God Level Corpse King

Chapter 382 Selling Cannonballs

Chapter 382 Selling Cannonballs
"Master Captain, I think these enchanted shells should be quite valuable. The pirate just now looked like a vicious dog seeing a bone." Lina giggled.

Her beautiful eyes were shining brightly, as if emitting a very strange light.

The succubus' business mind is still in operation.

"Well, I don't know how much this shell can sell for. If it sells for more money, I can make some." Xiao Qiang said.

He also has a large amount of Arcane Dust and Immortal Essence on his body, these things can instantly create a large amount of poison gas shells.


Meanwhile, Black Fang is meeting his wife Black Widow backstage at the auction.

The Black Widow is currently smiling and chewing the tongue with Black Fang, with a flattering look.

"Old woman, what exactly do you want to say when you come back this time? You said a lot of nonsense, do you want me to find you a bad boy?" Hei Fang said angrily.

"Tch, how can I ask you to find me a bad boy, actually, I have something important to tell you when I come back this time." The black widow opened her big nostrils and said.

Hei Fang was disgusted to the extreme, and said in a bad mood: "Say something quickly, fart quickly, I don't have time to talk to you, if it's not for your father's sake, I will definitely chop you up as a pervert piece."

"Oh, you dead man, don't treat me like this, I'm your wife." The black widow put on a shy look.

"Wife? I don't have a wife like you, tell me quickly, what's the matter." Hei Fang said angrily.

This woman is messing with women all day long, grabbing handsome guys in all kinds of ways, his husband has already seen it, if it wasn't for this woman's father who has some background, he would have shot the fat woman to death, and made this black man Widows really are widows.

"I found the whereabouts of the scarlet rose, and the scarlet rose has returned to the great route again." The black widow said suddenly.

"Scarlet Rose? The Scarlet Rose has returned to the Great Route?" Black Fang was stunned.

He immediately rolled his eyes and asked, "Is this true? Did you see the scarlet rose with your own eyes?"

"Yes, what I saw with my own eyes was definitely a scarlet rose, and I was even stabbed by a scarlet rose." Black Rose said.

After she finished speaking, she lifted up her clothes and showed her huge belly.

There is a cross-shaped sword mark on the belly, and there is still blood seeping from the cross-shaped sword mark.

"Sure enough, it's Scarlet Rose. Who is holding this sword now?" Hei Fang asked in a startled voice, his expression very nervous.

"This is a secret. If you are willing to lend me your Black Iron Number for a few days, I would be willing to tell you the location of Scarlet Rose." Black Rose smiled.

"Borrow my black iron number? You think so well!" Hei Fang said angrily, as if he had been touched by his scales.

"Since you don't agree, that's fine. I'll tell my father about Scarlet Rose. I believe he will be interested." Black Rose laughed.

"What? Tell your father? No, absolutely not..." Hei Fang was about to speak, but there was an urgent knock on the door.

dong dong dong, dong dong dong!
"Who is it? Come in." Black Fang retracted his words and shouted.

Then, a one-eyed pirate entered.

"Black Fang, I have an important matter to discuss with you. I found out that someone wants to auction off the enchanted shells." The one-eyed pirate whispered.

Hearing this, both Black Fang and Black Rose were shocked.

"What? Enchanted cannonballs?" Black Fang gasped: "Are you sure someone wants to auction enchanted cannonballs?"

"Look at this cannonball." The one-eyed pirate took out the cannonball with the green pattern.

Black Fang and Black Rose looked at the cannonball together, with extremely focused expressions.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with it. It's true that there are enchanted cannonballs. I didn't expect there to be enchanted cannonballs here." Hei Fang was surprised.

"The enchanted cannonball disappeared on the great route. I didn't expect it to exist here. The value of this kind of cannonball is very precious to us pirates. The man who sells the cannonball is there. Take me to see him." Black Rose said directly.

Hei Fang said unhappily: "Crazy woman, please shut up, this is my territory, it's not your turn to speak."

The one-eyed pirate asked: "Boss, the cannonball seller wants to join the cannonball auction now. He has at least 500 shells on hand because he has no money at hand. I wonder if he can?"

"Yes, these cannonballs are the best auction items, they can be sold at an absolute high price, and we will charge enough commissions to put him on the early auction list. This guy who sells cannonballs seems to have the legendary enchantment. "Hei Fang said loudly.

"That's right, this kind of master must take the opportunity to win him over. Let's give him more resources. Enchanters are almost extinct now." The widow also sighed.

It is rare for the two to have the same opinion.

The one-eyed pirate immediately burst into laughter. He knew the effect of the enchanted shells. The following shells will definitely show their power. It is estimated that the limelight will overwhelm many items that will be auctioned soon.

Soon after, Xiaoqiang met the one-eyed pirate again and received an auction contract.

The contract naturally agreed to put these cannonballs in the auction, and put them in the first auction, and charged [-]% of the auction fee.

After the signing was completed, the one-eyed pirate left with 500 rounds of shells, apparently smiling.

"Sure enough, my poison gas shells are very popular." Xiaoqiang nodded slightly.

He hadn't imagined that his shells would receive so much attention.

"Captain, congratulations, it looks like we can make a fortune." Lina snuggled up against Xiaoqiang.

"Yeah, I think these cannonballs can sell a lot of gold coins." Nicole also put her arms around Xiaoqiang's arms.

"Not bad, brother Xiaoqiang is really powerful, let's see how much gold coins these shells are worth!" Sasha also sat down on Xiaoqiang.

Hugging left and right, and sitting on the stomach, the young master is really happy.

Just when Xiaoqiang was having a blast.

The second auction has officially started.

Hei Fang walked up to the front desk again, and said with a loud smile: "Welcome everyone, I saw a lot of new faces this time, and I also saw a lot of big names. I believe everyone can't wait, so let's start the second auction right now." .”

After finishing speaking, Hei Fang clapped his hands: "The following is the first lot."

A heavy cart was pushed up, it looked very heavy, and it was covered with a layer of canvas.

"Hey, hey, what the hell are you doing, Black Fang, why are the auction items still covered with canvas?"

"Okay, what the hell are you doing?"

Many pirates shouted.

"Don't worry, everyone. This item is the first item to be auctioned. The source is a bit strange. I believe it will surprise everyone. I will reveal it to everyone." Hei Fang smiled and lifted the canvas above.

As a result, black shells appeared in front of hundreds of pirates on the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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