I became the god of light.

Chapter 98 Into the Cave

Chapter 98 Into the Cave (Subscribe)
Chen Ling persuaded worriedly, and the others also joined the persuasion team.

But unfortunately, no matter how much they persuaded, Father Michelle still looked determined.

This time the wind and snow were rushing, but it was getting bigger, and the expressions of everyone in the archaeological team changed slightly.

Su Yun also noticed it, his heart moved, and he pretended to be puzzled and asked, "I don't know where you are going?"

Because of his appearance and temperament, the archaeological team did not have too much suspicion, and simply explained the matter directly.

"Can I go together?" Su Yun smiled slightly, "God arranged for us to meet here, and he definitely wants me to join you."

"With me here, maybe I can help you a little bit."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Wei and the others were surprised for a moment, they couldn't help but feel speechless for the words like a magic stick, and then they were a little bit dumbfounded.

They didn't think that Father Michel could help, since priests always give the impression of being weak.

Wuwei and other veterans in several teams thought that one of them could beat three priests like Michelle.

"No, the palace we went to is too dangerous, and we may die if we are not careful!"

Zhao Yong refused with disapproval.

Netizens who were confused by Su Yun's appearance suddenly spoke up.

"Sister Chen Ling, agree quickly! Instead of letting Father Michelle stay here, it's better to be safe with you!"

"Yes, I think so too."

"On the top floor!"

Chen Ling, who was always paying attention to the live broadcast room, saw what the netizens said, thought about it carefully and thought it was true, so she hurriedly said, "I agree!"

Seeing other people's strange eyes, she quickly said what the netizens said.

Professor Huang and others suddenly realized, and they all agreed with this method.

After San confirmed that Su Yun would indeed stay here, they all agreed to join Father Michelle.

Compared to staying here, they thought it was safer to be together, so that they could protect Father Michelle.

"Let's go quickly, if we delay for a while, the snow will fall more and more."

Zhao Yong's tone became a little anxious.

"Go!" Wu Wei hurriedly greeted.

More than a dozen archaeologists and Su Yun hurriedly headed towards the destination despite the wind and snow.

The wind and snow were blowing.

Su Yun looked at the archaeological team beside him, and there were three other people in the faint team.

"Father Michelle, you speak Mandarin very well." Chen Ling took the live broadcast device and ran to his side panting.

The other people walking in front also pricked up their ears when they heard the words, and they were also very curious.

Su Yun's expression remained unchanged, and he calmly found an excuse.

"Well, I am very interested in your Chinese civilization, and I have learned Mandarin for a long time."

"Really?" Chen Ling covered her mouth in surprise.

Being able to be said by Father Michel, they unconsciously felt a sense of honor and pride in their hearts.

Su Yun nodded slightly.

Chen Ling smiled all over her face, and was about to continue talking about other topics.

Suddenly, she seemed to have noticed something, and exclaimed directly, "Hey, Father Michelle, why are you wearing so little?"

As soon as these words came out, both the people who were running in the snowstorm and the netizens also noticed a point that they had overlooked before.

Not to mention, when netizens saw Father Michel and the archaeological team together, they became more and more weird.

One side was wearing a thick down jacket, and the other was wearing a white priest's robe that looked very thin at first glance.


They looked at the snowflake carefully, and after confirming that it was not a fake, they were immediately shocked.

"This weather wears so little, is this Superman?"

"This physical fitness..."

"Little brother, you..." Qing Yun's lips trembled, and he glanced at him enviously.

"It's getting old, the young people are amazing."

The words of exclamation also brought the other shocked people back to their senses, and they all nodded in admiration.

"Brother, how did you do it? Is this the result of your hard work?" Yang Dali's eyes lit up, and he squeezed over with great interest.

Zhao Yong also sighed, "I heard that some people are not afraid of the cold, but I didn't expect to see one in reality."

Xia Wei looked at her bloated clothes, and glanced enviously at Su Yun who was wearing a thin and slim priest's robe.

What else could Su Yun say, he could only say vaguely, "I'm used to it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone made up their minds one after another. Admiration flashed in the eyes of the pious Father Michel, who lived a hard life of penance day after day.

As expected of a devout believer, this perseverance is not comparable to ordinary people like them.

While chatting like this, after running for more than ten minutes, under the leadership of Zhao Yong, everyone found a hidden cave entrance at the bottom of a cliff several meters high.

Looking at the pitch-black hole, because the location was not covered by snow, they fell into silence.

The dark cave is like a huge mouth, waiting for people to enter.

Not to mention them, even the netizens were a little scared when they saw it, but because of the relationship between them, they were more excited, because the most critical moment came!
Zhao Yong glanced at the hesitant archaeological team, and took the lead and said, "Let's go."

He turned on the searchlight flashlight and stepped directly into the dark cave, followed by the other two of the trio.

Professor Huang thought about the palace inside, and gritted his teeth, "Let's go!"

Seeing the four people go in, the others could only grit their teeth and follow in.

Fortunately, they carried sufficient lighting equipment in their bloated bags. With each of them equipped with a searchlight and a headlamp, most of the darkness in the cave was illuminated at once.

As soon as they entered, the wide and empty cave came into everyone's eyes.

"I didn't expect it to be so wide here." Someone in the team secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone followed behind Zhao Yong and the others, while looking around, they walked slowly towards their destination.

"There are so many stalactites!" Chen Ling exclaimed.

The light shone on the top of the rock, and stalactites stood impressively above everyone's heads.

"Be careful!" Suddenly Zhao Yong's face changed, and he reminded him in a startled voice.

"What?" The others were taken aback for a moment, not understanding why they should be careful.

"It's a bat!" Zhao Yong shouted in shock.

Wu Wei and the others subconsciously raised their heads to look at the top of the rock. With just one glance, except for Su Yun, everyone else's scalps were a little numb.

I saw rows of black bats hanging from the top of the rock where Chen Ling's searchlights illuminated. They were densely arranged there, and the number seemed shocking.

"Run!" Zhao Yong yelled, and exchanged glances with Yang Dali and Xia Wei. The three of them tacitly felt the wind under their feet, and with all their strength, they ran desperately toward the depths of the cave.

The others reacted quickly, and hurriedly and subconsciously followed behind.


The bats were awakened by Chen Ling's lights. While screaming, the densely packed bats began to sway, and the next moment the bats flew impatiently.


"Ah!" There were several screams from women and curses from men.


Frightened, the bat attacked above everyone's heads.

Su Yun in the crowd frowned, looked at these bats, and realized that they wanted to attack him?
A little impatience and a sense of cleanliness arose in his heart. In order to prevent the bat from approaching him, he planned to take some action secretly.

 Thanks for the reward of 636 book coins from 'Dihua Zhixiu'~
  Thanks to 'East Emperor Tai Er' for rewarding 588 book coins~
  Thanks to 'Qianchen,' 588 book coins for rewarding~
  Thank you(=^▽^=)
(End of this chapter)

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