I became the god of light.

Chapter 92 Kunlun Mountain, Death Valley!

Chapter 92 Kunlun Mountain, Death Valley!
Su Yun couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief after checking these barrages.

Some people believe it, some people doubt it. It seems normal to him. After all, it is beyond common sense. It is not surprising that there are many people who think it is a fake video.

"It seems that the above is not supporting or ignoring the attitude."

"Otherwise, this situation would not have happened. Some people still don't believe that they have all appeared. It is obvious that there is no explanation of the truth."

Su Yun shook his head, this result was considered relatively good for him.

After watching this video, go back and continue to view other content.

After reading it for a while, he found that most of them were similar, and there was nothing new. Just when he was about to close the browser, he found a special message!
"Kunlun Mountain, Death Valley?"

Su Yun muttered the above words.

He searched for words such as immortal, how did he find this information?
Out of curiosity, he clicked in.

After just one glance, he was surprised by the information revealed inside.

"Ten days ago, someone discovered an underground palace in the Death Valley of Kunlun Mountain? It seems to be the residence of an immortal?"

"Really or not." Su Yun fell into a panic. You must know that Death Valley is not so easy to enter and exit. If you are not careful, you may even lose your life.

This is the death valley known as the gate of hell, and he had to be surprised that someone could come out of it.

But thinking about it again, the most indispensable thing in this world is adventurers and iron-headed children. There are many people who like to play extreme sports and like exciting challenges. Not so strange.

After thinking about it, Su Yun was relieved, but after reading the content, he couldn't help being speechless, "Your immortal lives in an underground palace, so it must be some kind of tomb?"

"But it's not right. The magnetic field in that place is very chaotic. Don't think about Feng Shui, it won't be much better. Someone really built a tomb?"

However, these are all his guesses. He knows nothing about geomantic omen, but he can't figure it out. Maybe there is something that will be reversed. In the end, there is also Kunlun Mountain, which may be able to touch the ancestral veins. Dragon Qi?
Of course, it might not be a tomb. If he really wanted to know what it was, he would have to visit it himself to confirm.

"I'm not that free, go..."

Su Yun was about to deny this idea.

In the end, what did he see?
At the bottom of the content, a paragraph of handwriting was displayed.

In order to explore the palaces that appeared in Death Valley, the archaeological team will risk their way into the valley for investigation.

These are nothing. The most important thing is that for the sake of heat and safety, the archaeological team will use the latest anti-jamming satellite military equipment to broadcast live.

As soon as this article comes out, one can imagine how many people will watch it out of curiosity.

"It's not impossible to go...to go there." Su Yun stroked his chin, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

As a god who desperately needs faith, what could be more gratifying to God than this opportunity?
"Speaking of which, that place is also a bit strange. I have improved my strength and curiosity. Is there any reason for me not to go..."

He made this decision in his heart.

As for the dangers of Death Valley?
He ignored it directly. With his current strength, he still has the confidence to go to Death Valley to have fun. He expects accidents to happen, which can also bring him some novelty.

This is the self-confidence brought about by strength. Otherwise, he would be like those mortals in the archaeological team. He must have walked as far as possible from that dangerous place, otherwise he would not have played, but died.

After thinking about it, Su Yun carefully looked at the departure time, five days later?
It's just that at the first glance, he was a little disappointed, the time was really a bit long.

Just when he was disappointed, another message from the underground came into view, which made him change his previous disappointed expression.

"The live broadcast has changed, and the time will be changed to open at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning!"

Su Yun was slightly surprised, and quickly checked what was going on with this message, how it was so early.

There is nothing on the Internet, but there are many enthusiastic netizens, according to an insider's disclosure as follows.

"The reason for the advance is that the higher-ups were stimulated by the birth of the Immortal. It just so happened that this palace occupied the title of the Immortal Palace before. The project that was not paid much attention to was immediately paid attention to by the higher-ups!"

"In order not to be afraid of [-], just in case, if it is really a fairy palace, if it is too late, some criminals will inevitably take the risk, and all the benefits will be taken by those scum, so..."

These words clearly show why the time has been changed, no reason, just one word, urgent!
There are other netizens answering below.

"No wonder, the value of things related to immortals has skyrocketed! If it weren't for Death Valley, I might have emptied the fairy palace in advance!"

"Above, your thinking is very dangerous. I suggest you recite the 24-character mantra of Yong Fuqiang to soothe your twisted mind, ^_^."

"Where the Internet is illegal, I suggest that the above friends turn themselves in~"

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched slightly, and he sighed, "These netizens are still just as funny, and there are still so many talents."

After figuring out the truth and knowing that the time has been changed to tomorrow morning, this perfectly fits his idea, and I have to say that he is very lucky.

Su Yun memorized the location of the archaeological team and the departure time.

After finishing this, he closed the browser.

Then, he experienced the situation of the silk threads of faith in his body. After roughly counting the densely packed silk threads, there were already more than 5000 of them.

"Sure enough, over time, my believers have increased again. With the ATM of belief in the real world, it seems that the next promotion is not far away."

In addition to bringing character vacancies, the improvement of strength can also make him more confident against those big tribes.

"What vest should I use tomorrow, should I use the sword fairy vest, or..."

"Forget it, it's not good for the sword fairy to appear too often, just change to a new vest."

Thinking of this, he fell into thinking again, "What new vest should I use this time?"

Thinking and thinking, he suddenly thought of an identity, and his eyes lit up.


As for what religion the priest is, of course it is Christianity with the most followers in the world.

The sudden thought of becoming a priest was also a well-thought-out thought on his part.

As the religion with the most believers, Christianity is really a bit deep.

This identity can be regarded as a test of Christianity. If there are really extraordinary people, maybe they will be tested by then.

If not, that would be even better. Starting with this identity, I will gradually figure it out, and maybe I can go public in the end and become the new sole god!
 Ask for various tickets, (=^▽^=)
(End of this chapter)

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