Chapter 335
Looking around, I can see that the Eight-Nation Allied Forces around have all turned into zombies, and the heroes have also been infected in sevens and eighties.

But those infected heroes were also attacked by the infected soldiers, and the two sides began to bite each other, all kinds of jumping and being thrown.

"What's the matter with this shit?" Xiaoqiang was stunned.

Logically speaking, the undead heroes he infected and the undead produced by the cannonball belonged to the Spider Goddess, so they shouldn't be fighting so unconsciously. There must be something wrong.

"The eyes of death, help me find out the reason." Xiaoqiang used the eyes of death to observe these crazy undead.

Sure enough, he discovered the reason for the strangeness. These undead soldiers who were infected and transformed by the shells clearly released green light from their eyes, but there was some purple in their pupils, which seemed so discordant.

"Purple soul fire? Makar!" Xiaoqiang suddenly responded.

The purple soul fire belongs to Makar's soul fire, and the cannonball was also made by Makar, which means that Makar made a ghost in the cannonball.

It wasn't until this time that Xiaoqiang realized that it was Lao Ma who was responsible for this. This old guy had rebelled against the Spider Goddess a year ago. The transformation effects of the infected bite and the cannonball conflicted, which caused the two groups of undead to start a constant battle.

"Lao Ma is very unkind, he even manipulates the shells, no wonder the corpse king Mia looked wrong when he gave me the shells." Xiaoqiang shook his head, and couldn't help but want to complain about the cute corpse king Mia.

This guy didn't tell him that after using the cannonball, there will be such a strange change.

Suddenly, the infected soldiers around turned their heads around as if they had discovered some delicious food, and looked at Xiaoqiang with extremely empty eyes.

Fuck!What are you bastards looking at me for?
Xiaoqiang was stared at by all the undead around him.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!
These undead suddenly rushed towards Xiaoqiang's Reaper, they jumped into the water one after another, some roared, some bared their teeth and claws.

The most important thing is that some undead soldiers, seemingly under some strange command, started to drive the ship automatically, using the ship to approach the Reaper, and even many undead soldiers started to operate artillery and aimed at the Reaper.

Fuck!Fuck!Damn it!

Seeing this, Xiaoqiang immediately ordered: "Let's get out of here immediately, speed up, and move forward at full speed!"

Under his command, the Reaper began to break out.

The surrounding area immediately became a hail of bullets, and many undead began to climb the deck of the Reaper, and various shells fell on the deck.

Fortunately, King Tuna was fast enough, good at charging, and his charging ability was extremely powerful. It took a few ships to forcefully knocked open before completely reopening the encirclement.

[Information reminder: Reaper's durability has fallen below 50%]

[Information prompt: The Reaper's deck has been severely damaged, and its defense has been weakened]

[Information prompt: The sail of the Reaper was severely damaged, and the speed of the ship was reduced]

"Fuck, how can I play with such fierce firepower, run at speed, run at speed!" Xiaoqiang couldn't help shouting.

The gunfire is so Meng Lei, this is the rhythm of beating him down.

The damned Makar! 36 It is the best policy to move, and I will stop playing.

"Captain, where should we retreat?" Nicole asked amidst the sound of gunfire.

"Where are we going? Flying Fish Island is definitely not an option. Damn it, where else can we go in this sea area?" Xiaoqiang couldn't help thinking.

Now that the sails of the Reaper had been severely damaged, its speed was obviously weakened, and these zombie armies seemed to be endless, so it was impossible for him to go near Flying Fish City, otherwise wolves would be lured into the house.

But in the entire South China Sea, there is no hiding place at all. If this continues, I am afraid that these warships will catch up sooner or later.

While Xiaoqiang was looking around, he suddenly saw a fleet of ships.

Because of the relatively long distance of this fleet and the fact that Xiaoqiang's attention was all on the Eight-Power Allied Forces, no one noticed their existence at all.

But it is different now, the red flag flying on this fleet is clearly the five-star red flag.

"What's that? The Chinese Allied Forces?" Xiaoqiang narrowed his eyes.

The scene he least wanted to see appeared.

These little guys were actually watching the show from the sidelines.

He carried the Eight-Nation Allied Forces to death by himself, and used a lot of big moves, but in the end, these gangsters were actually watching a show!
Fuck!Fuck, Fuck my heart!

Isn't he defending Flying Fish City so desperately just to show off the prestige of our country?
In the end, this group of people really enjoyed watching the show, and almost had a great time watching it, but he almost died!

Where does this make sense?
"Do you like to go to the theater, don't you? Don't you stay put? Do you want Flying Fish Island?" Xiao Qiang didn't say anything, and then he made a decision.

"Turn the boat around, let's go see our old friends." Xiao Qiang shouted.

The Reaper immediately turned around and ran towards the stunned Chinese coalition forces.

I heard you like to watch plays?

The young master will let you watch a good show. I guarantee that you will see your shit and make you happy.


On the other hand, in the command room of the Chinese Allied Forces, a group of bigwigs haven't reacted yet.

The big guys looked at the various images of Resident Evil on the screen, and didn't know what to say, so they could only grow their mouths one by one.

Just when they thought that Xiaoqiang was looking for his own death, the battle situation took a shocking turn.

Their nemesis, the zombie Xiaoqiang, even activated the biohazard mode.

The incomparably powerful Eight-Power Allied Forces were all recruited. Both soldiers and heroes turned into zombies in an instant, and all kinds of people fought each other.

"Hey, hey, this zombie Xiaoqiang must be on the hook." Scarlet Mythology yelled.

"That's right, it must be cheating. I've never heard of such a thing. No, I want to report him." Jin Sicong also questioned.

Seeing that the two bosses were questioning Xiaoqiang's cheating, many people in the conference room were shouting to report Xiaoqiang.

"Report him cheating, this must be cheating!"

"That's right, it's a scam, it's impossible for one person to take down the Eight-Nation Allied Forces!"

Everyone was indignant, spit stars flew straight one by one.

At this moment, I heard Jin Jiajia screaming: "Oops, look at the screen!"

Everyone looked back, when they saw the picture displayed on the screen.

Everyone was stunned.

I saw that the Reaper, which looked like a tuna, was galloping towards the location of their coalition forces with a large group of ships that had already broken out in a biochemical crisis.

Everyone's chrysanthemums tightened, and the tiger's body shook.

Fuck!Damn Xiaoqiang, you played too much this time!

(End of this chapter)

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