Mr. Gu's sweetheart wife

Chapter 11 Because I Love You

Chapter 11 Because I Love You
Qi Ziyan was really dissatisfied. He originally thought that the third brother just married a random wife to deal with the matter. He specifically said that he wanted to be the host to have fun!

I didn't expect it to be so serious, almost a gift, sent to the bridal chamber, and then rushed out!
If he really said it, his life might be lost...

Qi Ziyan waved to Cheng Jue in the corner, signaling that he could take the ring up.

When Qi Ziyan found out that the person who gave the ring was actually Cheng Jue, he was shocked!

If you want to know who Cheng Jue is, the famous "Killing God" in their circle, a frightening person is actually giving a ring here...

A person like Cheng Jue is still in charge of this matter, which is enough to show how much thought Gu Mo has wasted on this wedding!
Cheng Jue was dressed upright in a suit, but he was holding a tray of rings in his hand, watching him step by step onto the stage, Qi Ziyan sneered so hard that his face turned red.

He really wants to laugh...

An Nuan suddenly realized that she was still wearing a ring!

It's over, it's embarrassing now!

This ring was originally hung around his neck, but he woke up after being reborn.

Unconsciously thinking about playing with this in his hand, he took off the ring around his neck.

And she wore it on her ring finger.

It's over, it's's over!
In front of everyone, how would she explain it now!

An Nuan looked at Gu Moshen anxiously, only to hear someone chuckle and hold An Nuan's hand.

He took the ring off his ring finger and put it in his suit pocket.

Immediately afterwards, he also took off the ring on his ring finger and put them in his pocket together.

"I didn't expect that my wife and I really have a good understanding!"

An Nuan was a little surprised, watching him take the ring that Cheng Jue sent and carefully put it on her hand.

An Nuan looked at this ring, it was a bit different from the previous life, but also a bit similar.

She couldn't help wondering, was it because she said it was too early to marry him, and even cut corners on the ring? ? ?
She took another ring, took the man's bony hand with one hand, and slowly put the ring on his ring finger.

The wedding finally came to an end here. After the ceremony, An Nuan was led back to the lounge by Gu Moshen.

The lounge is huge, and Shark is already waiting inside.

"Hey, third brother! You don't go to the front hall to drink for your wedding!"

It was only after Shark's ridicule that he realized that Gu Moshen took her directly to the lounge after the end, and didn't pay attention to those people in front of him at all.

According to An Nuan's understanding of Gu Moshen, this person probably didn't intend to drink with them today.

"Brother and fourth are drinking there! And you will go there later!"

"What! Third brother... my good third brother...! Can I not go, my eldest brother is very perverted after drinking, I'm afraid... blah blah..."

Hearing Shark's rambunctious words, An Nuan looked at him with disgust, and almost couldn't spit it out.

Gu Moshen seemed to be in a good mood today. It seemed that he had no intention of fussing with him, as if he was following him.

Shark is also a shrewd person. Seeing that Gu Moshen was silent, he quickly slipped out of the room dragging his bag.

Damn Shark!
When he left, he didn't forget to make a joke, and even raised his voice so that the whole corridor echoed.

"Third brother, a spring night is worth a thousand gold!"

An Nuan really wanted a moment in Chunxiao to be worth a thousand dollars, but she was afraid that a certain man would not like it...she couldn't go too far, for fear of scaring him.

"Change your clothes first, let's go back!"

go back?

An Nuan didn't know why.

"Where are you going back?"

Gu Moshen leaned over to push An Nuan against the corner of the wall, his deep voice carried an irresistible charm, and a pair of deep eyes directly hit An Nuan's heart.

"Isn't a spring night worth a thousand gold?"

"What about grandpa and them?"

"Cheng Jue will make arrangements!"

Soon An Nuan changed her clothes, followed Gu Moshen out the back door, and a black Maybach was parked at the door.

There was no driver in the car. It seemed that Gu Moshen was planning to drive by himself. An Nuan was about to open the co-pilot's door when Gu Moshen got ahead of her.

Gu Moshen drove the car seriously, and An Nuan finally asked the question that he had been wondering for a long time.

"Gu Moshen, you didn't prepare this temporarily today, did you!
This is not a question, but an obvious affirmation!

"Hmm! I...have planned for a long time!"

Gu Moshen replied so sincerely that it was impossible not to be surprised.


An Nuan didn't understand why Gu Moshen was so affectionate for two lifetimes, and sometimes even began to wonder if he had forgotten something?
An Nuan was waiting for Gu Moshen's answer, but time passed by.

She never waited, but instead, Gu Moshen's question came.

"Then why did you marry me?"

Depend on!
It's obvious that I have planned it for a long time, but now I want to beat him back!
An Nuan turned sideways and faced him.With a frivolous brow and an innocent and sincere smile on his face.

"Because I like you!"

It seems like a deliberate ridicule, but it is mixed with a bit of seriousness. What is going on?

What's the matter with this woman?

Gu Moshen knew her very well, and because she loved Lin Shichu's matter to death, he planned a series of marriage snatching plans!

If An Jingjie hadn't tipped off the news today, he would have missed such a good thing like a pie in the sky!

But how did he never think that this woman would be like this today?
 Everyone's support is the best encouragement for me, if you can, everyone can be active. (...crying...)
(End of this chapter)

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