I became the god of light.

Chapter 596 Contact Ontology!

Chapter 596 Contact Ontology!
Xiang Yang turned pale with fright, and immediately used dark energy to resist this nothingness energy.

It's a pity that the Lord of the Flame Latitude saw nothing's movement, and exerted force casually to interrupt Xiangyang's movement, making it too late for him to protect Blue Star.

"It's happened!"

Xiang Yang's heart skipped a beat.

The hearts of all the human beings who watched this scene became cold, especially the thirteen senior officials of the Abnormal Containment Bureau, who smiled wryly.

"Alas...the end of destruction is coming..."

"We shouldn't be using Future TV!"

Looking at this doomsday scene, they felt fear and guilt in their hearts.

They thought, it must be because of future TV, the fate of Blue Star being destroyed will be inevitable!
And this is not their random guess.

After dozens of experiments, they found that as long as the picture shown on the TV in the future, no matter how to stop it, even if it uses other containment objects, it will only cause the result in the final picture!
Just like this time, the future TV showed the scene of the blue star being destroyed and turned into fragments floating in space, so it will appear sooner or later, and no one can stop it!
This irreversible inertia is terrifying and terrifying!
Looking at the dangerous scene now, they suddenly understood what would happen next.

Deep remorse appeared in their hearts.

Suddenly, a sin-like murmur sounded in the meeting room.

"Lord Almighty, please forgive us for our mistakes."

Among the thirteen members, the blond Andre repented, hoping the Lord would forgive his mistakes.

The others, including the elder at the head, heard his murmur, and their faces were full of bitterness.

The ending of the destruction of the blue star could not be prevented, so they thought, maybe they should pray, maybe they can still go to heaven?
As for praying for God's help, they have no hope for this, because they have always been extremely sober. For a real god, human beings are dispensable. what?

The more sane they are, the more desperate they are!
Moreover, Future TV has predicted the future, and the ending is already doomed...

Outside the gate of a cathedral, hundreds of clergy, including Father Ed and Charles who had returned to the faith, were looking at the sky in fear at this moment.

"Is this a punishment from the Lord?"

Charles smiled wryly and muttered to himself, "Punishment for the crimes committed by human beings, and the disrespectful behavior towards the Son of God not long ago..."

He thought that if there were some accidents last time, something bad might happen to the Holy Son, and General Carlos would commit an unforgivable crime...

Perhaps because of this, God decided to punish them and punish them for their disrespect...

Father Ed and the others naturally heard it, and on second thought, it might really be the Lord's punishment.

Everyone's face darkened.

Just when the world was about to be destroyed, and countless people thought that the blue star would be swallowed by the gray mist of nothingness, a strange scene appeared.

At some point, a white light flickered on the blue star, and pieces of holy energy feathers floated down one by one.

This miraculous scene stunned everyone. Father Ed and the others looked at the sky in astonishment, their faces full of disbelief.

Is it...

They human beings are shocked, and the four latitude masters including Nightmare are also shocked now, scanning the entire blue star shrouded in white light and feathers in amazement.

Just as they were vigilant and guessing, an indifferent and emotionless voice appeared.

"leave here."

Of course Nightmare wouldn't leave, but instead drank loudly, "Who are you?"

As he spoke, a guess appeared in his mind, and he sneered, "Which God are you?"

"You want to stop us too? It seems like that!"

Just like the nightmare, after the three Lords of Holy Light looked at Blue Star carefully, they found that although the unknown existence did not know where it was hiding, its momentum was not so powerful that it could not be resisted or frightened.

While letting out a sigh of relief, they felt disdainful in their hearts.

The unknown is terrifying. Now that they have appeared and are not yet powerful enough to be feared, they will naturally not be afraid of the so-called God.

All human beings couldn't help but startled when they heard the voice that Nightmare intentionally spread to the whole world.

The one who does whatever he wants has appeared?
They were overwhelmed with joy at first, and then they found that the four nightmares don't seem to be afraid of God?
"Could they even beat God?"

"No way?"

"What does the old man say in the myth, that is also omniscient and omnipotent!"

"Maybe it's an exaggeration, a myth..."

Billions of people are discussing, and the more uneasy they feel as they discuss.

Just when everyone was in doubt, the indifferent voice of the suspected God continued, "You can call me Tiandao, or you may call me Holy Spirit."

"My mission is to protect this world."

Holy Spirit?
Nightmare and other latitude masters were taken aback. They were very familiar with the earth, so they naturally knew what the Dao of Heaven was.

Can something so inexplicable exist?
Surprised, as they thought, they focused on the next title.

holy spirit...

Father Ed and the others, who were giving up on themselves, could not help but be stunned when they heard the word Holy Spirit.

"Lord, it turns out that you haven't abandoned us!" Father Ed seemed to be crying and smiling, his face was very excited, and his eyes were even flushed with excitement, and he almost shed tears.

In a trance, he couldn't help but think of a passage, a passage that was said by the Holy Son himself before he left.

"Don't worry."

"Walk ye in the light, that is my pleasure, and in this way I will be with you always, even to the end of the age."

Words that seemed to be benevolent, but also seemed to be promises, echoed in Ed's mind, and made him read them uncontrollably.

Hundreds of priests around heard Ed's words, and their expressions couldn't help being stunned, because they knew this sentence, this sentence was said by the Holy Son, Ed and others recorded it after they came back, and many priests have read it.

The words echoed in their minds, making their minds go blank for a moment.

It turned out to be true!
What the Son has said is never a lie or a falsehood!
All tested!
If it wasn't for today, they probably never would have known, right?
Amidst the excitement, the priests could not help but burst into tears.

Except the priests.

At this time, human beings are also making a fuss in reality or online.

"The Way of Heaven? Something from the East?"

"Fuck, is there really a way of heaven in this world?"

For the orientals, the way of heaven is not an unfamiliar word, on the contrary, it is very familiar.

Among the many shocking comments, a man named Doctor of Theology wrote, "We should pay more attention to the following words than the way of heaven, Holy Spirit!"

"I think if you have read the Bible, this will already feel familiar, right? That's right, this is it!"

(End of this chapter)

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