Chapter 290

At the same time, the news that the Koreans used pirate tactics to attack China has reached the ears of the great powers.

Because the United States, Germany, Britain, France, Russia and other world powers in the e-sports circle received a mysterious gift from a Korean player. This gift surprised and delighted them, and the content of it turned out to be Korean. Video material of pirates attacking Flying Fish City in China.

The content of the video is very detailed, and even the details of the sea pirates' sneak attack are described very clearly. The Korean pirates are aggressive at first, but they are completely killed by a ship that can transform into a blood-colored dragon.

This surprised a group of big powers. They never expected that Koreans would even share such embarrassing videos. They are really good people!

So the big guys contacted the Koreans one after another and sent condolences to express their gratitude and sadness.

When Director Kim of the Korean e-sports stadium received telegrams of sympathy from world powers, he was confused at first, and then he realized that the confidential information on his side had been deliberately leaked out.

"Damn it, there must be a traitor among us, let me find him, I will tear him to pieces Smecta with my own hands!" Curator Jin growled.

This news also shocked all the high-level Korean e-sports circles.

The incident of sending pirates to attack the Chinese area has been classified as a secret, and only a few people know about it, and they never expected to be stabbed out like this.

You know, they, Dahan, really want face. If they are all exposed, that face will be lost, which really makes them all feel ashamed and ashamed.

Just when the Korean e-sports circle was shaking up and down, the Japanese side was happy.

Because the person who obtained and disseminated the news was their Japanese spy, and the decision to embarrass South Korea was also made by Japan.

Today, the Warring States Period in Japan no longer exists, replaced by a super grand guild called the Empire of the Sun.

The right-wing ideology of Empire of the Sun is very serious, trying to restore the dream of the Japanese military nation more than 70 years ago. Of course, this kind of extreme right-leaning organization has a market, and it has received a large amount of investment from Japanese companies, and even political circles.

The size of the Sun Empire guild is now more than five times that of the Warring States Period, and it has the youngest e-sports personnel in Japan. Their president is a palace-level figure with the title of Emperor. Immortal Emperor.

In addition, the race that the Sun Empire specializes in is also the undead race. With the injection of a large amount of funds, the Sun Empire has developed extremely rapidly.

The Undead Emperor wearing a sun robe is a lich. He is very happy to learn about the situation in South Korea at this moment: "Yo Xi, the Koreans are busy and messy, which is really in line with my wishes."

His general Yamamoto 58 immediately nodded and praised: "Your Excellency the Immortal Emperor is really wise, let the Koreans be completely ashamed and disrupt their plans."

"Do you think I'm just embarrassing them? I want to hold back the progress of the Koreans entering the Caribbean Sea, and remind the big powers, tell them the true strength of China, so that they can better plunder China , This is called revenge." The Immortal Emperor said coldly.

"So that's how it is, that's how it is, the emperor is really scheming!" Yamamoto 58 nodded again and again, that was a man of shock.


In the majestic New York City, Damon, the president of Hellfront, is sneering at this moment: "The Koreans failed in their sneak attack, but their pirate ships are really powerful. This kind of ship should be a unique ship in the Korean area. Unexpectedly, they were also defeated by that zombie Xiaoqiang." In the hands, it is really surprising.

Zombie Xiaoqiang was able to invite such a powerful NCP helper. It seems that we have to slow down the launch of the national war. Maybe we can unite with other countries to take down Flying Fish Island. "

A group of high-level officials on the front line of hell couldn't help but frown. They were planning to attack China at the end of the month and capture Flying Fish City. Now their plan can only be shelved.

After all, the red blood dragon is too strange, it looks like there is no solution, it makes people feel frightened.

However, the United States has no intention of giving up attacking the China region. For the extremely rich resources of the China region, they must take the China region no matter what. At worst, they will call on their allies to cooperate and search for the China region.


The chief presidents and high-level guild leaders of the three old powers guilds, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, are also discussing the failure of the sneak attack in South Korea at this moment.

That blood dragon-like ship shocked everyone's attention. The big guy never expected such a ferocious ship in China.

Pismarck, the president of the German Iron and Blood Association, asked quietly: "Everyone, it seems that the matter of attacking China must be discussed in the long term. What do you think?"

"The Japanese fleet is so powerful but it was accidentally annihilated by the entire army. The Koreans are the same. We must pay attention to this zombie Xiaoqiang. He is the most dangerous existence." Frenchman Louis said: "Maybe our national war plan should be postponed. Or think about it differently.”

"I don't agree with the postponement. China has a lot of resources and a large population of players. If it is delayed, they are likely to develop stronger, so we must gather immediately and launch an attack." The British Drake said loudly, some Can't wait.

The words of the three big bosses sparked a burst of discussion, and the rest of the staff were arguing, and suddenly the conference hall turned into a duck pond with all kinds of noise.

The recent actions in China have been attracting the attention of the big powers. Local tyrants such as Jin Sicong and Scarlet Mythology seem to be ambitious, but what worries them even more is that extremely disgusting zombie Xiaoqiang.

"If Xiaoqiang is so powerful, we can't take him down alone, so we might as well find allies to attack, this way our chances of success will be greatly increased." Pismailan said suddenly.

"That's right. I also agree to join forces. It will be much easier to form a coalition. With so many resources in China, I believe they are enough for everyone to share equally. It would be best if both Yankees and Russians join in, so that the odds of victory will be even greater," Drake thought. After thinking about it, I agreed.

The top executives of the European Union nodded one after another. The current strength of the China region is unknown, especially the zombie Xiaoqiang, which makes the big guys quite afraid. The strength of the EU region alone may be dangerous, but if it joins forces with other allies, it will become a big problem. Much easier.


Russia's e-sports is counting on Peter the Great, and it has also received a call from the European Union at this moment.

An aide asked: "His Excellency, Peter the Great, do you want to join forces with the allies of the European Union? I am afraid that the Americans will also intervene, and if they fail, they will be made leaders."

"Of course we can join forces. That warship is terrifying, and it's more troublesome to deal with. If it's a coalition force, there won't be any problem at all." Peter the Great stroked his beard and said, "But, we must have the biggest cake, at least It should be as big as the American portion."

The aide asked: "Oh, so we need to take the initiative?"

"The dominance is necessary, but the Americans should come to fight for the dominance. We don't need the dominance, but we must kill them well, ruthlessly!" Peter the Great sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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