I became the god of light.

Chapter 599 The Unknown Existence

Chapter 599 The Unknown Existence

"At the beginning of all things, the chaos that gave birth to all things and carried all things..."

At the last moment, it seemed that the third rhythm sounded again, chaos and order intermingled, sacred and weird intersected, everything inclusive.

Looming, in a trance...

No one can understand what is being said, it seems to be just an illusion...

They only know that the voice seems to represent everything, the essence of everything, the source of truth, the root of everything...

Listening to the voice echoing in their ears, billions of human beings are all fascinated, as if they are listening to God describing the truth and all the things that people don't know, which makes them intoxicated beyond their control.

Some people even listened, their eyes turned red and madness gradually appeared, and their mouths salivated.

"Hee hee...haha..."

The strange sound echoed, and everything was silent.

All beings are quiet...

No, there are still sober ones, such as Meng Meng and Xiang Yang, who recovered from their trance, with expressions of horror on their faces.

In the end what happened? !
If it weren't for their incomparable strength and will, at that moment just now, they might have lost all sanity and fell into the truth slowly told...

Even now, they are terrified to continue sinking in!
Because, that really is the truth!
Unlike those lower creatures, they are powerful, so they naturally heard more, but after listening for a while, their strength actually increased a little!
Each has a much higher level of mastery over the power they represent!
Especially the Lord of Holy Light, He feels that his mastery and understanding of the latitude of light has reached more than one level!
But the more this happened, the more they panicked!
The unknown scares them!
"Come out, come out for me!"

Mengmai couldn't stand the oppressive atmosphere, and roared fiercely and inwardly.

Following His roar, the human beings became more sober, and before they showed their horrified faces, the next moment...

He has come!
Formless, matterless, soulless, and spiritless, its body cannot be described, like the darkness at the beginning of the creation, the deep abyss, and the glory of the creation...

He enveloped the entire universe!
"Do not!"

The moment the Nightmare four sensed it, frightened expressions appeared on their faces.

They cannot understand what this is!
Such a huge body, wider than the universe, how is it possible!
Without waiting for them to look more, the unknown existence made another move.

In the blue star's space, wisps of white and black, black and white mixed things began to appear, and then quickly condensed.

A vague, indistinct existence appeared.

Like a human being but not like it, no one can describe its specific appearance.

That complex to indescribable color...

He is like light and not light, like darkness and not dark, like chaos and not like chaos.

He is vague and immeasurable, as if without any form and substance, but also as if he has.

His body is one, but also ten thousand, layer upon layer, and seems to be the root of all things, weird and sacred to the extreme, beyond the understanding of any existence!
He is always in a state of chaos and uncertainty, and no existence can define him.

Imagine him as anything, as if he could be anything.

Ineffable, indescribable, indescribable!
No words can tell!

Even the meaning of size has lost its effect on him, obviously this vague existence doesn't seem very big.

Compared to the incomparably huge Lord of Latitude, it is even smaller.

But in the eyes of all living beings, the sizes of the two are reversed, and the Lord of Latitudes has become that small and pitiful thing!
At the same time, at the moment when this unknown being appeared, the universe fell silent.

Because this supreme being just appears here, it becomes the center of the universe.

No matter where it is, whether it is on the blue star or at the edge of the universe, the figure of this unknown existence is uncontrollably reflected in the eyes of infinite creatures.

What's even more weird is that everyone who saw this existence, because they couldn't understand what he was, had vague memories and impressions of this existence in their minds, and they would forget them in the next second!
Only the Lord of Latitude can barely remember his indescribable figure.


The humans of Blue Star couldn't help but think of some words.

Omnipotent, omnipotent, do whatever he wants...

"So this is God?"

There were silly smiles on the faces of the humans.

Looking at it, it seems to be an epiphany, a word unconsciously appeared in the hearts of countless beings including the Lord of Latitude.

"In the beginning there was Tao, and God and Tao are the same."

Only this word can barely describe this existence.

He is the Word and He is everything!
After not watching for a few seconds, countless creatures were in a trance, and the voice of truth seemed to sound in their ears again.

"Hee hee...haha..."

After seeing this existence, or after this existence descended, strange distortions could not be suppressed.

Even if that existence has tried its best to avoid and weaken that influence, the infinite sentient beings in the universe still cannot bear it.



"Great God, please accept my sacrifice!"

"Lord of all things, please have mercy on me, please take a look at me!"


"Blood, hahaha..."

All living beings are falling, sinking irresistibly, falling into the dark abyss.

They fell into killing and madness, just to please the unknown being and make him happy!
Morality and law have vanished without knowing it!
In the sound of truth and madness, along with the sinking of all beings in the world, the plants and white clouds on the blue star began to produce distortions!
The beautiful trees suddenly became strange shapes, and the reflections of the trees were like ghosts, full of weirdness and horror.

The blue star closest to that indescribable existence turned into a mass of pitch-black stars in the end. It was wriggling, and tentacles were born.

He's moving, he's making weird noises.


He has life!
The latitude masters who were barely awake shouted in horror, "No!"

They are terrified.

Because they discovered that this scene happened in the whole universe, and the universe was distorted...

Unknowingly, the entire universe fell into an infinite dark abyss, all light disappeared, and darkness enveloped everything, leaving only the only radiant existence.

This is not what that existence wants, but at the moment when the whole body descends into the universe, the ending is already inevitable.

It seems that even he didn't expect that the universe would be so fragile.

In other words, after devouring countless sources, he has become even more unpredictable and indescribable.

Even if you try your best to avoid it, as long as it comes, the mere existence will have a huge impact.

He is the unknown, the terror itself!
(End of this chapter)

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