I became the god of light.

Chapter 608 Promotion to High Begins!

Chapter 608 Promotion to High Begins!
Su Yun felt the suppressed power in his body, and let go of it in the next second.

In an instant, a huge power surged in the body, it appeared out of nothing, it was so huge that it was frightening!
With the release of restrictions, he also absorbed the chaos that seemed like water and air around him.

Su Yun felt that he was becoming stronger rapidly, no matter in strength or form!
It is changing towards a more unknown, more unpredictable, and more indescribable form!
Su Yun frowned suddenly.

"Promotion takes a long time."

He felt that he was getting stronger and stronger, but it was different from what he thought at the beginning, and he was promoted to the Supreme God in a blink of an eye.

"The Supreme God is indeed a little different."

Su Yun pondered.

In a few minutes, his strength has increased by [-]%!
But at present, it is still in the stage of accumulating strength, and I don't know how long it will take to really be promoted?
How strong is the Supreme God?
With doubts, Su Yun gradually fell into a deep sleep.

After he fell into a deep sleep, the originally shaped figure couldn't maintain its shape, and spread out involuntarily.

The air of chaos surged violently, creating strong turmoil.

His body, which seemed light but not light, dark but not dark, and chaotic but not chaotic, swelled rapidly.

In the chaos, indescribable and unknown things are ups and downs.

While that unknown existence was falling into a deep sleep, inexplicable changes were taking place in His boundless, chaotic, unknowingly huge body!
During the promotion process, I don't know how long it took.

Su Yun, who fell into a deep sleep, felt like he was dreaming?
This made him feel novelty in the haze.

Just like a person in a dream who is not awake, his thinking is also jumping around, feeling that there is something missing in the body, and there should be something more.

In the next moment, drastic changes occurred in the chaotic body!
With His chaotic thinking, a first impetus was generated!
In his body, centered on the will in the dream, a violent explosion roared.

Da Yin Xisheng.

There was a silent, inexplicable loud noise.

Just like the Big Bang hypothesis in the real world, with the emergence of the explosion, chaos became the cornerstone of the birth of all things.

One by one things began to appear.

Nebula, meteorite...

Everything is born fast!
In the chaotic airflow, things are floating one by one.

At the same time, after the appearance of those basic substances in the chaos, they are all operating naturally.

This kind of operation was not imposed by the will in the dream, but just because of his existence, these magical phenomena and powers were born.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the will of the dream has been sleeping and has no intention of waking up.

But at this time, some inexplicable existences suddenly appeared in everything that had been running on its own for an unknown period of time, even though it had no time of birth.

They are strong and weak, some are physical entities, and some are composed of pure spirit and pure energy.

Due to the sudden birth, they were born in a short period of time. These inexplicable existences do not know the meaning of their own existence, what they are, and why they appear.

The existences swimming in the chaos gradually have a heart of inquiry in their eyes.

They want to know why they were born and why they are here!
Thus, these numerous, strangely shaped creatures, like stars, began to search in the chaos, looking for the truth of their birth and existence.

The chaotic air flow kept surging, and each and every giant was scurrying around.

If you look closely, they look very strange.

There is a dark-skinned creature that looks like a fish with barbs on its back.

It’s okay if this is the case, but if you add several fish mouths covered with sharp teeth and dense black eyes, it will look extremely creepy and terrifying!
In addition, there are guys who look like three huge meat balls together, with green tentacles growing out of their bodies, and those tentacles have small mouths.

From time to time, strips of tongue stretched out from the small mouth to lick and lick. The tongue brushed against the sharp teeth on the edge of the small mouth, and drops of green mucus dripped from time to time.

It looks so frightening that it can break the sanity of any ordinary person.

To put it bluntly, these guys are simply synonymous with monsters!
At this time, these creatures are all over the entire chaos!
However, although these creatures that challenge human reason seem strange, to them, they feel extremely normal.

Even, not only do they not feel weird about themselves, they also don't think other guys are weird.

Because they, who were born at the beginning of all things, have no aesthetics at all at the moment, and everyone's parents are very strange, so they don't care about it.

After all, everyone is so weird, isn't laughing at others just laughing at yourself?
Perhaps, even if normal creatures appear in the future, they will not feel that they are strange, but will feel that they should look like this.

Existences as huge as planets and stars are constantly wandering in the chaos.

Even if Chaos is incomparably vast, with their numbers as many as stars and their powerful strength, they were quickly searched all over.

And they, who wandered to the core of chaos, saw an incomparably comprehensible thing.

That is something even more incomprehensible and indescribable than them!
Even their incomparably powerful spirit and strength cannot make them understand this master.

Only one side can be detected!
In their understanding, the body of this existence is tangled together, like a group of tentacles, which looks messy and disorderly, and it is extremely complicated to understand!
Even, the fixed picture they saw a moment ago will change in the next second!
The opponent is always in an indeterminate state!
The weak ones can only see a little bit of this being's body, while the strong ones can see more.

At the same time, not long after seeing this existence, under inexplicable circumstances, they learned the identity of the other party.

The core of chaos, the master of chaos, the source of all things!
A sense of intimacy arose in their hearts, and they naturally worshiped this existence.

Before long, they were longing, longing to know this great master of chaos!
Then, these creatures, which could be called gods, or outer gods, began to explore.

Driven by the intimacy in their hearts, they want to get close to this great master.

"We can't get close to the master!"

Hoarse and harsh words echoed.

The three meatballs were grouped together, a monster covered with tentacles and a small mouth, looking at the master who seemed to be close to the ruler but could never get close, his face was full of frustration.

"how so?"

While many Outer Gods were puzzled, they couldn't help feeling panic about this unknown situation.

(End of this chapter)

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