God Level Corpse King

Chapter 326 Epic Infected Bite

Chapter 326 Epic Infected Bite

"Damn it, this is an epic infection bite, it's really shocking!" Xiaoqiang was stunned.

He doesn't know how to describe the Infected Bite now. The Infected Bite used to have so many restrictions that it was difficult to find a suitable target to use. However, the current Infected Bite can infect even players and cannot be dispelled. It can also infect each other. It is indeed an epic talent of Hang Zha Tian.

It is expected that if he bites a player, that player will follow his orders and can bite another player, so that the infection will continue to infect, as long as the other player's level is lower than his.

This Nima is the proper rhythm of Resident Evil.

However, there is a shortcoming that is the level limit. Currently, his level is only over 30, not even level 40. This level limit will undoubtedly make it difficult for his Death Eye and Infected Bite to exert their true power.

He has seen the players of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces with his own eyes, and knows that the level of those Eight-Nation Allied Forces is more than 40, close to level 50. These guys are so high-level, it is almost impossible for him to infect them or cast a death gaze.

"How about the warrior? Is the epic infection biting severe?" The corpse king asked with a light smile.

"Of course it's powerful, but His Royal Highness, I still have a request. Can I increase my level? I need to directly increase to level 50." Xiaoqiang asked tentatively.

"Improve your level? This is no problem at all, but I need you to donate some soul crystals to me." Corpse King Mia stared at Xiao Qiang and said.

"Soul spar? Do you know that I have a soul spar?" Xiaoqiang was stunned.

"Of course, you have more than one soul spar on your body. I can smell that smell. It smells very good." Mia drooled as she spoke.

Fuck, why do you look so hungry?Is His Royal Highness the Corpse King dissatisfied with his desires, or is he not full?
"Can you tell me what you need the soul spar for?" Xiaoqiang asked.

"Of course it is eaten. Don't you know that the real purpose of the soul spar is to eat?" Mia asked back.

"To eat? Such a precious thing, to be eaten?" Xiaoqiang was dumbfounded.

"Of course, as long as they are high-level undead, they must use soul spar as their staple food. The soul power contained in it is very rich, and you will not understand that kind of delicacy." Corpse King Mia swallowed, looking very greedy.

[Information reminder: You have obtained information about the soul spar]

"Then how many soul crystals do you want?" Xiaoqiang asked.

"It takes a lot. You need a soul spar every time you level up." Mia replied.

Nani?Have you made a mistake, every level up requires a soul spar!
Xiaoqiang's chrysanthemum tightened, and he took a breath, this corpse king must be too dark-hearted.

Level [-] requires a soul spar, which is like a lion opening its mouth.

Just when he felt something was wrong, the ghoul Wang Naluo on his right arm and the overbearing ghost and god Bagu on his left arm emerged one after another, each of them looked very angry.

"Mia of the Giant Spirit Race, you are too much of a robber."

"That's right, you're so black-hearted that you actually made such a request, boy, why don't you give us a soul spar, a soul spar can raise you two levels, how about that?"

The two ghosts and gods suggested one after another.

"Hmph, you two dead ghosts, you're still haunted even though you're dead." Corpse King Mia narrowed her eyes.

"Hey, you are almost dead, Queen Naga will never let you go, you should also feel that she is chasing you, and has locked your position, I believe she will kill you soon You." The ghoul Wang Nailuo smiled wickedly.

"Damn Naluo, won't you say something nice? Shut up." The corpse king Mia snapped, sounding extremely upset.

Then she said to Xiaoqiang: "Don't bother with these two ghosts and gods, I am willing to consume a soul spar for every three levels up."

"Three grades for one soul spar! This is really a promotional price reduction, I agree." Xiaoqiang nodded quickly.

The other two ghosts and gods just looked at each other and reminded: "Xiaoqiang, don't be fooled by her. It is a waste to upgrade three levels and consume a soul spar. It's not that it's crazy."

"It doesn't matter, I believe in the credibility of His Highness the Corpse King." Xiaoqiang said to Mia, the Corpse King, "His Royal Highness, I believe you will never break your promise, right?"

"Of course, I can assure you, come on, give me another hug." Corpse King Mia opened her arms again.

"Hug it and hug it, isn't it just to be bitten again, who is afraid of anyone." Xiaoqiang gritted his teeth and immediately threw himself into the opponent's broad chest.

The young master would rather be bitten again than to feel the warmth and softness of those two big meat buns.

Come on, sister of the dead king, love hugs!

Holding the corpse king Mia, Xiaoqiang felt what a soft girl is, but the bite of the corpse king that came later made him scream again.

"His Royal Highness, you are so good at biting people, why do you insist on biting people, are you a reincarnation of a vampire?" Xiaoqiang couldn't help howling.

"Our zombie lineage is the ancestor of biting people. Vampires are completely incomparable with us. Do you understand?" Mia let go of Xiaoqiang and smiled.

"Uh, I've only heard of Biohazard. If Biohazard broke out, our zombie clan is really awesome." Xiaoqiang couldn't help but nodded.

"What biohazard? It's a zombie, not a zombie. What are you talking about? Your eyes of death are fake, even a blind person can tell the difference." Mia, the corpse king, rolled her eyes.

Xiaoqiang broke out in a cold sweat, unexpectedly, His Royal Highness the Corpse King has also watched Resident Evil, this is really an unexpected rhythm.

At this moment, streaks of golden light appeared on his body.

Under the shining golden light, lines of text messages appeared.

[Information prompt: Your level has been raised to level 38]

[Congratulations, you have obtained 1 talent point]

[Congratulations, you have gained 1 leadership point]


[Information prompt: Your level has been raised to level 49]

[Congratulations, you have obtained 1 talent point]

[Congratulations, you have gained 1 leadership point]

[Information prompt: Your level has been raised to level 50]

[Congratulations, you have obtained 1 talent point]

[Congratulations, you have gained 1 leadership point]

"It's great, it's really upgraded to level 50." Xiaoqiang was quite excited, and immediately put a few soul spars in the hands of the corpse king Mia, and the deal was considered completed.

However, at this moment, another line prompting confidence appeared, scaring Xiaoqiang into peeing.

[Information reminder: Your level-up effect lasts for one week, and your level will return to normal after one week, and all experience points gained during the period will be invalid]

Nani?After a week, the level will return to the original level, and the experience points gained during the period will be invalid?
His grandma is a bear, Mr. Corpse King, you are too cheating!

Thanks for the 588 reward from Ordinarypeople, your reading speed is really fast
(End of this chapter)

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