Chapter 375
"Are you really going to let me out?" Xiaoqiang was stunned.

"That's right, it's all twisted and twisted. I can't force you to go if you don't want to. Mother Mu doesn't want you to go, but I don't want to, so even the guards are gone." Lan Xin said aggrievedly .

"Okay, you really have a heart, but my escape companions don't know about this, so it's troublesome now." Xiaoqiang said with a headache.

Based on the current time estimate, Ji Rounan and the others should start to act, and I believe it will turn upside down in a short time.

At that time, I'm afraid it will be troublesome!
"What jailbreak companion?" Lan Xin said, and opened the door of the cell.

That means I want Xiaoqiang to come out now.

Xiaoqiang hesitated a bit, he agreed to escape from prison tonight, if he escapes now, then his group of accomplices will be completely finished.

"Don't worry, warrior Xiaoqiang, the guards have been taken away by me. No one will stop you. You can leave the temple directly along the path and contact your wives." Lan Xin had a slightly sour taste.

"No problem, then I'm going, you have to take care." Xiaoqiang nodded, and finally walked out of the cage.

However, just as he was about to step away from here, a woman's scream came from not far away.

"What happened? What's going on?" Lan Xin was taken aback, and murmured, "It seems to be my mother's voice, my God!"

Suddenly, many Naga guards appeared in the temple, and they all ran towards the center of the temple.

It seems that something strange happened in the center of the temple.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared in front of him.

"Captain, is it me? According to the original plan, we have succeeded." This black shadow is Nicole.

"Great, let's get out of here quickly." Xiaoqiang nodded, turned around and left.

At this time, Lan Xin blocked Xiaoqiang's way, frowned and asked, "Xiaoqiang, what did you do to my mother? Why did my mother's cry come out?"

"Ahem, we are just looking for a few boyfriends for your mother who has been single for many years." Xiaoqiang snorted.

"Looking for a boyfriend?" Lan Xin was stunned, a little speechless.

It seems to have been frightened silly.

"Captain, what is this Naga woman doing here? Let's go quickly, Lina and Sasha are waiting for us, and the Reaper is ready at the port." Nicole urged.

When Xiaoqiang was about to turn around and leave, Lan Xin suddenly screamed: "Ah! No, you can't leave! What must you have done to my mother? You must be deceiving me!"


Sister, why did you change your face so quickly?Just now she looked like a saint, now she looks like a rebel!
Before Nicole Xiaoqiang could react, a large group of Naga warriors rushed forward.

"Fuck, there are so many, this is the rhythm of knocking soul crystals!" Xiaoqiang sighed, feeling that the next one would be a fierce battle.

You must know that these Naga guards are not easy to deal with. All of them are elites above level 50. If they fight, it will be a disaster. Even if they use Death Incarnation, they may be seriously injured.

"Come here." As expected of a pirate, the vampire princess immediately stretched out her hand and grabbed Lan Xin in her arms, placing the scarlet rose around her neck.

"Come with us, otherwise, I will kill you." Nicole threatened in a cold voice, revealing the arrogance of a heroine.

The Naga guards around immediately didn't dare to do anything.

" rebellious officials and thieves!" Lan Xin gritted her teeth, with a bitter expression on her face: "You have already hurt my mother. If there is something wrong with my mother, I will definitely make you die."

"Miss, I've said it all. We just found three strong men with hormone bursts as boyfriends for your mother. We really didn't hurt him." Xiaoqiang shrugged his shoulders.

Lan Xin expressed her disbelief: "You are lying, my mother has never made such a sound, you must have hurt her."

At this time, the three of them came to the front of the main hall surrounded by heavy siege.

I saw bright lights in front of the main hall, surrounded by many Naga warriors.

And Lanyue didn't wear anything, she just put her hands on her chest and kept ordering: "Don't kill the three guys, I want to live, I want to torture the three of them well."

The three beast-like characters surrounded by them are Ji Rounan, Wu Tian, ​​and I am the second.

The three of them looked satisfied and wore very little clothes.

"Mother, it turns out that you are fine, that's fine." Lan Xin rushed over and escaped Nicole's sword.

In fact, Nicole did it on purpose.

Xiaoqiang immediately rounded up with Ji Rounan and the others.

"Hey, brothers did a good job, I really owe you a favor." Xiaoqiang looked at the three beast men with big arms and round waists, and thanked them sincerely.

"You don't have to thank me, it's also beneficial to us, but we wanted to fuck Lan Xin, but in the end, we fucked his mother. It's so cool!" Ji Rounan said wretchedly.

"That's right, that pair of breasts made our brothers feel so happy." Wu Tian also laughed.

I wiped my saliva for the second time: "This breast is really in the sky, where can I find it in the world!"


Damn, these three guys are really super heavy tasters, they have such heavy tastes, they are so interested in Naga women, the young master is really convinced.

"Captain, let's go." Nicole urged, "Lina is ready for the Reaper."

"I understand, but are there three of them?" Xiaoqiang asked.

Ji Rounan said: "Don't worry about us three brothers, we are already Lanyue's men, she will not kill us, and will love us every day, I think we will be able to flourish in the future."

"No, you all don't go, leave me alone!" Lanyue Sistily shouted, she was still flushed red, which was the result of being overwhelmed.

"Brother Xiaoqiang, let's go, leave it to the three of us, and the three of us are not ordinary people!" Ji Rounan shouted.

After finishing speaking, his body swelled and turned into the appearance of a gorilla, with particularly sharp grasping hands, like an ancient Beamon.

Wu Tian also began to change. The bear man's body became bigger and thicker, and gradually turned into a giant bear. The giant bear in front of him was like a small mountain of meat.

I'm a second-handed man with electric lights flashing all over my body, and I started to spin slowly, looking like an electric top.

"Well, awesome, I'm gone, brothers, I will remember your benefits, see you later!" Xiaoqiang waved his arms and ran towards the outside of the temple.

"See you later, brothers, it's time for us to perform and kill these Naga warriors!" Ji Rounan roared.

The three of them killed the Naga guards without hesitation!

(End of this chapter)

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