God Level Corpse King

Chapter 399 Siren Banshee

Chapter 399 Siren Banshee
He took a closer look, only to realize that he had discovered a new species.

[Siren Banshee Amy, Level 60 Lord]

"Damn it, I've been messing around for a long time, and I actually met the legendary Sion banshee!" Xiaoqiang gasped, remembering the information about the Sion banshee he had read before.

The siren comes from ancient Greek myths and legends. In the myth, she is shaped as a sea monster with a human face and a bird body. She flies on the sea and has a singing voice like the sounds of nature. She often seduces passing navigators with her singing and makes the ship sink on the rocks. The crew became the siren's lunch.

The Siren is the daughter of the river god Ecroueus, a beautiful goblin born from his blood.Because he lost the music competition with Muse, Muse pulled out his wings, making him unable to fly.

After losing their wings, the sirens had to swim near the coastline, sometimes transforming into mermaids, and using their musical talents to attract passing sailors and make them suffer disaster.

In Greek mythology, when the hero Odysseus led the fleet through the Strait of Messina, he knew in advance the deadly singing of the sirens that made it impossible for mortals to resist.

So he ordered the sailors to seal their ears with wax and tie themselves to the mast of the ship with ropes, so that they could pass safely.The legend also mentioned that Orpheus, the son of Apollo, the sun god, who was good at playing the harp, also passed the place where the sirens lived smoothly, because he overwhelmed the singing of the sirens with his own harp.

The same is the head of a woman and the body of a bird. The sirens are similar to the harpies, but the harpies are mostly described as ferocious and savage beasts, while the vicious and deadly sirens are beautiful and beautiful. , Elegant body.

In other records, sirens are guides to the underworld.According to legend, the Siren is the girlfriend of Belsephone, the Queen of the Underworld, who was robbed by Hades. She failed to fulfill her duty to protect Belsephone, and was punished to change into a strange shape to lead the dead souls to the underworld.The harpy is in some legends a messenger of seduction, further showing a possible connection between the two.

According to legend, there is an island in the distant sea, and there are three siren sisters who sing magic songs living beside the rocky cliff.The half-human, half-bird siren sisters sat in a field of flowers and sang inspiring songs. Their sweet songs led passing ships to the island, and then they crashed into the rocks and died.

Passing sailors and ships were deluded to destruction, and no one was spared.

Obviously, these three sirens are the legendary three siren sisters. They are undead and can transform into mermaids, killers and predators in the sea.

No wonder the mermaid appeared in this deep sea full of undead breath.

But this group of monsters disguised as mermaids met Xiaoqiang, and it was bad luck.

At this moment, the group of siren banshees launched an attack, and suddenly two wings grew from behind their wings, and they rushed towards the Reaper.

"Damn it, he dares to come out to play around even if he's so ugly. You're a vegetarian, so shoot me." Xiaoqiang said angrily.

It really offended him that this group of stinky things came out to deceive his feelings.

Cannons roared and shells flew wildly.

However, these siren banshees are very flexible, flying in mid-air, the speed is so fast that no shells can hit them.

"Three hundred city management officers, take off my pants and spray them in the face!" Xiaoqiang ordered immediately upon seeing this.

The zombies immediately complied, and began to take off their pants one after another, exposing various mosaics.

The Siren Banshee, who was originally extremely proud, was dumbfounded when she saw the zombies on the boat take off their pants one by one.

"Sister, what happened to these zombies? Why are they dragging their pants?" the Siren Banshee asked.

"It doesn't matter if you take off your pants or not, kill them all." The leader siren shouted: "Attack that leader zombie, this guy is the leader, kill him and we can get their ship."

The siren banshees gathered again, but suddenly they rushed towards Xiaoqiang overwhelmingly, and it looked like a dense mass of darkness.

puff!Puff puff!
However, at this moment, the zombies began to spray out feces yellow liquid and lumpy objects, and all kinds of them flew out.

The almost endless feces smashed the siren banshee all over her head and face.

Let these siren banshees let out a miserable scream, this kind of scream is very ear-piercing, it is deafening.

It can be heard that these siren banshees are going crazy, probably because they are disgusted to the point of explosion.

"No, what are these?"

"That's disgusting, is this feces?"


The sirens retreated while shouting, and many of them fell into the sea water.

It can be said that this group of siren banshees were defeated in an instant, and they were almost defeated.

The feathers behind the siren don't seem to be able to get wet, and once it gets wet, it can't surface at all.

"You are completely defeated, what are you going to do next?" Xiaoqiang smiled slightly and pointed the hell three-headed dog artillery at the three sisters churning in the sea.

Next, he doesn't care about any tasks or not, and intends to kill all the Thain banshees who dare to deceive him.

As the hell three-headed dog artillery continued to fire, the shells hit the three sisters like rain, and the three sisters screamed in pain, with wounds all over their bodies.

The three sisters were about to use magic to fight back, but they were interrupted by the magic released by Sasha and Lina. One by one was backlashed by the magic, spurting blood again and again, which was miserable.

"Don't fire, we surrender, we surrender."

"We admit defeat, this warrior, please accept and be merciful."

The three siren sisters screamed.

Xiaoqiang finally stopped pulling the trigger and ordered the three of them to board the boat.

So the three Siren sisters finally jumped off the boat with the help of the vampire.

"Tell me, what benefits can you bring by surrendering?" Xiaoqiang asked: "If there are no substantial benefits, I will kill you immediately."

The three Siren sisters looked at Xiaoqiang's lineup with lingering fear.

It feels quite wrong, the opponent has two Mages heroes, a melee hero, and some messy units, and messy existence, and the most important thing is that there is a big fat man who is devouring the corpses of those siren banshees.

"The shock unit of the undead race!" The three sisters took a breath when they saw the fat man who was still eating hay, thinking that they had seen some incredible existence.

"Stop talking nonsense, talk!" Xiaoqiang said coldly.

The siren banshee at the head shouted: "We can help you lead the way to Ghost Mist Island, otherwise you will surely die."

"We must die?" Xiaoqiang squinted his eyes and asked, "Tell me, what is there on Guiwu Island? Why would we die without you leading the way? You must know that we are undead, and we are not afraid of any undead attack, and There's a weird undead breath here."

The Siren Banshee said in a deep voice: "Because this island is full of curses, and it is an endless curse, even the undead will become slaves of this island!"

Nani?This curse is so overwhelming, can it still be played?
(End of this chapter)

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