Konoha Food Stall

Chapter 34 The Lobster Will Never Be a Slave

Chapter 34 The Lobster Will Never Be a Slave
Although he already knew the news about the crayfish, Ran Bing was still in a panic.

How to get some crayfish from under the hands of three tails?This seems to be a bit of a test, forget it, let's go, and Ran Bing is also a little curious, he wants to see if Maitekai can do it better than Sanwei Isofu.

Generally speaking, the number of tails is not enough to determine the strength of strength, but it is more recognized that the nine-tailed nine-lama is the most powerful.

The number of tails determines the amount of chakra. The more tails, the more chakras, but the number of chakras cannot determine the real strength.

For example, Kakashi once said that Naruto's chakra is four times that of his. This sentence was said when Naruto was learning the change of wind attributes.

If the more chakras, the stronger the strength, wouldn't Naruto at that time beat Kakashi?

But it doesn't seem to be the case. Kakashi at that time was probably stronger than Naruto.

Strength is a very complex general term, and all elements that can generate possibilities can be counted as part of strength.

Then Ran Bing decided to go to the big lake that the chef said to try his luck. It would be best if he could catch crayfish.

The two of them headed south. Looking at the map, if they set off at noon, at the speed of the two of them, they should arrive in the evening.

They rested that night and started preparing the next morning.

Ran Bing's plan is to prepare props in the morning, and then catch a few crayfish in the afternoon. If Sanwei is sleeping, it will be a joy to congratulate, happy to hear and see.

Ran Bing went to buy a big box first, it was a wooden box with holes, and it was not heavy, so it was just right for Maitekai to carry on his back.

For the sake of youth, Maitekai carried this wooden box on his back very happily, and regarded it as a practice, which was really flattering.

Ran Bing felt a little fortunate in his heart, if Kakashi took the task, he would never carry it on his back, he would probably just stare at He Ranbing, and still stare at a dead fish eye.

If there is only one box, it is definitely not enough. Ran Bing bought six wooden boxes at once, and also found a few local workers.

As long as enough money is given, there are still many people who are willing to risk their lives to work.

After preparing the boxes, they did not set off in a hurry, and went to buy some medicines to increase the resistance of the crayfish during transportation.

The last is the most critical link. Ran Bing rented a small boat directly. When he goes back, he can just make this small boat and go back, so he doesn’t need to be a passenger ship.

During this morning, Ran Bing and Maitekai played in this small town for a while, and in the afternoon, they went to the big lake.

Before going, Ran Bing first bought some ice cubes and put them in a wooden box, which was still carried by Mr. Maitekai.

This big lake is very spectacular, stretching as far as the eye can see, although it is only a lake, it is already very spectacular to be so big.

According to the information we inquired before, Sanwei Isofu should be under this water, as long as he doesn't wake him up, he will be fine.

The living range of crayfish is very light, it can survive in big rivers, and it can also survive in mud, so it is very easy for it to survive.

A total of three workers were found. The three of them must not have any personal accident insurance. Basically, if they die, they will die. There is no way.

The three workers hid behind them, and Ran Bing and Maitekai approached the big lake furtively, feeling really panicked.

Others came here with the determination to die, it's really naive for these two people to want to go back alive.


Mio Isofu, who was sleeping soundly at the bottom of the sea, yawned, stretched, and then slowly opened his eyes.


Woke up, is it time to eat?
But there is no watch on the bottom of the sea, and Sanwei Isofu raised his head to look at the sky, it was almost afternoon, the sun was setting, the sea was already red, and it was time to eat.

Eat when you wake up, and sleep when you are full. This is the best state of real wild free-range.

Sanwei Isofu first ate some seaweed on the bottom of the sea, then floated under the bottom of the sea for a while, rubbed his stomach, no, Laozi is a carnivore, he can't just eat grass here.

Crayfish, here I come.

Then Sanwei swam and swam, and floated to the surface of the water, and then opened his eyes to see, suddenly furious, dammit, human, put down my crayfish!
No one wants to touch my crayfish, shameless human!

Seeing these shameless humans pack five boxes full of crayfish, they are about to leave!
No, I can't bear this anger.

Lobsters are never slaves.

Mio Isofu first roared, and then rushed directly to the boy who was carrying the wooden box.

Sanweiji raised a huge tail, which looked the same as Pippi Shrimp, it was ugly, and then patted it directly!

Even if it's this move is not a trick, but a very common attack, if it really hits that boy, that person will be dead.


Seeing a huge tail swung down from the sky, Ran Bing was about to put down the box and leave quickly.

The sixth door, open!

To the peacock!

Suddenly, on the surface of the water, someone stepped on the surface of the water, and his body was covered with blue arrogance.

The high-speed swinging fist rubs against the air to generate flames, and uses the shock waves and flames formed by hitting the air to form countless flames that look like peacock feathers.

With Maitekai as the center, the flames emitted are very regular, like a peacock spreading its tail, hence the name!

A huge splash was stirred up on the lake, Sanwei Isofu was repelled and sank to the bottom of the water, but he was only retreated by a surprise attack, and when he regained his senses and came out again, he was still going to die.

"Go quickly!"

However, Bing took the three workers and slipped away right away. Don't worry about it. The labor and management slipped away first, and Mr. Maitekai will hand it over to you later.

Their speed was very fast, they had tried their best to escape, and they left the sphere of influence of this lake in a short while.

Ran Bing panted heavily, it was so dangerous, thanks to Maitkai, otherwise this time I would have explained it here.

Ran Bing sat down on the ground, let me go, this wave really made money, and I saw the sixth door facing the peacock.

Maitekai immediately chased after him, leaving only Mio Isofu with a gloomy expression on his face, who robbed Laozi of his things and beat him up.

Okay, okay, this green-skinned guy, don't let me see you again, or I will wrap you into rice dumplings and feed them to the sharks.

 Thanks to Qidian readers Xiuqing Mingyue Manshankong for their reward of [-] Qidian coins.

  In addition, this book will be recommended at [-] o'clock in the afternoon this Sunday, so let's have some exciting celebrations then!

  Like breaking something?How about not being supervised?
(End of this chapter)

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