Chapter 389
At this moment, Lin Xueer's Guild of Windrunners is slowly entering the great route.

In order to enter the great route ahead of time and accumulate advantages, the Windrunner Guild spent a lot of effort to enter the great route.

Zuo Ge stood at the bow of the boat with an unusually serious expression, as if he was afraid of something.

"Zuoge, what are you worried about?" Lin Xueer, who was also standing at the bow, was blowing the sea breeze.

"Lin Xueer, are you sure we'll be fine if we only use one ship to enter the great route?" Zuo Ge asked.

"Brother Qiang is not wrong. He said that it is better to use only one ship to enter here, otherwise, you may be hunted and killed by powerful pirates." Lin Xueer nodded.

When Xiaoqiang asked for advice before, Xiaoqiang mentioned the possibility of being attacked by pirates by the way, and Lin Xueer simply conveyed Xiaoqiang's meaning strictly.

After much deliberation, the Windrunners Guild agreed to use only one ship to enter the great route. So far, they haven't encountered any pirates.

"If this is the case, we just need to thank that Daqiang. By the way, what is the background of that Daqiang? He must have a big name in this game, what race is he, and what is his nickname?" Zuoge asked.

"Nickname? His tuba is Undead. I think it should be called Xiaoqiang. Anyway, Brother Qiang's name is very unskilled, and he is probably called this kind of name." Lin Xueer thought for a while and replied.

"Xiaoqiang! Zombie Xiaoqiang?" Zuo Ge almost jumped up.

Damn, I really bumped into a god-level genius today.

Lin Xueer quickly waved her hand: "I don't think it should be Zombie Xiaoqiang. He has denied it himself, but his strength should be second only to Zombie Xiaoqiang. He should be a master of hidden folks."

"I thought I ran into a zombie Xiaoqiang. In other words, I really want to take that zombie Xiaoqiang as my teacher." Zuo Ge smiled.

The two were chatting and joking when suddenly an alarm sounded: "Everyone is ready to fight, a pirate ship is coming."

"How many ships?" Zuo Ge asked nervously.

"Just like Brother Qiang said, there is only one ship." The companion replied.

"Sure enough..." Zuo Ge nodded slightly: "Brother Qiang is Brother Qiang after all, it really wasn't built by him, he is indeed a hidden expert among the people.

Zhang Mengmeng just heard this, and immediately puffed up her chest: "Of course, brother Qiang, but my cute girl's man!"

"What? Your man? Doesn't he have an affair with your sister Xue'er?" Zuoge asked in surprise.

As a man, he could not be mistaken. That Daqiang seemed to be quite interesting to Lin Xueer, and Lin Xueer did not reject each other.

Why is he now a man with a cute girl?
Could it be?Does our cute girl and goddess like that Daqiang?

Fuck, that goddamn Daqiang is really a role model for men like me, people have to obey, not to mention a goddess, but also a beautiful young girl.

Before Comrade Zuoge could think about it, the pirates had already arrived.

Next is to fight the pirates.

Because the pirates are very strong, they are on a level 5 ship with outstanding combat effectiveness, all of which are level 5 pirates.

The Windwalker Guild is not a vegetarian either, there are quite a few people who are good at fighting.

The two sides fought for half an hour before the winner was decided, and the pirates were finally repelled.

"It's really hard to kill him. He tried his best and couldn't win."

"Fortunately, they escaped. If they are responsible, it will be a complete loss for both sides."

Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they suddenly received a message.

[Regional channel, player Jin Sicong: Are there any players from other forces here? Hurry up and support us. We have a lot of rewards. Hurry up, we can't hold on any longer, the coordinates are 341, 231]

"What? Has Jin Sicong also entered the great route ahead of time?" Everyone was amazed.

It seems that the other party not only entered the Caribbean Sea, but also received a strong attack.

After discussing with everyone, they decided to go to the coordinates to join in the fun.

As a result, an abnormal situation was discovered as soon as they arrived at the sea area where the incident occurred.

I saw that Jin Sicong's huge fleet was being attacked by a more powerful fleet.

"My God, this is the fleet of the Pirate King!" Everyone in the Windrunner was amazed.

In the huge pirate fleet they saw, the pirate flag was a skeleton clown with a big nose, which looked very funny, but no one thought this scene was funny.

The main fleet of Seventh Heaven, the strongest guild in the national server, was beaten by this clown fleet. All kinds of slaughtered flying up, people can't bear to look directly at it.

The red-nosed pirate at the head looks very awesome, and wearing a crown on his head is like the clown king in the poker.

He directs the attack with a scepter in his hand.

And those pirates dressed as clowns were extremely heroic under his command, and they couldn't hold up the human fleet.

Thick smoke soaring into the sky and burning flames have already ignited the entire sea surface.

"There are only three pirate kings who have heard of the great route, and this clown is one of the three major pirate kings, the Clown King. The soldiers under his command are all very powerful clowns." Lin Xueer did her homework, and said when she saw the Clown King Out of the opponent's history.

Zhang Mengmeng and others were quite excited to see this big scene, but also quite worried. Judging from the pilot, it is estimated that Jin Sicong's fleet will probably be completely wiped out.

However, Seventh Heaven is worthy of being the first big guild in the national server. After a painful fight, a loud horn sounded.

Suddenly, many griffins flew out from the fleet!

[Griffin, Level 4 Human Arms]

The griffin is the fastest unit among the human forces. The upper body of the griffin is like an eagle, and the lower half of the god is a lion, which is why it got its name.

Gryphons excel at striking out in skirmishes, flying into enemy ranks from a distance.Griffins are relatively weak if forced into hand-to-hand combat, but they will always fight to the last drop of blood no matter what.

Experienced in skirmishes, they can fly directly into enemy formations or swoop down on them from above.

Among the three great empires of the human race, the Griffin Empire was named after this, because the fighting power of the Griffin is indeed unparalleled.

The number of griffins released by Jin Sicong was so large that it could be described as covering the sky and covering the sun, which surprised the Clown King.

Griffins are relatively flying units, and they are born with the advantage of flying. When they dive and fly, wherever they have been, the pirates will be caught and thrown into the sea one by one. Some clown pirates are weak, and they will even be killed directly
The mighty Griffin changed the situation of the battle, but the Clown King immediately chose to retreat, and the speed of retreat was astonishing, disappearing on the sea in a blink of an eye.

Everyone in the Windwalker Guild realized that what Daqiang said were all good words. Sure enough, the more ships there are, the greater the chance of encountering pirates!

Shiba’s body is really bad. The doctor said that there may be a possibility of cervical spine misalignment. I’m scared to pee Shiba. Everyone, please keep the minimum standard of 2 chapters a day. After Shiba’s physiotherapy is over, I’m sorry. !

(End of this chapter)

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