God Level Corpse King

Chapter 263 Flying Fish Island

Chapter 263 Returning to Flying Fish Island
In the port, there is a huge battleship-Blood Dragon!

On the mast of this overall blood-red battleship, there is a blood blade flag that is constantly fluttering in the wind. The ship is extremely tall, with two storeys of gun towers. The deck of the ship is full of various artillery pieces, and the crew are all vampires.

[Blood Dragon, a rare Tier 5 battleship]

This extremely powerful and rare ship has attracted many people to watch at the port of Deathknell Town.

There is no way, the blood dragon has a dazzling red color, and the huge hull is simply a landscape. Anyone who sees this ship will be blinded.

So far, apart from the ironclad steam warships left by the Japanese, there are not a few Tier 5 warships in the whole of China, and no one has ever seen the rare Tier 5 warship Blood Dragon.

hello, what's going on?Why is there such a super ship? "

"Look, this ship is really cool!"

"Yes, if I have such a big and beautiful boat, then I will be satisfied in this life."

A group of onlookers at the port stared at the ship with wide-eyed expressions of envy and hatred.

This is the big ship that men dream of, this is the legendary cruiser, this is the dream of men!

Soon, the game reporters moved with the wind and rushed to the entrance of Deathknell Town, and began to use audio-visual conch shells to film this rare warship that had never been seen before, including the spies of the major guilds.

"Whose ship is it?"

"It seems that the national server only has a level 5 warship that Jin Sicong can barely get. Who owns this level 5 warship?"

Many people can't help asking questions.

Everyone wants to find out the origin of the Blood Dragon, and everyone is also curious about who is the owner of this ship?
This rare ship is too tall, not only the hull is bright and eye-catching, even the crew are vampire soldiers, and the artillery on it is also a level 5 artillery.

It seems that the configuration and other aspects of this ship have surpassed Jin Sicong's Level 5 armored steam battleship!
However, this ship does not have any identification of the player, which is really unreasonable. Is this ship an NPC ship?

Just when the big guys were wondering, Xiaoqiang walked into the crowd slowly, holding Lolisa Sha by the hand.

At the beginning, no one noticed Xiaoqiang, but when a female reporter saw this handsome guy with unbelievable looks and let out a shriek, it attracted the big guy's attention.

"I'll go, this undead clan's sincere appearance is beyond the charts, such a cold expression."

"What's going on? Even vampires can't achieve this kind of appearance, and the other party is just a zombie."

Looking at Xiaoqiang's heaven-defying face, some people expressed admiration, some were envious, and some voiced doubts.

However, no one has noticed that this super handsome guy who is so handsome is none other than Xiaoqiang, a trash player in the national server who was once ugly to outrageous.

I saw this handsome guy holding the little Lolita and walking slowly to the Blood Dragon, then picked up the little Lolita and jumped onto the deck of the Blood Dragon.

This move surprised those who hadn't paid attention to Xiaoqiang, and the big guy immediately pointed the camera at Xiaoqiang.

"Hahaha, Xiaoqiang, Ms. Sasha, please come in." Nicholas suddenly appeared at the bow of the boat, welcoming them with a smile.

"Ms. Sasha? You actually called me a lady who is so young and beautiful?" Sasha said a little unhappy.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, Miss Sasha, I'm so confused." Nicholas was taken aback, looking a little embarrassed and a little nervous.

Xiaoqiang watched the show from the sidelines.

Nicholas planned to go to Flying Fish Island with him to visit his daughter Nicole, so he offered to send Xiaoqiang to the South China Sea with the flagship of the Bloodblade Pirates.

According to what he knew, there seemed to be some stories between Ms. Aisha and Nicholas in the past, which made people wonder about the relationship between the two.

"You are really old and confused. I used to be your older sister, but it doesn't mean that I am your older sister now. You don't have to be respectful." Sasha said softly, looking like a proud girl.

"Ah! You two are siblings?" Xiaoqiang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood when he heard this.

He thought the two of them were old lovers, but they turned out to be siblings, what a bloody mess, the young master took off his pants, and you guys showed me this kind of plot?

Just when Xiaoqiang was lamenting the extraordinary background of these two people, there was a burst of exclamation from the pier.

"Look, Vampire Duke Nicholas, a king monster up to level 100!"

"My God, this ship is a level 100 NPC ship, no wonder it is so big."

"It's the first time I've seen such a high-level NPC!"

There were bursts of exclamations from the port, and it was obvious that everyone was fertilized.

Many players have never witnessed NPCs or monsters up to level 100. Those are legendary existences. Usually, these high-level NPCs can only be glimpsed in very high-end epic mission videos. Unexpectedly, there will be such super NPCs appearing in the world today. Deathstroke Town Port.

"Your Excellency, I wonder if Master Alchemist Clay has brought the goods I want?" Nicholas snorted and was about to announce the departure, Xiaoqiang immediately asked.

"That's right, everything you want is here, you should inspect it first." Nicholas pointed to a row of things covered with white canvas on the deck of the ship.

After Xiaoqiang lifted the white cloth, a row of alchemy cannons appeared. These alchemy cannons looked extremely exquisite, with magical patterns shining on them, and there were ten in total.

"Well, although there are only ten alchemy cannons, the firepower of the alchemy cannons should not be underestimated." Xiaoqiang nodded slightly, which was accepted.

He went back this time to plan to build up the territory. So far, the alchemist master Clay has only built ten alchemy cannons. These alchemy cannons are quite good for defense. These ten alchemy cannons are enough for the time being. The other cannons are finished. It's not too late to collect it. .

"Isn't that guy Zombie Xiaoqiang? Look, that little loli turned out to be a hired hero. Where did he find this loli NPC?"

"Yeah, it looks like Xiaoqiang is a good nickname, but how can Xiaoqiang be so beautiful?"

"Maybe it's plastic surgery!"

"Please, we don't have the function of plastic surgery in China, how can it be possible to have plastic surgery?"

Only then did the big guys realize that the undead player talking to Nicholas turned out to be Xiaoqiang Zombie.

There was an uproar all around, this is really an unexpected rhythm, no one expected that this handsome undead player turned out to be a zombie Xiaoqiang who is famous for his ugliness.

Just when all the media reporters shouted loudly, wanting to interview Xiaoqiang.

Nicholas waved his arms and shouted loudly: "The Blood Dragon sets sail!"


The sail was lowered, and the vampire sailors began to lose sight of each other. The huge battleship Blood Dragon slowly sailed out of the port and headed towards Flying Fish Island in the direction of the South China Sea.

Xiaoqiang is eager to return home, but he doesn't know that the menacing Korean pirates have arrived in the waters of China, and soon his Flying Fish City will suffer a catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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