Mr. Gu's sweetheart wife

Chapter 49 What's wrong with you?

Chapter 49 What's wrong with you?
"Let's go, today's activities here are over!"

An Nuan carried the skirt and sat back in the car. Gu Moshen carefully arranged the hem of the skirt for her, keeping her eyes on the car from the beginning to the end of the drive.

A pair of slender arms attached to the man's arm, and his hand was much better.

The route Cheng Jue opened is not the way home, what's going on?

Could it be something else?
"Husband, aren't we going home?"

Gu Moshen's hand gently patted the back of her hand, a simple and normal movement that could no longer be normal, but it always had an indescribable charm.

“Looking Back at Home Villa”

"The Gu family? Or the villa the Gu family gave us?"

"Villa Garden!"

An Nuan blinked her eyes, not to speak sooner!

"Why don't you go there? People from the Gu family couldn't find you, so they went there to make trouble?"

Gu Mo looked at this little woman deeply, she was indeed beautiful and smart!
"Well, almost!"

An Nuan still didn't understand when she got up, how could the Gu family, especially Gu Zongming, wish to drive Gu Moshen out and go to the villa to make trouble because he couldn't be contacted?
And didn't Gu Moshen have no contact with the villa garden?

Although she said it lightly, she could understand that Gu Moshen still had some old feelings for the Gu family after all, and maybe he still had some old feelings for Gu Zong!
Villa Court

Gu Zong has been here many times, but the servant gave him the answer that Gu Moshen has not been back for a long time.

There are two people, Jiang Rong and Gu Zong, sitting in the hall. The distance between the two seems to be separated by the entire Milky Way. Gu Zong has never looked at Jiang Rong from the beginning to the end. Since that incident, their family has been irreparable up.

A person with strong self-esteem like Gu Zong can't bear Jiang Rong and other men to have such a thing happen after all, this is a man's self-esteem!
"Honey, let me get you a cup of tea!"

Jiang Rong got up and wanted to get Gu Zong a cup of tea. The cold war between them had lasted for a long time.

Although she tried her best to break free from that nightmare, but facing such a husband who sneered at her, her heart was still a bit chilled.

Gu Zong looked at the newspaper in his hand, and when he heard her voice, he didn't raise his eyes to give her a look.

"No, just ask the servant to come over!"

The man's voice was cold, without any emotion.Jiang Rong knew that she couldn't get angry under such circumstances, but the humiliation in her heart made her heart unable to get half of peace.

"Am I no better than a servant now?"

It's simply unreasonable to make trouble. This is not at my own home, so it's fine at my own home.They are now in Gu Moshen's home, who knows what kind of jokes they will see when they come back later!
Gu Zong didn't like arguing with her now, there was already enough noise at home during this time, and Jiang Rong hasn't stopped since that incident.

"Hehe, it seems that you don't even want to talk to me anymore! Who is the reason why I have all this trouble? Gu Zong, I will have what I have today when I marry you. Now, are you How did you treat me?"

Jiang Rong's words hurt Mr. Gu's heart. What is it that has her to get what he has today?
Jiang Rong's help was indeed indispensable for Gu Zong's journey, but because of this, people poked his spine everywhere!
The newspapers were lined up on the coffee table with a bang, Jiang Rong's eyes were red, and tears were hanging on her face, but there was no feeling of pity.

"Jiang Rong, you keep saying that you are for me, so you don't have half of your own wishes? You didn't add a few things to what happened back then? Jiang Rong, I think you are Gu Jingshen's mother, and I don't want to entangle you too much about yourself Let's see if you have the face to be the head mistress of the Gu family!"

Yes, Gu Zong did not deny Jiang Rong's achievements for him, but how could he not understand Jiang Rong's thoughts, why did he marry her?
Jiang Rong stared blankly at the man in front of her. She has liked him since she was young. She was only 16 years old that year. When a group of gangsters surrounded her, he stood up. From then on, she vowed that she would marry this man!

It's been 40 years!

According to the boy in her heart, she loved him for 40 years regardless of his age and changes!
She will give him whatever he wants, but in the end she is deceiving herself!

Jiang Rong looked at him and just felt so strange, the old man in front of him was just a stranger and a heartbreaker after all.

"Gu Zong, it's been 40 years. I've been blinded by your kindness back then, and I can't see your face until today! Do you know that this face that I've loved for 40 years will suddenly surprise me so much? Nausea!"

Gu Zonghong's eyes were red, the expression on his face was extremely terrifying, full of anger.But Jiang Rong wasn't afraid at all, she had already ruined her anyway and she could see the man's face clearly, she just felt worthless for herself!
What a young boy, after all, his heart was smoked for profit, and he hurt her for face!
She closed her eyes and prepared to accept the man's overwhelming anger, but all this did not come as expected.

But the man's voice was like a ghost, slowly ringing in his ears.

"Jiang Rong, what is wrong with you? You should know if my happy family was lost in your hands. I don't know what the old men of the Gu family and your Jiang family did. Do you think I'm really stupid? The hatred of my wife, the pain of bereavement, and my son draw swords against me, I don't care, I'm waiting!"

 The main drama is about to begin, and all the grievances will kick off!Ask for votes, for collection, for encouragement!

(End of this chapter)

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