God Level Corpse King

Chapter 306 Shocking Great Powers

Chapter 306 Shocking Great Powers
Bloody Myth was basking in the sun on the beach with two beauties in her arms, listening to his subordinate's report on urban construction was very comfortable.

Now their Heavenly Kings Guild is developing very well, and has become known as the fourth largest guild in the country. Many investment companies are optimistic about their rise, and many investment companies frantically come to find the Scarlet Myth.

With his financial strength and talent strength, he has had many happy events recently, and even won a hell city.

At this moment, the entire Heavenly King Union is busy building the city, and he feels very happy watching the city gradually being planned and expanding.

"Hahahaha, I'm really awesome. I think I will be able to enter the Caribbean and compete with those foreigners soon." Scarlet Mythology is really cool.

He took a sip of the wine, put his arms around the waist of a beautiful woman, and the other beautiful woman beat his waist gently.

The feeling in the game is so cool, everything can be simulated, fine wine, beautiful skin, you really have what you want.

Suddenly, a line of text information appeared in front of his eyes.


After seeing this message, Bloody Mythology sprayed wine wildly, shot grape juice all over the beautiful woman's face, and directly shot the beautiful woman down on the beach.

"Oh, what are you doing?" the beauty screamed.

In the end, the beauty found that the son he served had a ferocious face, and he was like a ghost from hell.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Zombie Xiaoqiang, you are so disgusting, when will you grow to the point where you will kill even a world-class king monster!" Bloody Mythology yelled, pulling his hair, "Why is this so in heaven? It's unfair!"


At this moment, Jin Sicong almost fainted, and his face was very ugly.

"The strength of this zombie Xiaoqiang is far beyond my imagination. He can even kill world-class king monsters!" Jin Sicong clenched his fists.

They in Seventh Heaven have never even seen a world-class king monster, and they thought it was a legendary existence, but they were all killed by Xiaoqiang, which is tantamount to slapping their No.

"If I'm not mistaken, only Americans have killed a world-class king monster once, and all world-class king monsters exist in legends, and their level is at least level 80. I don't know how to kill this Xiaoqiang. ?” Jin Jiajia’s beautiful eyes flashed at this moment, and she didn’t know what she was thinking.


Thousands of miles away in the territory of the orc clan, Yang Zhantian was so startled that he almost didn't pee in fear: "Panda, did you see that Xiaoqiang actually killed a world-class king monster, which is a legendary monster above level 80. "

"Well, awesome people are always beyond imagination, and Xiaoqiang, a potential ally, is really worth getting." Panda Monk couldn't help sighing.

It hasn't been long since they separated from Xiaoqiang. Unexpectedly, the other party has already killed the world-class king monster. This is a rhythm that Nima never expected.

Such an awesome gamer, he has never been seen in the panda vertical and horizontal simulation game world for decades, how can there be no reason not to win over him?

Kawashima Chibi Maruko is currently busy searching for information in China. At present, she has successfully established an intelligence network, and has her own eyeliner and intelligence personnel in all major guilds.

It is said that the awareness of intelligence in China is really poor. Many players here have no idea of ​​the value of intelligence, so it is very easy for her to search for intelligence.

Usually one hundred yuan can buy the inside information of the major guilds. Those confidential information are very cheap. She can buy them for only more than 500 yuan. So far, she has not given any player a high return of more than 1000 yuan, and The value of the intelligence provided by these intelligence players far exceeds 1000 yuan.

Seeing the news that Xiaoqiang killed the world-class king monster appeared on the World Channel, Kawashima Chibi Maruko stood up from her chair.

"Zombie Xiaoqiang! It's really surprising. I didn't expect this guy to even kill the world-class king monster." Her beautiful eyes were flowing, and she looked extremely shocked.

Afterwards, Kawashima Chibi Maruko didn't say anything, and directly contacted Emperor Dainichi, the current president of Japan's No. [-] guild, Dainichi Empire!
In a short while, the news that Xiaoqiang killed the world-class king monster has caused a sensation in the high-level officials of the Great Sun Empire.

Even Emperor Dainichi himself, who has always been calm, couldn't help showing surprise: "What? That zombie Xiaoqiang even killed a world-class king monster. This kind of strength is really unbelievable!"

"Your Excellency the Emperor, I suggest that allies be notified of this news, otherwise, this operation of the Eight-Power Allied Forces will definitely have unexpected effects." Yamamoto 58 suggested.

"No, Your Excellency the Emperor, this news is beneficial to our side, there is no need to give it to allies." Madoka Doi, who is also the right-hand man of the Emperor, suggested.

Many people at the scene nodded at what Madoka Dohi said. Indeed, it is enough for the Japanese side to know such important information. There is no need to inform others.

When they encounter zombie Xiaoqiang, the Japanese just need to be more careful. The more serious the loss of their allies, the happier they will be.

"No, this news must be conveyed to the allies. This zombie Xiaoqiang is too surprising. It seems that attacking Flying Fish Island requires more effort. If the allies suffer serious losses, it means that the Eight-Nation Alliance may fail. This is a small loss." Emperor Dainichi still made the decision to announce the news.

In fact, he still has selfish intentions. The great powers are all preparing to gather strength for the Caribbean Sea. If they put in more effort at this time, Japan will be happy to see the true strength of the great powers.

Not long after, the entire high-level of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces was shocked. They were extremely shocked by Xiaoqiang's action of killing the world-class king monster, and expressed their disbelief. After multiple verifications, they finally proved the authenticity of the news.

"Oh, what a mess! This zombie Xiaoqiang can kill even world-class king monsters. It seems that our plan to attack China will be delayed." The French issued a statement, expressing their objection to the timing of the attack.

"The Chinese are good at opening cheats and catching system bugs. This Xiaoqiang probably didn't kill the king monster with his real skills. He definitely found a bug!" the American questioned.

"It's true. Even we can't kill them. The Chinese region opened three months later than our major regions. It is impossible to kill the world-class king monsters head-on. There must be ghosts in it." The Japanese who provided the information Speech: "Not only can we not delay the time to attack China, but we must attack as soon as possible. It is best to launch the offensive immediately."

The words of the Japanese immediately silenced the great powers.

They were actually preparing for the Caribbean Sea, and they didn't take China too seriously, but now there are a lot of local tyrants in China, and there is a zombie Xiaoqiang who can hunt and kill monsters in the world, which makes them a little embarrassed.

In the end, should we focus our forces on attacking China?Or is it concentrating its forces on the future Caribbean Sea?

(End of this chapter)

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