God Level Corpse King

Chapter 367 The Great Route

Chapter 367 The Great Route
The Great Route is actually a very special sea area.

This sea area is full of all kinds of monsters, and the geomagnetism, celestial phenomena, ocean currents, and air currents are all in chaos. It is difficult to even confirm one's own position, let alone find the land of the island.

The previous navigation skills and experience are unreliable, and there are various ferocious creatures and races in this sea area, so it is extremely dangerous.

Generally, people who can pass through this route are extremely powerful, and can even be said to be great, so this route is also called the great route.

According to the official information, the existences that can pass through the great airway are all very impressive, and they can almost be called big men.

Either the Pirate King, or the powerful with names and surnames, all of them have great reputations.

This also increases the player's interest in the great route.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, it's really amazing, this is the great route." Xiaoqiang was speechless looking at this unfamiliar sea area.

Because in front of his eyes are mirages, among which there are beauties and various exquisite ships, as well as brightly lit cities, which look so beautiful that people can't help but be intoxicated by them.

"My lord, this is a mirage, and it is also the longest sight seen on the great route."

Lan Xinlang, who was leading the way, said: "Those who come to the great route for the first time are very likely to be confused by mirages and lose their way, so let me lead the way, it is three days away from the nearest city, and There could be all kinds of fights."

"Three days? It seems that the nearest city is quite far from here." Xiaoqiang smiled lightly and nodded: "You will lead the way, and I will leave the battle to the Reaper and the Hunter."

This time he opened up the great route to the Caribbean Sea, but he exhausted all the resources, and he drove out the Reaper and the Hunter fully armed.

Among them, the Reaper is commanded by himself and is fully loaded with zombies, while the Hunter is commanded by the vampire princess Nicole and is loaded with vampire swordsmen.

These two ships are equipped with alchemy cannons, which can be said to have strong firepower. With this level of firepower, I believe it is worthwhile to face any sea monster.

But before moving forward for 10 minutes, suddenly, Xiaoqiang's right eyelid twitched wildly.

"Captain, I noticed some unknown ships approaching in the distance." Rorschach reminded him as he emerged from his body.

"We were discovered at such a long distance. It seems that these pirates are at least master-level reconnaissance skills." Xiaoqiang narrowed his eyes of death and looked ahead.

The eyes of death saw a pirate ship, which was a pirate ship with a clown skull flag. Its level could reach level 5. It looked unusually strong, as if it was covered with heavy armor.

Most importantly, these pirates are all pirate arms above level 3.

[Clown Pirate Marauder, Level 3 Pirate Arms]

"I'm sorry, pirate units above level 3 mean that these pirates are not wild monsters, but regular army pirates guided by pirate heroes." Xiaoqiang was slightly taken aback.

A great route is a great route, and when I came up, I encountered powerful pirates.

"Captain, the Caribbean Sea is a place full of pirates. The pirates in it are very powerful. Even the Naga tribe can't do anything about them. There are also many pirates in the great route, but most of them are not strong in combat effectiveness, but this pirate is one of them. Warriors, please be careful." Lan Xin introduced from the bow.

"It turned out to be a strong pirate in the Great Route, but I have never seen a pirate who can become a unit, and I have never seen a level 3 pirate soldier. It seems that the pirates here are quite professional?" Xiao Qiang asked. He narrowed his eyes in interest.

A few minutes later, the battleship flying the pirate flag gradually approached, and the ship docked horizontally, aiming its guns at the Reaper and the Hunter.

A guy in a clown suit jumped out, stood on the bow and shouted loudly with a loudspeaker conch: "All the students on the ship listen to me, I am the hero of the pirate king, Mr. Clown, jump, you are already surrounded. If you die, hand over the gold coins immediately, one hundred thousand gold coins per ship."

"Tiaotiao? In fact, the two of us are colleagues. Is this how we deal with colleagues?" Xiaoqiang also took out the expansion conch and shouted with the other party on the sea, pointing to the flag on the top of the mast.

"Coming together? Haven't you heard that colleagues are enemies? Then the next ship will cost 100 million gold coins. If you can't pay the money, I will kill you all." The clown opposite was furious when he heard this.

These pirates are so fucking crazy, oh my god, this is clearly the rhythm of bullying their peers.

Xiaoqiang couldn't help shouting: "Then if you have the guts, come here. We are colleagues, so let's discuss and learn from each other."

"How dare you provoke our clown, see if I don't kill you all." The clown named Tiaotiao was furious again.

Immediately he gave the order to attack, and the ship's pirate raiders went into action immediately.

Boom boom boom!
After a few breaths, the opposite ship started to run and attack.

Xiaoqiang just watched the opponent's movements coldly, counting the time, but he didn't intend to attack.

He really wanted to see what tricks the pirates could do in the great route.

But he was stunned the moment the gun was fired from the opposite side.

Because the eyes of death captured the shells, they turned out to be pirates.


Taking pirates to cannonballs, is this too crazy?Is this Nima playing a circus performance?
"Hahaha, rookie pirates from the outside world, see if I don't kill you all." The clown jumped and watched a human-shaped cannonball shoot out, and he was very happy.

dong dong dong dong!

These pirates were shot out by shells, and they landed on Squad A accurately one by one, and then pulled out the sword blades around their waists. There seemed to be a lot of them.

[Clown Pirate Sword Dancer, Level 4 Arms]

"It turned out to be a level 4 unit! This is considered a high-level unit in the Magic Sea Continent. Unexpectedly, these cannonball pirates are all level 4 soldiers. There are indeed hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the great route." Xiaoqiang couldn't help but praise.

Today really opened his eyes, this is really his weird way of meowing.

"Undead, kill all of you." Dozens of pirate sword dancers who fell on the deck all wore double swords. After they pulled out the blades, they immediately displayed wonderful sword skills. slowly.

"It's pretty good, you can start the magic blood zombie." Xiaoqiang ordered.

As soon as he finished speaking, the demon-blooded zombies who were onlookers were spitting green old thick phlegm wildly.

Immediately, these arrogant pirate sword dancers screamed and rolled on the ground one by one.

There are also many who died of nausea directly from the stench of old thick phlegm.

In less than a minute, the gang of pirate sword dancers were wiped out.

The clown on the opposite side of the boat jumped out of his eyes at this moment, and he still hasn't figured out what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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