God Level Corpse King

Chapter 427 Peter the Great

Chapter 427 Peter the Great
The dense fog was dispersed, and Peter the Great gave the order to attack directly.

"Hey, do you need to be rescued so quickly to attack the city? Do you want to shoot people to reconnaissance?" Golden Lion reminded.

"Reconnaissance? We Russians... No, we don't do reconnaissance when we orcs siege a city. Give me a word." Peter the Great roared.

"That's right, little ones, prepare to attack the city immediately and loot that city!" Black Fang shouted.

It can be seen that he has regarded Peter the Great as the leader, and it is estimated that Peter the Great has a lower status than him.

Immediately, the entire orc army started to operate, and steel chariots were pushed out, including many huge orc catapults. These siege weapons were all in the orc style. Full of fangs.

The orc soldiers looked like they were running, and the ground was covered with dust, trembling extremely, looking like a ferocious tide.

Black Fang pulled Emperor Peter aside and asked, "Peter, is there any news from Emperor Big Nose? Why were you sent here suddenly?"

"Of course it is for the scarlet rose. To open the treasure of the vampire king, the scarlet rose is essential, but the blood of its master is also necessary. Only by being stained with the blood of the owner of the sword can it be possible to open the treasure of the vampire king. That's the female vampire."

"It turns out that's why the Emperor Big Nose asked you to help me capture that female vampire?" Black Fang asked.

"Exactly, but the vampire is mine, but the city is yours, you have to remember." Peter the Great said proudly.

Hei Ya suddenly became annoyed, it turned out that the other party was coming to take his credit, no wonder they brought so many troops.

But at this moment, there are no heroes in the Magic Tree City, only the Little Mermaid Bubble of the mermaid clan and others.

And this little mermaid is not a hero, there is no way to lead troops to fight.

"Too bad, there are so many people here, what should I do?" Bubble waited for the mermaid to be flustered.

They had discovered early on that there were enemies invading Ghost Mist Island, but unfortunately their own fighting power was really limited, and they had no way or ability to attack.

At this moment, the various barracks located in Magic Tree City became busy.

Groups of undead soldiers emerged from the cemetery, the cemetery, and the pool of blood.

"You don't have to worry at all. As long as the enemy doesn't bring siege equipment, it is impossible to take down the Magic Tree City in a short time. If they want to take down the Magic City, they will pay a heavy price." Rorschach said.

"Okay, then we mermaids will also participate in the battle. We also know some water spells. I believe we can help you." The mermaid chief said.

Luo Xia said: "You don't have to join the battle, the master said that you should be well protected, you just need to watch."

After finishing speaking, many skeletons, magic blood zombies, and super zombies appeared in the city. Why did Fatty lead these troops to the city wall.

It also includes many super arms.

A moment later, the siege army led by Peter the Great, Russia's number one professional player, came under the city wall.

Peter the Great took out a loudspeaker conch and shouted loudly: "Zombie Xiaoqiang, come out, I will smash you, completely smash you!"

"I'm sorry, the master is not here." A high-pitched voice came out, as if telling the enemy's military situation.

"Zombie Xiaoqiang is not here, hahahaha, that is really good news." Peter the Great laughed loudly: "Since Xiaoqiang is not here, whoever bought this city is giving us away for nothing."

"Giving it to you for nothing? Then try it out if you have one, and I will treat you well." The voice said.

Putin asked more thoughtfully, "Which heroine are you next to Zombie Xiaoqiang?"

In order to deal with Xiaoqiang, Putin and a group of Peter the Great's staff had already found out Xiaoqiang's details.

What skills does Xiaoqiang have, how much is his net worth, how much is his fighting power, and how many heroines he has. This is why Peter the Great is so confident.

"I am not some heroine, I am a tree, and my name is Rorschach," the voice replied.

"A tree?" The **** and Peter the Great were stunned. They looked at each other, and finally couldn't help laughing.

The guy talking to them turned out to be a tree. It seems that the zombie Xiaoqiang really made a mistake this time.

It was estimated that the other party was out on business, so a strange tree was sent to guard the city. Unfortunately, that zombie Xiaoqiang never expected that they would break through the curse of the fog and come to sneak attack, catching the other party by surprise.

In the current situation, this is obviously giving them a piece of fat, which is so cool!
"Brothers, what are you waiting for, attack the city immediately."

"Yes, set up the trebuchet and the siege engine for me, and let's kill them."

Heipi and Peter the Great ordered one after another.

"Wait a minute, because the master has gone out, there are not many defensive forces in the city, so I will take the initiative to open the city gate to welcome the arrival of the new master, and I hope some of you will accept my surrender." Luo Xia's voice continued to surrender.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. Fuck it, it seems that the other party should be an NPC. The NPC will surrender on its own, which means it is still an intelligent tree-shaped NPC.

**** couldn't help but said: "The tree of the king should be very rare. I heard that only the ancient trees of the elves can speak and have certain wisdom. This kind of tree cannot be owned by Xiaoqiang. He is an undead tribe. It means that this tree is very rare, we must get it."

"Understood, this should be a sacred tree, and it will surrender by itself. This is really great. If you get this city, you might be able to sell it for a big price. Everyone, follow me, let's go in and see if it will A talking tree." Peter the Great said to the heroes.

He strode into the gate of Magic Tree City with a group of key officers, Heipi and others.

But the Golden Lion was pushed out to the periphery by them, and it couldn't directly enter the magic city.

"Damn it, the men with the big nose want to eat alone, they should have known that I should ask for help." The golden lion was very regretful.

However, at this moment, the gate of the Demon Tree City suddenly slammed shut.

Then I saw countless undead figures appearing on the city wall, including skulls, zombies, and vampires, and there were immediately fighting sounds among them.

"Damn it, what's going on here? A tree can plot against people!"

"No, there is an ambush among us!"

The voices of Peter the Great and others came out of it immediately, it was so miserable.

The golden lion was stunned. He didn't expect that a tree could plot against people, and put Peter the Great and others in a urn to catch turtles.

"Interesting, this is really very interesting, hehehe, you killed you, this is really God helping me." The members of the Golden Lion Group laughed wildly.

Two-thirds of Peter the Great and Black Fang's men went in, and none of his men were missing. After waiting for them to fight and lose both sides, he launched a siege to grab credit. It really killed two birds with one stone.

(End of this chapter)

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