I became the god of light.

Chapter 86 Haha, I escaped

Chapter 86 Haha, I escaped

Jin Zhu slashed in all directions in the air.

Ten seconds later...

Covered with wounds and missing a section of its tail, the embarrassing black python gasped and stopped moving.

These few seconds can be described as thrilling, as long as it is a little careless, it feels that there will only be a python corpse with two points left.

After taking a breath, its blood-red eyes were full of malice and arrogance, "Haha... I escaped, let's see how you..."

When he thought about it, this god's move must be his trump card, and he would definitely not use it easily.


"Really?" Su Yun nodded indifferently, as if responding to it.

next second!
"Golden Wheel!"

Accompanied by these two words that terrified the black python, the remaining eight golden balls behind Su Yun were about to fly out one more.

Hei Mang had a bad premonition in his heart, "Could it be..."

It looked at the other eight golden wheels, and a terrible thought came to its mind. While it was unbelievable, it also felt a burst of heart palpitations.

"No, you have to stop him!"

While roaring, it exerted all its strength, and before Su Yun activated the golden wheel, it prepared to slap its face with a python kiss.

"Oh?" Su Yun said softly, with a half-smile, "Then let's play with you."

It just so happened that he also wanted to test his strength in this state.

The golden wheel still flew towards it, but this time it didn't fly towards the hand, but directly blocked it in front, forming a square baffle.

The black python was caught off guard and hit the baffle.

The golden baffle didn't move at all, while the black python was almost struck with stars in his eyes, and his head was dizzy for a while.

Not only that, the black scale armor that touched the golden baffle emitted green smoke, and even started to melt!


Amidst the screams, the black python's body instinctively fled towards the rear.

Seeing the great god showing his might, the black python has no ability to resist under his hands.

"God is amazing!"


The people below cheered excitedly.

Su Yun had a strange expression, and glanced at the black python, "Is this the way you dare to provoke?"

Hearing the words, the panic-stricken black python immediately burst into anger, and it roared unwillingly and resentfully, "Why, I am unwilling!"

"How can you, a second-level god, defeat me?!"

It looked at the remaining seven golden balls, a moment of despair flashed in its bloody eyes, and it was even more unbelievable.

It is a half-step fourth level!

Even if this level [-] god is blessed by nature, how could it be possible to reverse the situation and become the weaker side?
All this made Hei Python unable to understand, as if he was dreaming.

It doesn't want to die!
While thinking, it suddenly turned around, wanting to escape from here, and looking for opportunities to take revenge in the future.

Seeing that the test could not go on, Su Yun didn't force it, looked at the black python indifferently, and said softly, "Let's end it."

As these words fell, the remaining seven golden balls behind him all moved.


The golden lights pierced the sky, and the people below were amazed and dazzled by the beautiful scenery.

"Puff puff……"


The black python looked at the several blood holes pierced through his body, with pain and fear in his eyes.

The shadow of death hangs over it!
It doesn't want to die, it hasn't had revenge yet, it hasn't...

Time seems to be slowed down at this moment, it has thought a lot, and besides unwillingness to resent, the most thing is regret.

It regrets coming to this tribe and provoking this monster-like god...

in case……

Before it could continue thinking, seven golden wheels were cut across one by one.

Puff puff……

The black python was cut into dozens of pieces and fell from the air, the unwilling light in the python's eyes dimmed.

Boa constrictor beast, pawn!
"God won!"

The clansmen let go of their worries.

Seeing the dead body of the boa constrictor falling into the air, Su Yun looked thoughtful.

This was the first time he saw a strange beast, but with the information about the black python, he also learned a lot about the strange beast.

"The strength of this black python is not bad, and the strength of the third-level alien beast is also very strong."

"It's just that compared to the uniqueness of the gods, the alien beasts are similar to the believers, and their strength is inherently weaker by one level."

Su Yun thought to himself.

The extraordinary power it possesses cannot be compared with that of the gods. If it is said to use and borrow the extraordinary power, then the gods are in charge of that kind of power and authority, and they are not at the same level at all.

This is also part of the reason why believers and strange beasts are born with a large level of weak gods.

In his opinion, this strange beast should have the same strength as the God of Ice. The reason why he lost so badly was that the other party was unlucky.

Not only is the power restrained, it is not good when to come to the door, but it is also necessary to come to the door after the golden wheel is characterized.

In the end, not only did stealing the chicken lose the rice, it was used as a tool to test the moves, and the life of the python was lost here, which is really sad and lamentable.

bang bang

The python corpse fell, kicking up dust all over the place.

"How to deal with these python meat?" Su Yun's expression was a little strange.

"I don't know if eating the meat of this strange beast can strengthen your physique?"

He thought that since the other party was dead, he might as well make good use of the waste and donate the meat to the clansmen for food, which would be regarded as a spiritual loss to the clansmen.

"But be careful." Su Yun thought about it and passed the matter to the old priest.

Ask him to bring someone to collect the python meat and test it with animals. If it's okay to eat it, then you can try to feed it to the tribe. You might get some benefits from eating it.

As for myself, of course I am thankful and insensitive.

After thinking about this, he turned around and floated directly back to the Divine Stone space.

The clansman began to carry the python corpse in full swing. Everyone was amazed for a while looking at this giant python beyond the norm.

The stone in the crowd was not happy, and his expression was a little melancholy, "Brother Crazy, I always feel like we have caused trouble?"

The expression on Kuang's face froze, and he couldn't help but think of the direction the giant python came from, and it was a bit too coincidental.

Mao suddenly thought of something, and said hesitantly, "I heard from those traveling merchants that there are basically alien beasts guarding the plants bestowed by gods. Could it be..."

The joyful smiles on everyone's faces disappeared, and instead they all felt a little guilty. If it weren't for the great god's action, their tribe would definitely suffer heavy losses, or even exterminate their clan...

"Hey, let's tell the priest about this first." Kuang sighed helplessly.

The other five nodded quickly. They had no intention of hiding it, and their belief in God made it impossible for them to do such a thing.

Soon, a group of six people found the old priest, and then slowly told the story from beginning to end.

As the old priest listened, the expression on his face was a little dazed.

"I just ordered it down, and it's there?"

"God-given plants? Such good luck?!"

He couldn't help sighing.

 Thanks to 'Zhantao' for rewarding 300 starting coins~
  Thanks to 'Yisha' for rewarding 100 book coins~

(End of this chapter)

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