God Level Corpse King

Chapter 322 Deception Orb

Chapter 322 Deception Orb
When Xiaoqiang returned to Seagull City, the Bloodthirsty Sage, Xiaodai, and Scholar had already been revived.

The three of them are discussing, and the content of the discussion is naturally the epic task that they just took over.

The rewards for the epic mission are very impressive, and the three of them are interested in doing it, so they are discussing a joint countermeasure.

When Xiaoqiang rushed to the three of them in a gust of wind, the three of them were still arguing.

Xiao Dai and Scholar thought they should go to the Grand Council for help, while the bloodthirsty sage hoped to find some elite players to complete this epic task with the strength of a small number of people and get the maximum benefit.

"Oh, we must find the help of the strongest guild, otherwise we will not have the strength to complete this task." The scholar had already shaken his head like a rattle.

Xiaodai didn't say a word, as if he was thinking about something in a daze.

"Are you mistaken? Those grand dukes are greedy, and there are not many good ones. We must rely on ourselves to complete the epic mission. I believe that as long as we find a few masters, we will have a chance to complete the epic mission." The bloodthirsty sage said.

"NONONO, we can't find so many masters to complete this epic task." The scholar shook his head.

The bloodthirsty sage's proposal is indeed good, because the fewer people who do epic tasks, the better, so that the rewards will be the most generous.

They are just businessmen, and they have no ability to find too many masters of the national uniform like the bloodthirsty sage, and it is impossible to complete this epic task, so he and Xiaodai disagree with this proposal.

"Don't make any noise, I will lead you to do this task." Xiaoqiang's voice came from behind the three of them.

The three of them immediately turned their heads and said in surprise, "Brother Qiang, you didn't die?"

"Of course I won't hang up. It's 100 years too early for Makar to kill me." Xiao Qiang asked with a serious expression on his face, "Sage Bloodthirsty, Scholar, Xiaodai, do you believe me?"

The three of them glanced at each other and nodded their heads wildly.

Just now Xiaoqiang's posture of fighting against the sky has completely convinced the three of them, and they completely bow to him under his pomegranate pants.

"Since that's the case, it's easy." Xiao Qiang said: "We can complete this epic task with a few of us. You don't need to find other people to do this task. I can take you to do this task."

"How many of us are good enough to complete? Brother Qiang, are you willing to do this task with us?" Several people were extremely surprised.

"Yes, the reward level of the epic mission is related to the number of people who complete the mission." After speaking, he took out the mysterious map he just obtained: "I have a map here, and I can directly find the location of the leaves of the World Tree. Do this epic mission together?"

"No problem, I am willing!"

"I would too."

The three nodded together and made a gesture.

"Very well, then I will give this map to the scholar and Xiaodai first. You two are human races, so you should be able to find out where the human fortress is on the map." Xiaoqiang shared the blueprint.

"Wow, this is the position of the leaves of the World Tree." Several people's eyes widened, and it turned out that the leaves of the World Tree were all placed in that coffin.

Several people were ecstatic, and began to formulate strategies one after another.

After a while, the four of them were ready to divide the work.

Since the scholar and Xiaodai belong to the human race, they can naturally enter the human race's territory, and they will do the investigation.

And the bloodthirsty sage also planned to go to the human territory to practice and investigate.

"You are a vampire, how could you go to the human territory?" Xiaoqiang asked in surprise.

"I have a deceitful orb that can transform into a human form." The bloodthirsty sage replied.

After speaking, he took out a lavender orb, squeezed it lightly, and instantly turned into a handsome human man. Even the identity information changed together, making it impossible to tell the real identity of the other party.

[Fraud Orb, Quality: Legendary.Type: Jewelry.After wearing it, the user can change into the appearance he wants at will, and can only change once a day.Explanation: This is a special artifact accessory for picking up girls, it can pick up girls of any race.Reminder: This orb is ineffective against god-level reconnaissance]

"Good stuff, can you play with it for me?"

"Brother Shengjun, sell me a fraud orb."

The scholar and Xiao Dai exclaimed, their saliva had already flowed out.

This kind of top-quality orb that can change the identity and appearance is really amazing, and it is also one of the most powerful auxiliary props they have seen so far. The attribute of picking up girls makes people salivate.

"Unfortunately not, this orb is bound to me, and this task is very rare, it is very difficult to come across, I dare say that the number of people who can own this orb in the whole of China can be counted on one hand." The bloodthirsty sage road.

"This orb is really awesome." Even Xiaoqiang couldn't help being slightly surprised, this orb is really awesome, it is the best for spies.

It's a pity that he can't count anything in front of his god-level reconnaissance skills, and he can see through it at a glance.

However, so far, there are really few players who have god-level reconnaissance skills.

As long as the skills are above the expert level, it is difficult to improve. You must find the golden energy book, or find an NPC to learn it. It is very difficult to obtain skills above the master level, so this deceitful orb is very useful, unless you encounter a powerful pervert like Xiaoqiang Players are likely to reveal their flaws.

"Okay, then the three of you go to the human territory to investigate first, look for the fortress on this map, and tell me if you find it, you also know that the Eight-Nation Allied Forces are coming. I can only be busy defending Flying Fish Island recently. Contribute energy and time." Xiaoqiang sighed.

He seems to find the leaves of the World Tree now, but unfortunately now that the Eight-Power Allied Forces are about to attack, we may not have time to deal with them.

"Don't worry, Brother Qiang, we all understand your current situation. Next, we will find the leaves of the World Tree." The three patted their chests, expressing that they were willing to arrange all the investigations.

"After you find the location, don't go in and investigate casually, our enemy should be a god!" Xiaoqiang solemnly reminded the three of them.

"God? Damn, that Makar is actually a god!" The three exclaimed.

"Yes, the worst is a demigod, and he's still a magician." Xiaoqiang nodded.

"Fuck! He's still a god-level mage!" The three of them tightened up again.

They finally understood that the difficulty of this epic task was unimaginably high, and it was beyond their understanding.

After explaining everything, Xiaoqiang returned to the port.

Nicole and Sasha were waving from a distance: "Captain, our ship has been repaired."

"It's fixed? Then what are you waiting for, let's go back to court." Xiaoqiang jumped on the Reaper and said.

At this moment, the Hunter has been repaired by NPC craftsmen, and it seems that the scholar and Xiaodai have spent a lot of money.

"Captain, there is bad news about Flying Fish City." Nicole said with a worried face.

"What news?" Xiaoqiang asked alertly.

"A fleet called the Eight-Nation Allied Forces appeared near our Flying Fish Island, and it seems to have bad intentions." Nicole said while holding the phone conch.

"The Eight-Nation Allied Forces? I didn't expect it to come so soon!" Xiaoqiang's pupils shrank.

It seems that there is really trouble below, and the action of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces seems to be ahead of schedule.

(End of this chapter)

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