I became the god of light.

Chapter 84 The Mysterious God-given Plant

Chapter 84 The Mysterious God-given Plant

"Could it be?" The crazy five looked at each other, joy flashed across their faces.

Several people hurriedly followed.

In this way, after twenty minutes passed, the six of them came to a place.

The water pool with a radius of ten meters stands here, the water is clear and sparkling, and in front of the water pool is a bare and straight rocky cliff, which seems to be very high.

However, none of these attracted the attention of the six people. Their eyes were all attracted by the nearby soil.

A large expanse of white and delicate soil was so conspicuous near the pool that the six people couldn't take their eyes off it.

This is high quality porcelain clay!
"There is really white soil!"

"so much?"

They couldn't help being shocked, and then fell into excitement.

At first they thought there was only a little bit, but seeing that a large area near the water pool was covered with this kind of white soil, it was hard for them not to get excited.

"As long as you report this place to the priest, we will definitely get a lot of benefits!"

A strong man named Feng said happily.

"Well, without further ado, let's go back and tell the priest the good news!" Kuang decided.

Mao and the others nodded, and were about to run back to the tribe to convey the news.

But before they could move, the stone stopped them suddenly, and he stared at a place dumbfounded.

"Look, what is that!"

He pointed to the height of the cliff and exclaimed.

The five spears looked puzzled, and immediately followed his fingers to look over.

"This is?
Just the first glance, they were stunned.

On the Bizhi cliff, at a height of more than ten meters, where the line of sight can only be vaguely seen, a small tree grows tenaciously from the cliff.

If that was the case, then they wouldn't be dumbfounded. What surprised them was that the small tree that didn't seem to be as high as their waist was dotted with light green leaves and luxuriant red flowers.

However, the green leaves and red flowers are very unusual. The green leaves look like they are made of emerald, and the same is true for the red flowers. The crimson flowers are dotted on the emerald green leaves, making the whole tree full of mystery and extraordinary.

"This...is this a god-given plant?"

Kuang stammered and whispered.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the other five people also changed, and they were all full of surprise.

They also guessed what this thing is. If they didn't know it before, but after the wandering merchant came once, they knew what it was.

Some of the divine fruits can be exchanged for their tribe’s wooden house construction method. This is the whole sacred tree, not to mention it looks so special, it’s extraordinary at first glance!
Presumably, the value must be high!
"I thought, we're going to post!"

Stone shouted excitedly, "With this thing, not only priests and leaders will reward us, maybe we will be praised by the great god!"

As soon as these words came out, the heartbeats of the other five quickened a little. Just imagined the possibility of what Shitou said, and they were surrounded by that sense of glory, all flushed and excited!

"Too high!"

Crazy longing is piercing, wishing to put on wings and fly up.

This cliff is too straight, there is no place for them to settle down, and it is impossible to go up to get the god-given plant!
Shi Shi became anxious when he heard that, "What should we do then?"

"Let's go back, we can only call others to help!" Kuang's face was a little regretful.

"Okay..." Shitou looked a little disappointed, and then ran back impatiently, "Then what are we waiting for, let's go!"

The others were taken aback.

"This kid!" Kuang smiled helplessly.

However, the five of them were also a little anxious, and quickly caught up with the stone.

Soon, after the six people disappeared, the area near the water pool became quiet again.

At this time, a gust of wind blew across the cliff, and the small tree began to sway, and with a whistling sound, a few crimson petals were blown off.

The crystal clear petals dangled down from the cliff and fell into the clear water, causing little ripples.

The crimson petals fluttered, as if they were about to be blown to the shore in the next moment.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a slender and thick black shadow suddenly rushed straight from the bottom of the big water pool, opened its bloody mouth wide, and swallowed those petals together with the pool water in the blink of an eye.

"Hmph, gods..."

There was a hint of teasing in the blood-red eyes of the black shadow, but more cruelty.

Originally, he wanted to swallow the six people who had violated its territory, but when he heard the word "God" from the mouths of those lower creatures, it stopped this idea and replaced it with another arrogant idea.

"If I eat those so-called gods, can I advance again?"

Its bloody eyes are full of madness and jealousy.

Compared with the gods who are favored by the gods, like the children of the world, their kind of alien beasts are illegitimate children, not even the kind of their own, and they can't be compared with the gods!
Whether it is talent strength or the difficulty of promotion, there is no comparison.

It's jealous!
Why does it take a long time to advance so hard? It still depends on the effect of the red tree, and those gods can catch up to it casually.

It doesn't even seem to have an end in sight, and it has the strength to easily defeat it at the same level?
It looked down at a scar on its dark scale armor waist, and resentment flashed in its eyes.

"This time I want you gods to see, under the pressure of absolute strength, talent and status can't help you at all, you can only tremble in my mouth!"

It decided that if that god is not as powerful as it, then don't blame it for killing a god.

"I don't know how the taste of the gods..."

With a snarky grin on its bloody mouth, it swam to the shore from the surface of the water, with a long water mark winding out of its black body.

It quietly followed in the direction those people were walking.

It needs to observe the situation of that tribe first, so that it can guess the strength of that god, and then consider whether to swallow that god.

Soon, Kuang and the others returned to the tribe in only ten minutes in a hurry, but they didn't realize that there was an uninvited guest who would bring disaster to the tribe behind them.

Seeing the six low-level creatures running into the tribe, a sneer flashed across the vertical pupils of the black creatures.

At the same time, it also saw the scale of the tribe clearly, but it was relieved at the first glance.

With a small footprint, it looks like a small tribe!
But just to be on the safe side, it used its instinctive talent to check the breath of life a little bit.

After a while, the cautiousness in its vertical pupils completely disappeared, replaced by greed and pleasure.

"A small tribe with such a small population is definitely a first-level god!"

"With my half-step fourth-level strength, this weak god will definitely have no resistance!"

It was in a very happy mood, thinking that today should be the damn God who opened his eyes and specially gave it a feast of gods.

"Eating him, I can break through to level four!"

Whether it's for the disgust of the gods and the pleasure of revenge, or to improve their strength, the gods of this tribe must die, and they have already been on its food list.


A huge beast roar suddenly resounded through the Yanhuang Tribe.

The clansmen were stunned for a moment, looking in horror at a thick and slender monster flying out of the air with great momentum!
God stone space
"Huh?" Su Yun stopped what he was doing, frowned, and looked outside.

(End of this chapter)

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