I became the god of light.

Chapter 96 The figure in the snow wind

Chapter 96 The figure in the snow wind
After a brief rest, a group of more than a dozen people drove towards Death Valley in an off-road vehicle under the watchful eyes of the herdsmen.

Su Yun smiled and followed silently.

"Where are you going?"

Wu Wei turned his head and looked at a middle-aged herdsman in the back seat.

For the sake of safety, and also because of some mistrust in their hearts, their archaeological team specially invited a herdsman to lead the way.

"Drive to the right." The middle-aged man first pointed in one direction, and then he opened his mouth to confirm, "Let's just say yes, I'll just take you to the entrance, and you'll be left on your own, I don't dare to go in!"

He looked terrified, as if he was very afraid of that place.

"Is that place scary?" In the car of five people, Chen Ling asked this question on behalf of netizens.

Noticing the gazes of the four people, the middle-aged herdsman smiled bitterly and explained, "That ghostly place is terrible. Even if the cattle and sheep are starving to death, we dare not go there!"

"You know that in 1983, there were horses greedy for the fat and grass in that ghostly place, and some people went in to look for horses."

"A few days passed, good guy, the horse appeared, but the man disappeared immediately!"

The herdsman slowly narrated.

Afterwards, someone found a strange corpse on the hill.

The body was turned upside down, and when it was found, its face was already black, and its clothes were a little bit wrong.

The corpse's clothes were torn, his feet were bare, his eyes were wide open, his mouth was wide open, the shotgun was still in his hand, and he looked unwilling to die.

What's even more puzzling is that no scars or signs of being attacked have been found on the body, as if he saw something terrifying before he died and was frightened to death!
"This kind of thing happens often, and there are even more weird things. We all have rumors that there are devils haunting there, and they eat animals and people. As long as you go in and you are unlucky, you will be eaten by devils!"

The herdsmen were full of fear.

"Ah!" Chen Ling, who had never heard of this incident, immediately screamed in fright.

"Damn it, it's scary!"

"Why do you feel like you're listening to ghost stories? Fortunately, it's daytime, otherwise I won't be scared to death..."

Netizens are terrified.

"Couldn't we be one of the missing members too?" Chen Ling muttered to herself.

Wu Wei's eyes sank slightly when he heard this, Qing Yun Lao Dao and Professor Huang's expressions were also a little ugly.

Professor Huang looked at Chen Ling worriedly, "Girl Chen, if you don't want to go, you can go back with this herdsman later."

Chen Ling hesitated for a while, then gritted her teeth, "No, I still decided to take a look!"

The herdsman looked at them regretfully and couldn't help but shook his head.

In his opinion, if this group of people went in, the chance of them coming out was very small, and this might be the last time.

Soon, a group of people drove outside Death Valley.

On the way, they also encountered some armed police stationed there, as well as a military camp.

After coming forward and explaining, they were released.

And in the process, they also knew that the troops were stationed here to prevent tourists from entering rashly.

As for whether it is true or not, it is up to the benevolent to see the wisdom of the benevolent.

At least Su Yun, who followed quietly, looked at those troops in a strange way.

"Is it really guarding against tourists here?" He said that he didn't really believe it. If he believed in defending tourists, it would be better to believe that they were doing experiments here, so they had heavy guards.

After all, this place does have research value.

Saying goodbye to the herdsmen at the entrance, five vehicles drove into Death Valley.

From a distance, Death Valley looks like a huge mouth of an abyss, and the convoy and others are the food at that entrance.

After driving for a while, the convoy stopped, because they found that it was no longer possible for vehicles to continue driving in, and they had to walk.

Everyone in the archaeological team sighed regretfully, and finally had no choice but to pack up all kinds of equipment and start walking.

But the good thing is that after walking for not long, according to what Zhao Yong and the other three said, it is not far from here.

"We're almost here, let's go for half an hour." Zhao Yong looked around and turned to the others.

White air came out of his mouth, it seemed that the temperature here was a bit low.

Everyone in the archaeological team was refreshed when they heard the words, and they quickly cheered up.

Just after they walked for a few minutes, the sky suddenly changed.


The sky, which was obviously still cloudy before, immediately changed color, and a strong wind hit.

Not long after the wind blew, a little snow fell from the sky.

The temperature suddenly began to drop, and everyone shivered a little in their thick clothes.


"My God, isn't the weather changing too fast?"

"Are they going to be okay?"

Netizens expressed their concerns.

"How to do?"

The archaeological team was a little flustered, and even Zhao Yong's expressions changed slightly.

A woman in her thirties with an ordinary appearance named Peng Rongxi looked at Fengxue and muttered to herself, "I didn't believe that the weather could change so quickly, but now I believe it, it's like changing my face."

"It was normal before, why did it change?"

Qingyun Laodao pinched off some beards with his right hand, and secretly regretted coming to this place.

If it wasn't for being invited, and because of the name of the Immortal Palace, he decided to fight for the fairy fate, and he would not come to this inexplicable place with his old bones.

"Let's keep going!" Zhao Yong thought about it, "Before the snow is too big, we should be able to get there before this!"

As he spoke, he looked at the others, wondering if they would object.

The archaeological team thought for a while, and finally nodded.

Anyway, they have already arrived here, and it is impossible to give up just because of a little snow, so the group of people quickened their pace and rushed to the destination in a hurry.

"Looks like the time has come."

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched slightly. In his opinion, now is the right time to appear on the stage.

After thinking this way, he moved and quickly flew towards the front of the team.

Not long after, he stopped and smiled, "The next step is to wait and see."


The crowd ran hurriedly, their mouths and noses were exchanging air violently, and they felt a little difficult to breathe.

Originally, at such a high altitude of more than 3000 meters, the environment would be low pressure and low oxygen. If they hadn't taken medicine and prepared well before entering the mountain, the situation of their group would have been even worse.

"Walk for a few more minutes, we'll be there soon!" Zhao Yong cheered them up.

The others gritted their teeth and nodded when they heard the words, and accelerated their pace a little.

But after walking a few steps, Wu Wei, Zhao Yong and others who were running in the front suddenly stopped.

"what happened?"

"Why stop!"

They were a little puzzled, and stopped while holding their knees.

"Look! There seems to be someone over there!"

Zhao Yong said in a little shock.

"how is this possible!"


"Is there anyone in this ghost place?"

Whether it was the hundreds of thousands of netizens or the dozen or so people present, they were all shocked by this sentence.

But after they finished speaking, they looked at Zhao Yong's fingers, and their faces froze immediately.

There are people!
In the wind and snow blowing randomly, in the direction not far away, there seemed to be a faint white figure sitting cross-legged on a high place.

Seeing this figure, they peeked at each other.

"Isn't it a dead person?"

As soon as these words came out, most people's hearts trembled, obviously a little frightened.

It's no wonder that they have seen the corpses of various animals along the way, so it is inevitable that they will not think so.

Moreover, such a ghostly place is obviously not suitable for human beings to live in. If you see a cross-legged figure here, what do you think is wrong.

They only imagined it in their minds, and immediately felt that it was absolutely impossible for a living person to be here!
What's more, it's still cross-legged, which is even more impossible. Do you really think this is a holy place for practice?
Whether it was them or the netizens watching the live broadcast, they all denied this possibility in their hearts.

"Maybe it's a victim, let's go and have a look." Chen Ling suggested.

The others nodded, as members of the archaeological team, they had big hearts.

As the footsteps of the people approached slowly, the white figure gradually revealed its full appearance.

Everyone was shocked by the first sight they saw after getting closer.

 Thanks to 'Dihua Zhixiu' for rewarding 666 book coins~
  Thanks to 'still on the road' for the reward of 588 book coins~
  Thanks to 'Dream' for rewarding 100 book coins~
  Thanks to 'then.' for rewarding 100 book coins~
  Thank you for all kinds of rewards, okay, (=^▽^=)
(End of this chapter)

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