Konoha Food Stall

Chapter 157 Join Akatsuki

Chapter 157 Join Akatsuki

"Just learn how to cook well, and don't worry about these things," Nagato said.

Then he snorted coldly, cut it, fell into my trap, and still didn't tell me.

"Boss, I already know about you, you want to create a new world, right?"

"A ninja world that is different from the same at any time. People can understand each other. Everyone can understand the pain of others, and share weal and woe. Is this a world?" Ran Bing said.

Nagato frowned slightly, well, that's right, that's what he thought, although he wasn't sure if it was possible, but this was what he wanted to achieve.

"You are a child, don't think so much, hurry up and eat." Nagato said.

Xiao Nan became curious, "Can what you said change?"

Ran Bing smiled helplessly, "It's very difficult. The most difficult thing in this world is to put your thoughts into other people's minds. It is even harder for you to let others understand your pain than to kill him. Ten thousand times."

"Even if you inflicted the same pain on him, he will only remember you, and will never try to understand the pain you have experienced."

"Everyone is like that."

"However, compared to these, it is a breeze for people who meet by chance to sit at a table and eat."

Nagato put down his job, and even Xiaonan was a little surprised, what exactly did this kid want to say.

Ran Bing has already figured out a way to attack Nagato. If he wants to leave this country of rain, he must at least be persuaded first, and Nagato has always been a person who is easy to be fooled, um, that's it.

"A table of food can affect several people, a small shop can affect people on a street, and a big shop can affect people in a whole village."

"Although it is difficult, do I believe that one day, when everyone is willing to accept good things, the world of mutual understanding between people may not come immediately, but it must not be far away."

Nagato thought for a while, is what he said reasonable? Yes, this is a method similar to peaceful evolution, which is slowly advancing, but can it really be realized?

"You said so much, what exactly do you want to say?" Nagato said.

Ran Bing took a deep breath, feeling a little worried in her heart, and said, "I don't know what I'm going to say, but your ideal is also what I think, and I will use another way to realize it."

"I think you may not be able to realize your dream in your way, but may be used instead."

"Enthusiasm cannot be extinguished. You will always be young, and your eyes will always be filled with tears. There are friends everywhere. There may be misunderstandings and even disagreements between friends, but these are insignificant."

Xiao Nan was a little bit surprised by Ran Bing's thoughts. She has been managing Yuyin Village for many years. During these years, she has also seen the growth of many ninjas in Yuyin Village. At Ran Bing's age, she is relatively good. It's already a Chunin.

But no one has ever had such insight as Ran Bing. This young man seems to be really different.

Nagato put down his job, and then said: "You can join Akatsuki, I need someone like you to realize my ideals with me."

Join Akatsuki?
Haha, wouldn't that be a bit too flattering, that is to say, I can also wear that black raincoat and run around in the future, and no one cares about me, haha, it's comfortable.

The goal has finally been achieved, although it was achieved in a strange way, at least my freedom should not be restricted in the future, then I can go home, I haven’t seen Ino little loli for a long time, after returning, I must You have to pinch her face, and pinch her slender waist hard.

"This hot pot is delicious." Nagato said.

After eating, Xiao Nan and Nagato left, leaving only Ran Bing here to clean up the table.

If Ranbing joins Akatsuki, will it usher in the weakest employee in Akatsuki history?
No, Akatsuki in Yahiko’s period was not an elite line, but a mass line, and Akatsuki has been updating. For example, Kakuzu, his teammates usually make up for one teammate after he dies. The rebellious ninja in his village was killed by Kadotsu after making up for it.

It's such a vicious circle.

That afternoon, Xiao Nan brought a new dress for Ran Bing, that black robe with red cloud patterns.

Afterwards, Ran Bing put on an empty forehead, and drew a line in the center of the forehead, which represented that he was an Akatsuki ninja.

The so-called empty forehead is the forehead without any village logo on it, because Ran Bing is not a ninja in the first place.

In addition, he also gave Ran Bing a ring with the word "Yan" on it, which was just a code name.

Okay, from today onwards, you are Ultraman, oh no, you are an employee of Akatsuki.

After receiving the clothes, Ran Bing was still very happy, "Aunt Xiaonan, since I am already one of you, when will you arrange tasks for me?"

Ran Bing has made a plan, as soon as a task is assigned to me, the labor and management will immediately slip away, run back to Konoha, then get up, live well, and never leave the village in the future, even if killed.

"You just wait, there is no task for you at the moment." Xiao Nan said.


"Nagato, why did you let him join us?" Xiao Nan asked suspiciously.

In Nagato's view, Ran Bing is a person who shares his ideals, absolutely right, he is very accurate in seeing people.

There are quite a few people in the Akatsuki organization now, but they are definitely not on the same page.Although they are also performing organizational tasks, everyone has small calculations and unique ideals, but this man named Ran Bing is really an exception.

Let him join, not for the organization, but for the ideal.

Now that Ran Bing is also a member of the organization, Payne intends to test Ran Bing's strength in person. This guy plays tricks all day long on how much strength he has. If he really can't do it, he will be kicked.

Ran Bing was wearing a Xiaopao. After wearing it for a while, she felt uncomfortable. It seemed that she couldn't go shopping in the street like this, and would be laughed at by others. When she went out, she quickly changed it.

In the afternoon, just as Ran Bing was about to go out, a big hand grabbed him, the palm was cold, as if there was no life at all.

This person is Payne.

You boy, if you are too bad, then I can only kick you out again. If you are strong enough, you will stay with Xiao. If you are too bad, you will continue to cook with you, that's it.

On the practice field in Yuyin Village, there were only two people here, and no one else was watching.

(End of this chapter)

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