Mr. Gu's sweetheart wife

Chapter 27 Severing Relationships

Chapter 27 Severing Relationships
Gu Zong rushed over to turn off the video.

Gu Moshen didn't feel angry just watching his actions with cold eyes.

Who here doesn't know that the Gu family is strictly guarded, and no one dares to commit murder directly in the Gu family, let alone at a gathering like today.

Coupled with Jiang Rong's reaction, they can also think that this incident has something to do with them.

But everyone here today is from the Gu family, regardless of whether An Nuan's incident is due to self-defense or other reasons.

It is impossible for them to protect An Nuan who just walked in and give up a well-known Mrs. Gu.

"Gu Moshen, didn't your video clearly show that this woman did it!"

"What else do you have to say!"

Gu Zong has no way out, and today's incident is bound to have an unmanageable impact, so he must act first.

"Gu Zong!"

Gu Moshen's angry reprimand stunned the people around him, he didn't call Chairman Gu, he called Gu Zong directly, the anger in his voice expressed his dissatisfaction and venting.

"My wife almost had an accident in your Gu's house, but this man appeared in Gu's house and Jiang Rong saw it and didn't call anyone at all, but even helped!"

"Gu Zong! Do you think everyone present is a fool?"

Once Gu Moshen said this, it was hard for the people present to pretend to be stupid.

"Young Master Gu, maybe someone has sneaked into the Gu family!"

"Young Master Gu, don't be so angry!"

Many people started to play sloppy eyes, they didn't want to offend either the Gu family or Gu Moshen.

Although Gu Moshen is suppressed by the Gu family now, it is not easy to rely on his intelligence and strategy.

In case of a comeback someday, it will be difficult to handle.

But what Gu Moshen hates the most is such sloppy people.

"Gu Zong! You'd better be lucky that Nuan Nuan didn't have any accidents, otherwise, your Gu family is already in the past!"

"You! Gu Moshen! You actually"

Gu Zong was so angry that he couldn't say a word for a long time, Gu Moshen was really out of control.If this goes on, what he said about Gu's change of owner is afraid that it will really become a reality.

"Gu Moshen, get the hell out of the Gu family!"

Getting out of the Gu family is tantamount to getting out of the Gu family. The Gu family belongs to the Gu family. Gu Zong asking him to get out of the Gu family is tantamount to letting him get out of the Gu family!

After finally saying these words, Gu Mo looked at Gu Zong with cold eyes without any affection.

"Okay, that's exactly what I mean. From now on, I, Gu Moshen, have nothing to do with Gu Zong and the Gu family!"

Gu Moshen's words echoed in the hall for a long time, he actually gave up the Gu family for a woman!

Gu Zong finally drove Gu Moshen out of the Gu family as he wished, but the joy in his heart was not as intense as imagined.

At this moment, he didn't know whether it was right or wrong to do so!

Gu Mo looked at Gu Zong deeply, he was going to leave after the matter was over, he was going to start his plan.

Gu Shi, do you think you can escape?

Gu Zong saw that he was about to leave. Although he chose to leave the Gu family, would he come back?

Cheng Jue stopped him before he could say anything.

"Chairman Gu, all the contracts that sever ties with the Gu family will be sent to you within 5 minutes."

in 5 minutes?

How can it be so fast?

Are these contracts already prepared?

Gu Zong was a little unbelievable, but before he had time to think about it, Cheng Jue's voice continued to ring in his ears.

"By the way, Chairman Gu must be aware of what happened today. Ms. An is completely self-defense! If there are any rumors about today's incident, you, the wife of the head of the Gu Family Hall, will become the number of men who think about it day and night. people!"

After Cheng Jue finished speaking, he packed up his things and left the hall, and the rest of the performers looked at each other in dismay.

The words just now are still lingering in everyone's ears, Gu Zong can't believe that they have the confidence to do such a thing!
But the panic in his heart came inexplicably, yes he panicked!

Gu Zong stood up and looked at all the people present, but he hadn't recovered yet.The Gu Moshen just now was too arrogant, a look he had never seen before!
"Everyone knows what's going on today!"

After all, this kind of thing is a thankless thing for both parties, and no one wants to take this risk.

"It's natural!"

"Chairman Gu, don't worry, we all know it!"


Gu Zong took Jiang Rong out of the hall, and the rest of the people left the Gu family consciously.

(End of this chapter)

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