

Facing this familiar guy, Chen Li, the S-level personnel, and the old man opposite, his complexion changed wildly in an instant, and finally became very pale.

It's a reality bender!
001-level containment!
"Why is this guy here!"

The faces of the two showed horror, and they wanted to run away!
Because as long as the other party has a thought, they might disappear!
How to fight this weird perverted ability?
Xiangyang, who was surrounded by three points, broke out in cold sweat, hurriedly took out the magic lamp from his backpack, and hugged it tightly in his arms, only then did he feel a little safe.

Wishing Lamp!
Chen Li and the old man couldn't help but focus their gaze on the past.

 Thanks to the Grandmaster of 'Black Cat in the Rain' for the reward of 500 coins.

  Two in one chapter
(End of this chapter)

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