I became the god of light.

Chapter 63 Are You a Level 2 God?!

Chapter 63 You are a Level [-] God!
Yan led the four people, and they just came to the vicinity of the Yanhuang tribe. They stared at the sky in amazement, looking at the two gods flying above.

"Are they gods?" Green Spot asked Yan in a panic.

There is a big difference between the god warrior and the spirit of the gods, so he saw the identities of the two gods at once, but it was because he saw them that he was even more surprised.

It is not easy to see gods, there are two of them at first glance, and judging by the posture of these two gods in the sky, it is estimated that they are about to start fighting.

"The one in the animal skin over there is the God of Ice, I've seen it before."

After Yan finished speaking solemnly, he then turned his gaze to another god, "As for the other..."

He hesitated for a moment, his eyes dewed in thought, "I have never seen this one before. I have investigated all the nearby tribes with gods, and there should be no such person. If it is not missed, then it is a newly born god."

"Oh..." The four of them were stunned, and then they asked curiously, "Brother Yan, who do you think is stronger?"

Yan glanced at him, and said confidently, "I've heard of this ice tribe. It's a tribal god with 2000 people nearby. Although the number is not as large as our tribe, it is still very powerful."

"I haven't heard of the other one. It should be the god of a small tribe. I'm more optimistic about the God of Ice."

When the other four heard this, they nodded in approval. It is undeniable that the number of tribes sometimes represents the strength of the gods, which is common sense.

Even if this newly born god looks strange and seems to be different from ordinary gods, they don't think this god can break this rule.

When the five of them finished discussing, the God of Ice just sent out an ice spike. The powerful force directly made them exclaim in surprise, and their eyes showed a little fear.

At the same time, they also lost confidence in that strange god.


Su Yun looked at this icy blue ice spike, the faint cold light on the spike fully showed the sharpness of this ice spike.

But he wasn't cowardly, and immediately responded with an extremely concentrated beam of light.

The icicles collided with the beam of light.


There was a loud explosion, and a strong air wave swept through the surroundings.

The two attacks canceled each other out. Astonishment flashed in the eyes of the Ice God, but he was shocked to find that his ice thorns only canceled out half of the opponent's beam of light, and the remaining beam of light continued to attack him.

"What!" Before he could say anything more while exclaiming, he quickly waved out a thick layer of ice and blocked it in front of him in an instant.

The remaining power of the beam of light exploded on the ice layer, and the ice layer cracked several cracks in the crackling sound, almost being broken directly, but unfortunately, the beam of light completely disappeared.

However, although the beam of light disappeared, the shock it caused did not disappear.

The Ice God discovered that not only did the fantasy scene not happen, but it also exceeded his expectations, and he was actually at a disadvantage?
"Impossible!" He stared fixedly at the flood-lit figure, his heart fluctuating.

The people of the Yanhuang tribe below cheered, while the warriors of the Ice Tribe looked stunned, and couldn't believe their eyes. The great god failed?

"It must be careful!"

Their confidence in the God of Ice made them think so with great certainty.

In the distance, Yan and four other people looked at each other with shocked eyes. This incomprehensible scene was beyond their common sense.

Compared to the Ice Tribe warriors who thoughtlessly made excuses for the Ice God, they could see it more clearly as outsiders.

They knew that this was definitely not the Ice God's hand, and they could say that the first time, but they saw the ice cracking faintly the second time, but they knew it was definitely not an accident!
That is to say... the gods of this small tribe really put the God of Ice at a disadvantage!
But, isn't he the god of the small tribe? How could he suppress the God of Ice?

The five people thought of something at the same time, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

"Are you a second-level god?"

The God of Ice, who sensed something was wrong, also sensed the aura released by Su Yun at this time, and he was astonishingly a second-level god just like himself!
Then, like those five people, the Ice God fell into deep confusion. Whether it was Lie's information or what he saw with his own eyes, he didn't think that this small tribe could have 2000 people!
Even more than that, even if the opponent is a second-level god, he can still suppress himself. What kind of strange thing is this?
"How did you do that?" He fell into shock and confusion.

Su Yun smiled coldly and didn't answer. The other party asked a good question, but only an idiot would tell others about his hole cards, let alone the secret of the little black ball.

It was the first time that the God of Ice was ignored so much, and he smiled angrily. He didn't want to believe that this hostile god who was not in his heart could transform into a god of the same level as him in a blink of an eye. Insult to him!
Thinking of this, he said angrily, "Ice crystal!"

As the sound fell, more than 1000 extremely condensed ice crystals floated around his body dazzlingly, so densely packed that it made one's scalp tingle.

Then he waved his hand, and the cold wind carried terrifying ice crystals, like a blizzard, sweeping towards Su Yun, who looked very small in comparison.

This terrifying scene made the people below tremble, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of fear.

"The great ice god is doing his best!"

The Ice Tribe and others said ecstatically, "The wild god of this small tribe is doomed!"

"Leader, priest, God..." The spear with the broken arm looked worriedly at the sky.

They all felt the cold wind below, and they could imagine the horror of this blow.

The leader looked at the old priest.

The old priest shook his head and said firmly, "Trust in God!"

"Oh, it's quite different from what the disciples did." Su Yun didn't worry at all, but commented in his heart.

This trick reminded him of the disciples of the Ice God who came to the tribe before, and they also used this trick.

However, no matter in terms of quality, power or quantity, this one cast by the God of Ice far exceeds them.

"However, it's good, just to test the power of the character!" Su Yun thought so, and activated the fire character directly in his heart.

At the moment when the ice pierced, a ball of white fire appeared in his hand, and then expanded rapidly, like a wall of flames, directly hitting those ice crystals!
As soon as the ice crystals came into contact with Bai Yan, those ice crystals began to melt and decompose, and quickly disappeared.

Seeing that all the ice crystals had melted, but some of Bai Yan remained, the face of the Ice God turned black.

(End of this chapter)

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