I became the god of light.

Chapter 591 End Times

Chapter 591 End Times
Father Ed took a deep breath and asked with a trembling voice, "Lord, is that you?"

He couldn't help but wanted to approach, but was stopped by Alice and the others.

Father Ed reluctantly looked away, looked at the four of Alice angrily, and then exclaimed, "Are you from the Abnormal Containment Bureau?"

"How do you know?" Alice and the four were dumbfounded.

"Perhaps you don't know, our Christian Church has cooperated with your bureau." Father Ed explained.

The four of Alice peeped at each other.

General Carlos, who was watching them talking, looked aggrieved, and at the same time he was very surprised.

Anomaly Containment Bureau?
However, this point has been ignored by him for the time being. There is only one question that he is most concerned about now, and that is the identity of this white-haired young man!
General Carlos shook his head quickly, secretly laughing at how he had such a ridiculous idea.

If the Son really exists, doesn't that mean that God also exists?
how can that be!
The four of Alice talked with Father Ed and the others, and then discovered a problem. Their goal was the same, and they all came for this white-haired young man!
The atmosphere suddenly became tense again.

"Our bureau must take him away for interrogation!" Alice said with a cold face.

As soon as the words fell, the faces of the six Charles showed anger.

The middle-aged priest Hamid said angrily, "You can't take the Holy Son away, you are not qualified!"

Alice frowned when she heard the word "Holy Son". Of course she knew who the Holy Son of Christianity was.

But just because she knew, she knew that things might get bigger, if it was true...

Su Yun looked aside for a long time, couldn't help but sigh slightly, and looked at Alice and the others, "What do you want to ask?"

The sound like water, the moment it entered the ears, the negative emotions of the two parties seemed to be suppressed, and some calmness was restored.

This anomaly made Alice and the others bewildered, and the expectations in the eyes of Father Ed and the others grew stronger.

Alice asked hesitantly, "What's your name?"

Before the Lord could answer, Carlos laughed out loud, "His name is Messiah, hahaha..."

Feeling that he was being poked into a joke, he just wanted to ask the others if it was funny, but he saw the cautious and dignified faces of Alice and the ecstasy and excitement on the faces of Father Ed and the others.

His expression gradually froze, and he thought to himself, "Do these idiots believe it?"

He couldn't believe that even now, there are still people who believe in gods and gods.

Next, Carlos and several soldiers wondered if they had encountered a group of lunatics.

"Are you God?" Alice gritted her teeth and said.

But as soon as she said it, it seemed that she knew it was wrong, and she quickly changed her words, "I mean, are you the Holy Son of the Holy Trinity in the Bible?"

The white-haired young man smiled slightly, and did not answer directly, but asked, "Those who are hesitant and wandering in your heart, what do you think of me?"

Alice choked, trying to say that you were denying it, or showing a miracle to prove it.

But looking at the young man, she still didn't say this, because although her reason told her not to believe it, her intuition prevented her from doubting it.

"Is God really omniscient and omnipotent?" Alice asked the question that everyone wanted to know.

The white-haired young man replied, "With humans this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Alice and the others understood, their eyes widened.

Meaning, God can really do everything?
how can that be!
Shocked, except for Father Ed and the others, no one believed it.

Alice's complexion changed, and she said, "Why did you come?"

"The end of the world is coming." It was obviously a gentle voice, but it made Alice and the others shudder when she said it.

"How is it possible, are you joking?" Alice forced a laugh.

Although he didn't believe it, the uneasiness in his heart gradually began to grow.

"Nonsense!" General Carlos said with a look of disdain, "Then tell me, what kind of disaster is it?"

The scene was quiet for a few minutes, and none of them heard the Son's answer, just when they were puzzled and surprised, and even guessed whether he might be lying.

Carlos was about to sneer a few words.

Suddenly, the communicator on Alice rang.

It was connected strangely, and then the communicator was turned on hands-free, and everyone immediately heard an old voice anxiously asking, "Is there a solution?"

Alice and the others recognized who the owner of the voice was, and their eyes widened.

After understanding the words, they couldn't help being shocked.

"My lord, is the end of the world true?" Alice asked incredulously.

A weary sigh said, "This... this noble existence is right."

He didn't believe what the guy who was suspected of being the Son of God had just monitored, because the bureau had predicted that the end of the world would be a long time away, and it was absolutely impossible...

But just in case, he immediately asked the inmate who has the prophecy ability to predict it, and the result was a blurry future!
This scene horrified him, and prophecy of the future had never been blurred before!
Realizing the seriousness of the matter, he immediately ordered to activate a very powerful prophecy containment, a TV that can display future images!
Containment-014 Future TV!
And the situation did not disappoint him, the prediction was successful!
It's just that the picture of the future that he got shocked him. The blue star turned into a piece of ruins, and it was directly broken into countless fragments floating in space!
From the fragments in the picture, he can even vaguely see a large number of human corpses floating...

To be honest, he regretted it after predicting this scene, because the containment future TV has side effects, but he has been ignored all the time.

As long as things are predicted, they will definitely happen, no matter how you try to stop them!
That is to say, the future is fixed!
If there are other possible futures before the prediction, then only the ending of destruction remains after the prediction!
So he panicked at this moment, and tried to seek help from this existence who was very likely to be the Holy Son.

After he said the matter slowly, everyone was shocked beyond belief.

It really is the end of the world!
Alice, Father Ed and others had to believe it, but General Carlos opened his mouth wide, "Are you serious?"

At the same time, he was not only shocked by this incident, he quickly turned his head to look at the white-haired young man, and said in disbelief, "You didn't answer earlier, because you know what will happen next?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they remembered that they had waited for a few minutes before and didn't see this person answering the question, so they became suspicious...

The original reason is here?
Thinking of this, they were greatly shocked, shocked by the ability of this man who seemed to be able to predict everything.

Even Carlos, who didn't believe that he was the Son of God, became dazed and terrified after experiencing this series of events.

Could it be that he is really...

 Thanks to the Grandmaster of 'Black Cat in the Rain' for the reward of 1600 coins.

  Thanks to 'Mengshi Youren' for the reward of 1500 coins.

  Thanks to '20180104230115366' for rewarding 1500 coins.

  Thanks to '20210425205159471' for rewarding 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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