Chapter 361
After the leaves of the World Tree were obtained, Makar's voice sounded from all around.

I saw a pitch-black space crack deriving from it, and this space crack is being torn by a pair of big black hands at the moment, making the crack bigger and bigger.

Makar's furious voice was coming from it.

"Damn it, I know that greed is no good. The other two artifacts have been tampered with by Makar. Let's sneak away." Xiaoqiang turned and left.

This task is a test of people's greed. Originally, the leaves of the World Tree were obtained with great difficulty, but under the trend of greed, they actually wanted to use the other two artifacts, which attracted Makar.

"Go!" Senzi and the bloodthirsty sage also reacted, and they immediately ran away.

The three of them fled without a trace like a gust of wind.

The result was unexpected. When the three of them ran out of the dungeon and were about to leave the corridor, they were attacked by the armor and sculptures in the corridor.

These armors and sculptures came alive one by one, and they waved their weapons and fists at Xiaoqiang and the others.

The three of them were beaten up immediately.

Moreover, the level of armor sculptures for these activities are all level 50.

"I'll carry it, you two output!" Relying on his rough skin and thick flesh, Xiaoqiang suddenly stepped forward to resist the attack.

The bloodthirsty sage immediately swung his sword, and the real silver holy sword in his hand burst into a bright white sword light, fully displaying the extremely powerful attack of the sword sage.

Moriko bent his bow and set his arrows, shooting arrows with a black aura. Each of these arrows carried a strong curse, so that these lifeless armor sculptures would be wiped out as soon as they came into contact.

With the three of them working together, they were unstoppable, and their experience points soared.

However, these moving armor sculptures still delayed the three of them from escaping.

The three of them had just killed the outside of the castle when they saw a black figure appear in front of the three of them.

This is a white-haired old man with an unremarkable appearance, except for a gutter nose, and an evil dark light in his eyes.

This is the famous Necromancer Makar, the former Lord of the Undead, and the only one who dared to betray the Spider Goddess.

[Makar, Level 100 King]

"Is it level 100? It looks like this guy should be a clone." Xiaoqiang guessed.

"Is it just a clone so powerful? How can I play this?" Moriko frowned.

At this moment, Xiaodai and Scholar have also run out of the zombie garden. When the two of them saw Makar's real body revealed, they were almost knocked out of their wits.

Fuck!Makar has level 100, or he is a king monster!
"You guys are so brave, you actually joined forces to steal things from my lair, and the zombie Xiaoqiang, finally let me meet you." Makar's face was extremely gloomy, he had already found Xiaoqiang.

"Ahem, the young master is just here to make soy sauce, you don't need to be so fierce." Xiaoqiang couldn't help wiping his cold sweat, this old horse really made him feel a lot of pressure.

"Damn Xiaoqiang, prepare to die next time, I will crush you to ashes." Makar growled.

After speaking, he shot five shadow arrows with a wave of his hand, and these five shadow arrows went away Xiaoqiang.

Demon-breaking fist!
Xiaoqiang suddenly swung his huge fist and launched an attack aimed at the five shadow arrows, completely smashing the five shadow arrows in midair.

However, he also took five or six steps back because of this, and almost spit out a mouthful of heat.

It can be seen that the old horse hates Xiaoqiang to death, and almost all his anger is on him.

"Xiaoqiang, bloodthirsty sage, you two are stalling for time, I will look for an opportunity to activate the team teleportation scroll." Moriko whispered.

"Oh, you still have this kind of thing, then leave it to us." Xiaoqiang and the bloodthirsty sage nodded slightly, and then sent a message to Xiaodai and the scholar, asking them to join the team .

The four of them cheered up immediately, knowing that the team teleportation scroll could teleport the entire team out of the battlefield in an instant, which meant that the four of them had hope of escape.

"The incarnation of death is coming!" Xiaoqiang summoned the incarnation of death without saying a word.

"Blaster Swordsmanship!" The bloodthirsty sage also launched his strongest attack.

Xiao Dai and Scholar used various holy magic to give the team status.

"Ahahaha, you guys are so brave, are you going to fight me?" Makar smiled, and a black magic ball appeared in his hand.

He just waved the black magic ball in his hand lightly, and suddenly a lot of zombies broke out from the surrounding ground, at least a dozen of them could be added up.

These zombies are not ordinary, they are full of fluctuations of dark magic power from top to bottom, each of them is muscular, with teeth and claws, extremely ferocious, and the body shape is even more spit out, each of them is like a little giant.

[Dark Zombie Warrior, Level 70 Elite]

"Damn it, an elite zombie at level 70!" The rest of the people are all chrysanthemums.

Level 70 monsters are already equivalent to BOSS for them, and now there are level 70 elite zombies, and there are more than a dozen of them.
"We must buy time for Moriko to attack Makar together, only Makar can prevent us from teleporting!" Xiaoqiang issued an order through the communication channel.

The four rushed towards Makar one after another.

"But die, a group of guys who don't know how to live or die." Makar sneered and waved his arms, setting off a dark gust of wind.

"Give me the unicorn arm!" Xiaoqiang's left arm soared, setting off a wave of fire.

The purple flames erupted in an instant, swallowing the dark wind completely, and the surrounding air flow was surging, flying sand and rocks, and it looked as if the entire castle would be completely overthrown.

"Oh? It turned out to be the arm of a high-level demon, and it also incorporates the power of ghosts and gods. I didn't expect you to get such a good thing. I want this arm." Malka's eyes burst into black light.

He stretched out his hand actively, and a big black hand that appeared out of nowhere grabbed Xiaoqiang's left arm instantly.

Xiao Qiang suddenly felt an incomparably huge attraction, as if this arm was about to be torn off.

"Burn the unicorn arm!" Xiaoqiang roared angrily.

More violent purple flames erupted from his left arm, completely burning Makar's transformed arm.

However, those tall zombies overwhelmed Xiaoqiang almost at the same time.

"Damn it, the old horse is too strong!" Xiaoqiang couldn't help sighing.

At this moment, Moriko activated the team teleportation scroll while Makar was not paying attention, a white light flashed, and the five people who were in danger were teleported out instantly.

A white light flashed in front of them, and five people appeared on a beach.

"Finally done."

"Well, I didn't expect us to use this to escape."

The rest of the group finally breathed a sigh of relief. Makar was so awesome that the big guys almost thought they were going to be wiped out.

At this moment, a pitch-black crack appeared in front of them again, and Makar's big hand appeared again.

Fuck!The old horse is chasing him again. Is this over?

(End of this chapter)

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