God Level Corpse King

Chapter 339 Novice Tasks

Chapter 339 Novice Tasks
The newcomer's task is actually a continuous task, the difficulty is not high, you only need to do it one by one.

After doing several tasks in a row, Xiaoqiang completed them step by step. He learned three basic skills, and his level has almost reached level 10. He feels that he is already familiar with the druid's operation and professional characteristics.

This druid is indeed a jack-of-all-trades profession that can fight, increase and release magic, and all kinds of resistance can't be killed.

But the shortcomings are also quite obvious, that is, it is too mediocre, lacks powerful melee skills, lacks explosive power, and lacks powerful healing. It can be said that it is very average in all aspects.

And this class lacks important means of control, no wonder the vast majority of elf players choose the powerful long-distance class of Ranger.

To put it bluntly, this kind of career development prospect is insufficient and the positioning is not clear enough.

He came to the druid instructor with big breasts and good looks to hand in the task, and raised his level to level 10.

"Druid, you are about to graduate, and I will give you the last novice skill. This novice skill is still one of three choices. Which one do you choose?" the instructor asked.

After talking about Xiaoqiang, three lists of basic skills appeared in front of him.

These three basic skills are divided into three types: melee, magic, and healing. The types are the same as the novice skills, but they are just enhanced versions of novice skills.

Xiaoqiang thought about it for a while, and chose the rejuvenation skill among them. This skill can heal 50 points of health at one time, and restore 10 points of life within 50 seconds.

He chose healing skills as his innate skills for the two girls Lin Xueer and Zhang Mengmeng.

I heard that these two girls are not healing professions, so Xiaoqiang chose healing skills first, planning to be a successful and qualified nanny.

After all, he opened the trumpet to guide the two beauties, not for himself to fight the enemy bravely. The job of nurse is the most suitable.

"Come on, brothers and sisters of the elves, who of you is going to do the last part of the novice task, the task is too difficult, let's do it together, the best level is 10 or above." Suddenly, a crisp green voice came Come.

Xiaoqiang looked for his reputation, and saw a beautiful elf girl in full clothing shouting on the high slope in front of her, and there were several elf girls with bumpy figures beside her, all of them beautiful.

Many male elf players gathered in the past, one by one volunteering.

"I'm level 10, hurry up and choose me."

"My level is already level 10. I haven't done the task. Choose me."

Seeing the beautiful faces and big white legs of the girls, the male player was so excited that he almost rushed up and screamed.

"Is it the last part of the novice mission?" Xiaoqiang narrowed his eyes.

The novice missions of the elves are very famous, because the last part of the novice missions of the elves is very difficult and must be completed by a large number of players. This is also the consensus and experience of many elves players, and even some special novice Task Raiders.

Since the last part of the novice mission is too difficult and the rewards are not too generous, many elf players will not waste time on this mission, and many players will simply choose to give up this mission.

Obviously, there are many players here who have not done the task, but waited to form a team to do the task after learning the 10th level skill.

"Anyway, there is still time, let me finish this novice task first." Xiaoqiang thought to himself.

He walked forward quickly and joined the buzzing task team.

The leading elf girl is called Meng Yu, she has big breasts and is also very courageous, she looks like a big sister.

Meng Yu said loudly: "Our output-type occupations are already full. There is a bear druid for the tank, and two healing druids are needed. The level of nourishment and rejuvenation is best to be expert level."

"Healer, please, we are all output and tanks, who will choose the nanny?"

"Yes, we are a group of old men, who will have expert-level skills."

A group of male players were crying, they knew that they would have been dads in the first place.

In this way, you can play with beautiful elf girls and be with all kinds of big white legs. What a happy thing.

"Is none of you a healer?" Meng Yu frowned and asked.

It is easy to say that the output is missing one, but the treatment must not be missing, and the chance of destroying the group will be greatly increased if it is missing.

A handsome young druid stepped forward, with druid patterns on his face.

"I'm a healer, so I should be able to join." The young druid smiled, looking gentle and polite.

"Are you a healer? Unexpectedly, you met a baby daddy?" Meng Yu was a little surprised.

The faces of the other girls were also quite surprised.

Daddy is a rare animal, the number of them is much smaller than that of nannies, so it is very difficult to see one side.

After all, men like to play some professions with strong combat effectiveness, and they don't have much interest in nurses, which is the main reason why there are so few nurses.

Never would have thought that today they would really meet a baby daddy.

"Hey, kid, don't lie, or I won't let you go." A strong male player next to Meng Yu shouted.

He is the tank druid in the team called Leng Chen, and he seems to be a character with a lot of weight.

It is estimated that this is an unscrupulous player who regards Xiaoqiang as a pick up girl.

"This powerful friend, let us see if you can show off your healing skills. Our requirements for you are not too high, as long as one of the two healing skills reaches the expert level." Meng Yu suggested.

The girls around immediately covered their mouths and snickered.

This player's name is really simple enough, what is not called is called Daqiang, it is really rustic, very rustic, unusually old-fashioned.

Xiaoqiang shrugged his shoulders at this. He always chose simple and rude names, no matter whether they sound good or not, so he didn't care about it.

The onlookers who lost the election were also talking about it, hoping that the brat who was killed halfway would lose the election.

"Oh, no problem." Xiaoqiang immediately raised his hand twice, and used the skills of nourishment and rejuvenation.

And the people around were all paying attention to Meng Yu.

Seeing two soft green lights shining on Meng Yu's body, Meng Yu's expression immediately became surprised.

"What about Meng Yu? Is this kid lying?" Leng Chen said angrily.

Seeing Meng Yu's beautiful eyes widening, everyone seemed to be speechless, so they began to make sarcastic guesses.

After all, among the male players, there are really few people who have added all the precious talent points to the healing skills. This strong player probably only learned these two skills, and has not improved the level of skills.

This simply cannot meet the needs of the team.

"Shut up, this powerful friend's rejuvenation and nourishment are both expert-level." Meng Yu finally exclaimed.

"Nani? Both healing skills are expert?" Everyone present was stunned.

Unexpectedly, there are male gamers who are willing to be full-time dads?

(End of this chapter)

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