Mr. Gu's sweetheart wife

Chapter 64 Take you to a good show

Chapter 64 Take you to a good show
An Nuan quietly listened to the man's story about the past and what happened tonight, what kind of people are the Gu family!
To do such a thing!
Her throat was so choked that she was a little speechless. How much better than she has undertaken all that Gu Moshen has undertaken?

She wrapped her arms around the man's strong waist from behind. Although there was still an indescribable smell of blood on her body, the man's heartbeat could control her agitation.

Gu Moshen turned around to gently separate her, and An Nuan looked at his face.

The expression on his face was not much different from before, but the scarlet eye sockets seemed to be filled with tears.

The man faced her and stroked her hair gently: "Nuan Nuan, I'm dirty!"

He didn't want Nuannuan to get close, he knew she wanted to comfort him, but the smell of blood on his body would make her feel uncomfortable.

An Nuan just looked at her and said nothing, she didn't know what she should say to comfort him, so she just wanted to hug him.

"Fool, I'm fine!"

An Nuan took his hand, with a bitter smile trying to send a smile.

"Let's go back and see Dad!"

Of course An Nuan refers to Gu Zong, Gu Zong appeared to protect him!

After so many years, Gu Zong must have gotten tired of being in it, all staying away is for protection!

An Nuan naturally knew that it might not be difficult for Gu Moshen to hate him, otherwise how could he let Nan Jiang and Nan Yu come over at the same time.

Surgery is over.

Gu Zong had already been pushed to the ward, but it was only an intensive care ward.

An Nuan saw that Nanyu was the only one sitting at the door of the operating room. He had already changed out of his surgical clothes, and he was lying on the side and dozed off.

The footsteps of An Nuan and Gu Moshen seemed to have disturbed his lucid dream, and he rubbed his eyes with his arm covering his face to block the light, and the moment his sleepy eyes looked at Gu Moshen, he woke up instantly.

Nan Yu immediately stood up and walked to Gu Moshen's side.

"The right hand may be useless. There is another bullet that is very close to the heart, and it is now in the intensive care unit."

"The fate is saved. But the possibility of becoming a vegetable cannot be ruled out!"

The two hated Nan Yu and came to the door of the ward, where Nan Jiang changed her dressing in white.

Gu Mo looked deeply at the pale man on the bed, his body was full of tubes.

His heart seemed to be pulled by something. For so many years, he always thought that Gu Zong was the one who betrayed his heart.

He didn't blame him for throwing himself abroad and ignored him, at least he felt that Gu Zong wanted to disappear because he watched him remember his dead mother.

He could understand, he even wanted to let himself disappear!
He blamed him why that one was no longer at home!
He blamed himself for having a fever!

He blamed Gu Zong for marrying Jiang Rong in less than half a year!

But when the truth came out, he didn't want to admit it anymore. He didn't want to believe that he hated the wrong person for so many years.

But the moment Gu Zong stood in front of him, he knew that the hatred for so many years was just his wishful thinking.

It was because he was young and ignorant that he hated the wrong person, which led to today's bitter fruit!

As long as he finds out the truth of the matter sooner, as long as he has realized his anger towards himself without prejudice.

Maybe he will understand that Gu Zong has never been able to let him stay in the Gu family. It is he himself who blamed Gu Zong for blinding his own judgment!

"Nan Yu, you and Nan Jiang are here to take care of him." Gu Moshen turned to look at An Nuan: "Nuan Nuan, do you want to go home?"

"I want to be here with you."

"Then I'll take you to a good show!"

The fierceness in Gu Moshen's eyes made Nanyu on the side shiver. The third brother's appearance seemed to be serious, and it was very rare for him to see such an appearance.

If the third brother hadn't ordered him to watch here, he would have to watch the good show that the third brother said!
An Nuan probably guessed what he was going to do, this incident happened because of the Gu family, presumably tonight must be the time for the Gu family to be destroyed.

But she didn't understand how powerful Gu Moshen really was?
In her last life, she never cared about Gu Moshen. Did these things happen in that life?

She had no way of knowing, she only knew that Gu Moshen seemed to be in Gu's all the time, and besides that, he didn't go home often.

And in the last life, did he also endure these things, and when he came back, he still had to bear her anger and insults.What happened? She who always claimed to be sensible did so many stupid things in her last life!

 A precious reader voted for me, thank you very much!bow
(End of this chapter)

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