God Level Corpse King

Chapter 282 The Strange Island

Chapter 282 The Strange Island
As the Hunter continued to approach the island, there was a stench from the sea, and the sea gradually turned red, full of the smell of blood.

Xiaoqiang took the lead and jumped forward, while little Lolisa held his neck and followed him to the island, followed by Nicole.

The entire island has been soaked in the stinky murloc blood, and most of the blood has clotted. It is estimated that these murlocs have been dead for some time.

The surrounding murlocs were all killed, and none of them survived. Their bodies were incomplete, as if they had been bitten by some sharp-toothed creatures. They looked very miserable, as if they had entered a slaughterhouse. The rhythm of urine.

"What happened here? What killed this group of murlocs?" Nicole asked in surprise.

"It should be the murloc who killed the murloc." Xiaoqiang replied, as if he had already guessed the culprit.

"Murlocs kill murlocs?" Nicole reacted and murmured: "Yes, I heard from my father before that murloc tribes will often kill each other and eat each other. These murlocs have bite marks of ferocious beasts on their bodies, maybe it was the murlocs who did it."

"But it's very strange. Logically speaking, the war between murlocs and murloc tribes shouldn't be one-sided. Why can only one kind of murloc's corpse be seen here, but the other kind of murloc's corpse can't be seen at all?" Xiao Luo Lisa asked.

"It's the Raging Tide Clan." Xiaoqiang said calmly, already knowing who the culprit is.

"The Rage Clan?" Nicole couldn't help asking.

Xiaoqiang told the story of the Murlocs of the Raging Tide Clan attacking and leaving corpses behind.

The only murlocs that could possess this kind of combat power were the Fury clan that killed the Demon Shell. These murlocs were very powerful, and it wasn't surprising that they could easily wipe out another tribe of murlocs.

"The murlocs here are not dead, and the chief of the murloc tribe is not dead. It looks like they should be captured. I didn't expect the murlocs to catch them alive." Xiaoqiang squinted his eyes, and the eyes of death caught a row It's a clean footprint.

"Captain, do you have a clue?" Nicole asked.

"Maybe we can find something in the eastern waters." Xiaoqiang said lightly.

Suddenly, the skeleton knight Buck suddenly appeared behind Xiaoqiang.

Fuck!Why did you suddenly run out again, and there is no danger, you don't want to scare people, do you?
"Master, I feel a familiar aura here, please let me check it out." Skeleton Knight Buck said.

"Familiar breath?" Xiaoqiang's pupils tightened.

This skeleton knight Buck is related to the epic mission, is it going to trigger the epic mission again?

Oh NO!The young master is now full of his epic missions, surrounded by epic missions. If this triggers another one, how can the young master have time to do any city construction?
I saw a red aura emanating from Buck's big bone hand, which looked very strange. In a moment, a pool of red blood around it showed a strange red light, and then a strange fish emerged from the pool of blood. silhouette of man.

This murloc looked extremely majestic, with strange red scales all over his body, a long fish tail, his eyes were as red as blood, and his whole body was extremely muscular, with horns growing on his head.

"Nani? What kind of murloc is this? It's almost like a devil." Xiaoqiang narrowed his eyes.

The image of the murloc gradually disappeared.

Skeleton Knight Buck's body trembled slightly: "Master, this aura is familiar to me. The aura comes from a powerful demon. Please stay away from this demon as much as possible, master."

"Demon? Try to stay away from this demon? Tell me who is this demon?" Xiaoqiang asked.

"The blood is full of abnormal abominable power. If I'm not mistaken, the other party is the subordinate of the abominable demon king Urgas." Buck replied.


Hate Demon King Urgas, buy Reddy Gaga!
Xiaoqiang almost let out a mouthful of heat when he heard this.

This Hell Demon Lord Urgas can be regarded as an old acquaintance of his. It seems that the two have fought against each other in the air.

Fuck!It's not that enemies don't get together!
But this skeleton knight Buck is really awesome, I don't know what kind of character he was in his lifetime.

"Captain, are we going to pursue it? If it really has something to do with Urgas, I'm afraid it's not that simple." Nicole asked.

She has a deep understanding of Urgas. An abyss lord under the other party is an irresistible existence for them. If this provokes the other party again, it will be very dangerous.

"We have to inquire about the situation, at least to know ourselves and the enemy." Xiaoqiang sighed.

If Urgas' subordinates had really developed in the South China Sea, it would undoubtedly be a great threat to Flying Fish City, so he had to investigate clearly no matter what.

"Buck, do you know which direction that demon is in?" Xiaoqiang asked.

The skeleton knight pointed to the east.

"Sure enough, I went to the east, Nicole, are there any islands in the east?" Xiaoqiang asked.

"According to the chart, there aren't any islands in the east, it's completely blank." Nicole replied looking at the chart in her hand.

"It's blank, we have to go and see, Hunter, set sail!" Xiaoqiang ordered with a blank face.

The Hunter rides the wind and waves to head east.

The fighting power of the raging tide murloc is extremely strong. He still doesn't know the fighting power of the raging tide murloc, but what is certain is that there will be a fierce battle next.

For this reason, Xiaoqiang was ready to fight. He counted the ammunition in his luggage, put the alchemy cannon on the bow, and put the death snake ring on his right hand.

Usually, in order to keep a low profile, he would not wear this artifact ring, but now is the time to show his strength.

After driving for less than 10 minutes, a thick black smoke and fire appeared ahead.

"Strange, why is there thick smoke and flames ahead? Is there a battle?" Nicole took out her binoculars and asked.

Xiaoqiang's death eyes flashed green light, and he saw everything that happened clearly: "It's not a battle, but an island, a volcanic island!"

"What volcanic island?" Nicole was taken aback.

There are no islands in this sea area. Unexpectedly, a volcanic island suddenly appeared. This is really unexpected.

The Hunter continued to move forward, getting closer and closer to the volcano that spewed thick smoke and flowed magma.

Many huge conch shells appeared on the volcanic island, as well as various seaweed houses, besides a group of murlocs with red scales.

These murlocs seemed to have known about the Hunter's arrival in advance, so they all turned their heads to look at the Death, and rushed towards the sea like dumpling.

"It has been discovered so far away, it seems that the murloc hero's reconnaissance skills are at least at the master level!" Xiaoqiang immediately shouted: "Get ready for the harpoon gun, and fire immediately after entering the range!"

A fierce battle is about to break out!
(End of this chapter)

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