Mr. Gu's sweetheart wife

Chapter 70 Memory in the form of dreams

Chapter 70 Memory in the form of dreams

An Nuan lay in Gu Moshen's arms, breathing shallowly, as if she was about to fall asleep.

"Nuan Nuan. Are you afraid?"

A man's voice came from above An Nuan's head, this was the first sentence he took the initiative to say to her when they came back.

An Nuan kicked the quilt and found a comfortable position: "What?"

"Are you afraid of what I did just now?" The man's voice sounded a little cautious.

An Nuan raised her head from under the quilt, met his deep eyes, and said to him seriously.

"Compared to the appearance just now, I am more afraid of you appearing in front of me covered in blood."

She didn't care how harshly her man treated her enemies, she was just afraid, afraid that he would appear in front of her, covered in blood and scars like in the previous life.

She's afraid she'll go crazy, God knows how scared she was when she saw him covered in blood just now!
Gu Moshen didn't speak, he patted her head and hugged her into his arms.

It is already 05:30 in the morning, they can finally rest, and An Nuan soon fell into a dream
The sky was still dark, and An Nuan was standing in an unknown place, surrounded by wars.

She saw a woman who looked very similar to herself, holding two guns and covered in blood.

Several people around her were seriously injured, and An Nuan's heart was inexplicably aching.
"Sister, go away!" The boy in black blocked her behind: "I'll hold them back first!"

"No, you have to go first if you want to go, sister will protect you!"

Suddenly a man appeared behind him and moved so fast that she was knocked unconscious before she could turn around.The man wore a black hat and a black suit that almost blended into the night.

"Third Brother, why did you come here?"

Looking at it from An Nuan's perspective, the face under the black hat surprised her to the extreme.

This face is actually exactly the same as Gu Moshen's, and there is also that name
The man handed the woman in his arms to the young man's hand. He turned his head and stared at the enemy not far away without looking back.

"Protect your sister, go first, I'll come later!"

The boy hugged the woman in his arms, glanced at the man's back, turned around and ran towards an alley behind him.

An Nuan watched the scene after scene in front of her, like a movie was playing, but she couldn't stop everything.

Gu Moshen was woken up by the woman in his arms, looking at the frowning of the woman in his arms, his hands tightly grabbed the clothes on his chest.

Suddenly, An Nuan woke up with a start, and Gu Mo, who was on the side, looked at her worriedly. This face gradually overlapped with the one in the dream.

"I dreamed of you." An Nuan's voice was still a little trembling, and it was a little hoarse just after waking up.

Gu Moshen frowned slightly, and looked at An Nuan suspiciously.

"There are three people in the dream, you, a young man, and someone who looks like me." Gu Moshen's expression was instantly serious, with unknown feelings floating in his eyes, An Nuan focused on recalling his dream .

"There were gunshots, and someone was injured. The man who looked like me was taken away by the boy after you knocked him out."

The man's eyes were hot, his voice was gentle, and he gently rubbed An Nuan's fingertips with one hand. "and then?"

An Nuan shook her head: "No then, I can't remember what happened afterwards!"

"what time is it?"

"It's only seven o'clock, and I've only rested for less than two hours. Go on to sleep." Gu Moshen put the phone back on the table.

Soon, An Nuan's sleepiness struck again, and she subconsciously burrowed into the man's words.

Gu Moshen was no longer tired, the dream that An Nuan said just now was actually not a dream, those things happened in real life!

What is going on here, even if it is amnesia, how can these memories appear in the form of dreams again?

Gu Moshen picked up the phone on the table and found Nan Jiang on the list.

Gu Moshen: Will lost memories appear in the form of dreams?
Nan Jiang: In theory, the probability of such a situation happening is very small, but this possibility cannot be ruled out.

Nan Jiang: What's wrong?What did sister-in-law remember?

Gu Moshen: She had a dream, and the events in the dream almost coincided with what happened that year, but she herself had no memory at all.

Nan Jiang: Has anything similar to that happened recently?
Gu Moshen sat up slightly, leaning his back against the head of the bed, and adjusted a posture that made An Nuan sleep more comfortably.

Gu Moshen: Yes, what happened today was a bit bloody, but she didn't seem frightened.

Nan Jiang: It is also possible that the subconscious was stimulated, should I come over and show her, maybe I can recover the memory faster?

Gu Mo closed his eyes deeply, the room was very quiet, the sound of An Nuan's breathing, his heartbeat.
Finally, he opened his eyes, and the messages on the phone had passed for a while.

Gu Moshen: Let nature take its course, but I wish she didn't have this memory
He looked at An Nuan's sleeping face, she was as cute as a child at the moment.He hoped that she could always be like this, and he didn't want her to think of that heavy past.If she had to think about it, she would let nature take its course rather than intervene forcefully, which would be a huge harm to her.

He would rather that she never remember him again, and that she no longer bear that heavy pain!

(End of this chapter)

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