God Level Corpse King

Chapter 392 I Was Besieged

Chapter 392 I Was Besieged
Xiaoqiang looked at Hei Fang.

At this moment, Hei Fang also spotted the blond man, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"Black Fang, who is Black Fang?" the blond man roared, looking very unhappy.

"It's me? I'm Black Fang, the leader of the Blackwater Pirates. Where did you come from? How dare you snatch this ship from me." Black Fang narrowed his eyes.

"I am White Beard's number one champion - the Golden Lion!" the blond man said loudly.

"I've never heard of the Golden Lion." Black Fang shook his head: "I've heard of Whitebeard, and I heard that the old guy is very arrogant, but this is a great route, not the Caribbean Sea, no matter what. Whoever you are, you shouldn't offend my black teeth."

"Black Fang? I haven't heard of you, anyway, you are not one of the three pirate kings of the Great Route." The golden lion said angrily: "If you don't want to die, get out of the way, otherwise, you will die Miserable."

"It's miserable? You are really brazen, try it if you have the guts, Black Iron, prepare to fire!" Facing the threat, Hei Fang's mouth twitched, and he gave the order directly.

Immediately, the big turret on the black iron deck aimed its guns at the Golden Lion.

"A tier 6 ship? My ship is also a tier 6 ship. The Golden Lion is ready to fight, and the Lion Roar is ready to fight." The Golden Lion roared loudly.

The golden lion on the bow of the Golden Lion at that time suddenly turned into a real lion, and opened its mouth wide.

There is actually a thick muzzle in that big mouth, which looks terrifying.

"Damn it, it's worthy of being a Tier 6 battleship. It's really unique. There's such a thick Dajue among them?" Xiaoqiang couldn't help squinting his eyes.

It is said that tier 6 ships will have some unusual features, and now it seems that there are indeed extraordinary aspects.

"Captain, we must evacuate here immediately." Lina suggested.

"No, as long as we move, these two guys will shoot and attack. It's better to wait for them to fight. That's the best time." Xiaoqiang whispered.

You know, these two guys are not vegetarians, he can only wait for the opportunity to escape now, otherwise what awaits him will be death.

Black Fang and Golden Lion didn't directly attack each other, but tested each other's strength, and they seemed to care about each other.

After all, both sides are fighting Tier 6 warships, and the quality of the warships is evenly matched.

Once there is a battle, it is quite unpredictable who will win and who will lose. If it is not done well, both sides will suffer, which is not good.

Hei Fang sized up the golden Golden Lion, looking very apprehensive, but the corners of his mouth were still full of smiles: "Hey, Golden Lion, what's so good about this ship? Don't you hesitate to fight for it? Walk?"

The Golden Lion was fooled. He thought that the other party knew the information about the Reaper, and immediately said: "Don't pretend to be a fool, this ship of Reaper is full of incomparable unknown power. Anyone who wants to obtain it is equivalent to obtaining the divine power of the ancient Reaper." .”

"What? There is the power of the ancient god of death in this ship?" Hei Fang was taken aback, showing his mouth full of black teeth.

"Damn it, you don't even know. It seems that I slipped my tongue. We must fight, and you must die." The golden lion also reacted immediately.

He immediately became murderous, as if he didn't want anyone to know the secret of the Reaper.

"It's simply impossible! I actually ran into the legendary ship of death. The ship of death plus the scarlet rose is simply the best combination in the legend, ahahaha!" Black Fang couldn't help laughing.

As he spoke, he actually pulled out the scarlet rose from his waist.

"This sword? This breath is the legendary scarlet rose." The golden lion's eyes widened, and they suddenly became hot.

"That's right, it's the Scarlet Rose. God helped me to get the Death Ship and the Scarlet Rose, hahaha." Black Fang laughed loudly, his appearance was really crazy.

Xiaoqiang also saw the strangeness at this time, and he murmured: "What is going on here, isn't the scarlet rose a birthday present? Is there any mystery in it?"

"That's right, I think so too, but I'm afraid even Sister Nicole doesn't know about this mystery." Lina nodded.

Anyone can see that the scarlet rose is probably not just a legendary weapon.



After seeing the scarlet rose, the golden lion roared angrily, and even launched an active attack.

The golden lion spit out golden flames from the muzzle of the Golden Lion, which was simply unbearable to look at.

The Black Iron also fought back, and the black door on the deck also spewed out flames.

After the shells fell and exploded, raging fires ignited on the two battleships. The two battleships looked extremely hot, almost burning on the sea.

"Don't run now, when are you waiting, retreat!" Xiaoqiang ordered, and the two boats immediately started to run.

"Go to the west, that's the direction of the vortex gate of the Caribbean Sea." The mermaid bubble pointed in one direction.

"Okay, then let's go directly to the Vortex Gate." Xiaoqiang followed up with the order.

At this moment, he has activated the Reaper's charge mode. In order to prevent the Hunter from being lost, he chose to bind with ropes.

The two ships quickly fled.

"Don't let them run to the vortex gate!"

"Want to go? It's not that easy."

Immediately, the two pirates were furious and aimed at Xiaoqiang's Reaper at the same time.

"Full acceleration, full acceleration." Xiaoqiang roared.

His Reaper is already in a state of full acceleration, and there is no way to go any faster, and the Hunter is still dragging behind, reducing the speed of the entire Reaper.

It is estimated that the two ships in pursuit have master gunners.

The accuracy of the shells fired was quite high, and the durability of the Reaper was dropped by more than half in a short time, especially the Hunter at the back, which was seriously damaged and almost sank.

"Damn it, if this continues, as soon as the charging state passes, it will be overtaken." Xiaoqiang felt that the Reaper could not achieve such absolute speed in terms of speed.

"Captain, the next thing we can do is to abandon the Hunter," Lina suggested.

"Okay, since we are going to give up the Hunter, let's transfer all the vampires to the Reaper, and Nicole too." Xiaoqiang shouted.

The vampire swordsman's movements were extremely fast, and it seemed that his movements were also very fast. It only took a moment to transfer over.

Xiaoqiang reluctantly cut off the cable.

The Hunter itself had been severely damaged, and the Hunter, which was about to sink, gradually receded, and the speed of the Reaper returned to normal, and it immediately sped up on the sea.

In a short while, the two level 6 pirate warships were thrown away without a trace.

Looking in the direction of the two Tier 6 battleships, Xiaoqiang raised his middle finger to the sky!
Fuck!You two, Black Fang and Golden Lion, are waiting for the young master, and the white beard is also waiting for the young master.

Wash your chrysanthemums clean!
(End of this chapter)

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