God Level Corpse King

Chapter 312 Ghost Cloud

Chapter 312 Ghost Cloud

"Oops, time is running out." Seeing this, Xiao Dai immediately took out a cross to protect his chest.

The scholar opened his arms and shouted: "Please stand behind us, these ghosts are very fierce, even the undead they will attack."

Xiao Dai also shouted: "We are two human races, and we have the means to defend against the undead race. You must not stay away from us. If the attack is not violent, we can barely persevere."

After finishing speaking, the two each took out some holy water bottles from their pockets, looking as if they were facing an enemy.

"Undead? It's really troublesome." The bloodthirsty sage narrowed his eyes and looked at all the activities where ghosts gathered.

At this moment, the surroundings became gloomy and windy, and the tables, chairs, benches and some messy objects by the street were flying around by the ghosts.

The shops in the port streets all closed their doors, and there were things like crosses hanging at the door, which seemed to have specially created protective barriers.

"The ghost is coming, blow you up!" The scholar took out holy water bombs and threw them wildly.

Those ghosts who dare to approach him will all be wiped out, and holy water is quite useful for the undead.

Xiaodai, on the other hand, arranged a hemispherical Holy Light Barrier with a cross.

Any ghosts who approach the barrier will be severely injured by the barrier until their souls collapse.

"It's amazing, it's very interesting." Xiaoqiang and the bloodthirsty sage thought it was quite cool to watch.

However, there are so many ghosts in the sky that they are so numerous that even if the scholar and Xiaodai cooperate perfectly, it is gradually becoming difficult.

"Brother Qiang and Bloodthirsty Sage, both of you are famous masters, can you help me?" Xiao Dai finally couldn't help shouting: "There are so many ghost clouds today, I'm afraid I can't hold on."

"Yes, if this continues, we will all die." The scholar turned his head and said.

The two of them usually opened a shop to do business, and indeed made a lot of money, but their combat effectiveness and level were a little bit worse. Now this situation is really unsustainable.

"Help? Let me try then." The bloodthirsty sage drew out a shining silver blade.

[True silver holy sword, quality: legend.Type: Long Sword.Attack +50 points, plus 50 points of holy attribute damage.Effect: Doubles damage to undead and demons.Explanation: This is a long sword made of real silver, with divine power]

"Damn it, it's a legendary weapon if you shoot it casually, you local tyrant!" Xiaoqiang carefully looked at the bloodthirsty sage.

I saw that the opponent's body was covered with legendary equipment, which looked extremely luxurious.

The Juggernaut cannot be equipped with armor, but the shoes, belts, rings, wristbands, etc. of this bloodthirsty sage are all purple legendary equipment.

Fortunately, there is no artifact, otherwise it would be even more powerful than Xiaoqiang.

The bloodthirsty sage completely changed the situation of the battle as soon as he made a move. The blade in his hand cut out strips of silver light, like small galaxy bodhisattvas, quite fierce and gorgeous.

In the blink of an eye, all those ferocious ghosts around were killed in sevens and eights.

The bloodthirsty sage's sword looks so deadly that no ghost can escape his blade.

Gradually, the surrounding ghosts began to retreat, not daring to approach again.

"Hey, you are indeed the number one sword master in the national server, and the number one player in the arena is really good."

"We really invited the right person this time."

Both the scholar and Xiaodai heaved a sigh of relief, and nodded in praise.

"No, there are too many ghosts here. I'm afraid there is no way to completely eliminate these undead. Let's get out of here quickly." The bloodthirsty sage shook his head.

He is a sword master, a solo professional. Although he is very powerful in combat, he cannot face too large a group of enemies.

Especially these ghosts in front of them seem to be endless, how can they kill them all?

"It doesn't matter, let the whole country of these ghosts be handed over to the young master." Xiaoqiang said at this time.

"Leave it to you? Brother Qiang, although you are very famous, these things are all ghosts, and their attack power is also very powerful. There is no way to defeat them without special means." The scholar couldn't help reminding.

"That's right, Brother Qiang, it's better for us to withdraw first, if the battle continues here, we will all die." Xiao Dai hurriedly said.

The bloodthirsty sage took a look at Xiaoqiang and quite agreed: "Brother Qiang, I believe in you."

"Then leave it to me." Xiaoqiang shouted loudly: "Rorxia, you can eat."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Reaper at the port exuded a strange black aura, and the wind in the port suddenly blew violently.

I saw that strangely shaped ghost cloud in the sky was pushed towards the Reaper by a gust of wind. In the ghost cloud, countless ghosts uttered ear-piercing wailing sounds.

The ghosts scattered on the streets of the port flew upside down towards the Reaper as if sucked away by a vacuum cleaner.

In an instant, everyone saw that the ghost cloud was continuously being absorbed into the mysterious black ship like being sucked by a dragon.

Not only the ghosts in the surrounding streets can be said to have been swept away, but the ghost cloud has also begun to collapse and dissipate.

"Amazing, amazing, it's so amazing!" The scholar and Xiaodai opened their mouths wide open, as if they could swallow an ostrich egg.

The ghost cloud is the worst disaster here, and many players have suffered from it, which has caused Seagull City to become a city that no one cares about.

It's not that the players haven't thought of a way, but they can't eliminate the ghost cloud no matter what. The big guys have spent all their energy and energy and haven't solved the problem of the ghost cloud.

But this ghost cloud, which caused headaches for countless players, was disintegrated by the zombie Xiaoqiang within a few minutes.

What is this shit if it's not hanging on the sky?
The ghost cloud completely collapsed and dissipated under the absorption of the Reaper. However, at this moment, a spherical ghost flew out and flew towards the distance. It looked very frightened.

This guy still seems to have the ability to escape the suction of the Reaper.

"Sage Bloodthirsty, this guy should be the core of the ghost cloud, it's up to you." Xiaoqiang's eyes of death flickered abnormally.

Before he finished speaking, the real silver holy sword in the bloodthirsty sage's hand had already been cut out, turning into a white sword light and hitting the core of the phantom cloud.

The sword light is fleeting.

The spherical ghost shattered and let out a roar: "Damn it, the great god of the undead Makar will not let you go..."

The Reaper immediately absorbed and devoured the broken soul.

"Fuck, Makar, the great god of the undead? This strange cloud has something to do with the old horse?" Xiaoqiang couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard the ghost's last words.

The old horse is always haunted, why can he hear his heroic deeds everywhere, this ghost is also related to the old horse, it seems that this matter is not simple, at least it is much more complicated than he imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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