God Level Corpse King

Chapter 438 Surrounded by Little Japan

Chapter 438 Surrounded by Little Japan
Jin Sicong is very distressed at the moment, it can even be said that he is at the end of his rope.

Just three days ago, he finally wiped out a pirate and found a site where he could build a city, but he was robbed by the little Japanese.

Now, they are completely surrounded by Little Japan. They have nowhere to go, and they are completely trapped on the island.

"Hey, listen up, Chinese, you surrendered quickly. We Japanese only want this island, not your life. Of course, you must compensate us 2 million gold coins."

"Chinese, if you don't want to be destroyed, you should think about it carefully. We will launch a general attack immediately to completely eliminate you. We have also specially prepared video recordings for you. If you don't want to lose face, you will pay 2 million gold coins as soon as possible."

There were bursts of shouts from the Japanese outside the island.

"Damn little Japan, damn little Japan, you are really bullying people too much, bullying people too much!" Jin Sicong kept yelling and was about to go mad with anger.

Three days ago, they spent a whole day and a night fighting a pirate lord in Seventh Heaven, and paid a terrible price before attacking this island.

There is a small human city on this island, and the terrain is quite good. It is the ideal island base for Seventh Heaven.

When the big guys were celebrating, they were attacked by the Japanese who had been waiting for a long time, causing heavy losses to the troops and sinking several warships.

Jin Sicong never expected to be attacked by the Japanese. When he regained his strength, he lost a lot of troops, and many players' heroes were killed. He was surrounded by the Japanese three layers inside and outside.

Now three days and three nights have passed, and they are still insisting on not letting go.

You know, such a human city island with such a critical terrain is rare, and it is not generally difficult to find a second such island in the Caribbean Sea.

So Jin Sicong has not surrendered until today.

In other words, even if you lose to the Americans, you can't lose to Little Japan, I insist.

"Jiajia, what does the Scarlet Mythology say?" Jin Sicong asked.

He personally sent a distress signal to the Scarlet Mythology before, but there was no way, although he had some problems with the Scarlet Mythology, but at the moment he was at the end of his rope, so he could only ask for help from the other party.

After all, we are all Chinese, and we can only ask the Chinese for help at this time.

But Scarlet Myth didn't reply, just like a dead person.

Jin Jiajia said: "I tried to contact the Scarlet Myth again, but the result was worrying. The situation on the Scarlet Myth's side is not too good. It seems that he has only two ships that have safely reached the Caribbean Sea, and now he has no strength to save us."

"Damn Bloody Myth, you lied in front of your face. I know that kid's strength. He knows how to avoid pirates. His strength hasn't been seriously damaged. It's obvious that he doesn't want to save us and wants to replace me as the number one player in China. Jin Sicong was upset, and asked again: "How about Panda Monk?"

Jin Jiajia sighed: "Panda monks are even weaker. Although they are the third guild in the national server, their strength is not as good as that of Scarlet Myth. The number of ships is limited, so we can't count on them at all."

"Damn, damn, do we have to die here?" Jin Sicong said angrily.

Everyone around looked at each other in blank dismay, all of them bowed their heads and were speechless, their morale was extremely low.

He managed to reach the Caribbean Sea first, just to develop early, but who would have expected such a thing to happen, and was beaten up by Little Japan.

"Actually, there is a person who promised to save us." Jin Jiajia persuaded at this time.

"One person promised to save us, what's the use of being alone, Jiajia, don't joke with me, I'm having a headache now." Jin Sicong was about to cry.

Jin Jiajia shook her head: "Brother, I'm not joking, there is a person who can save us, and he has promised to come to rescue us."

"Who is it?" Jin Sicong asked quickly.

"Zombie Xiaoqiang." Jiajia's relative said red lips.

"What! Is that disgusting zombie?" Jin Sicong was taken aback.

If you want to say who is the best Chinese player, you have to count this zombie Xiaoqiang as the best. Jin Sicong has lost his mind about zombie Xiaoqiang now.

After all, this comrade Zombie has won numerous world number ones, which is beyond his comparability.

But Zombie Xiaoqiang has always been a shadow in his heart. He has such a huge guild and such a huge force, but his reputation is actually inferior to that of Zombie Xiaoqiang.

The foreign powers only know that there is a zombie Xiaoqiang in China, but they don’t know that there is a Jin Sicong in China. This makes Jin Sicong always feel that his face is darkened, and he always feels that he has been robbed of the limelight by Xiaoqiang.

Coupled with the previous incidents, Jin Sicong and Xiaoqiang have completely fallen out.

He never expected that the zombie Xiaoqiang actually agreed to the order for help. This is too strange. Why did the other party agree to rescue such an enemy as him?

"Jiajia, I heard that Zombie Xiaoqiang is very lustful, and he especially likes beautiful women. Do you want to promise yourself to that ugly zombie because of your brother's wish for yourself?" Jin Sicong looked at his sister seriously.

Zombie Xiaoqiang is obviously not trying to save his face, so he can only save Jin Jiajia's face, and his sister is a first-class beauty who is the coveted target of countless men. Hit his sister carefully, otherwise she won't come to rescue his enemy.

"Oh, brother, what are you thinking?" Jin Jiajia blushed slightly, and she said coquettishly: "It's nonsense, how could the zombie Xiaoqiang be for me, the other party also has additional conditions, and as a zombie, Xiaoqiang He is handsome now, at least more handsome than you, brother."

"Oh? Then I'm relieved, what conditions does he need?" Jin Sicong asked.

Jin Jiajia said: "He needs us to use the most powerful warships and soldiers to fight a battle in a month. It will not only help me defeat the enemy, but also help us develop as soon as possible in this month."

"Oh? I didn't expect this kind of request. I thought he wanted to have sex with you as a condition." Jin Sicong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother, your thinking is really dirty right now." Jin Jiajia's face had turned into a red apple, but suddenly her pretty face revealed a look of surprise: "Brother, Xiaoqiang has already left the island."

"What? Got off the island so soon?" Jin Sicong was startled.

This really means that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, he came really fast!
"Brother, let us come out to watch his performance, and he said that he can handle the Japanese in less than 10 minutes." Jin Jiajia said again.

"Damn it, it won't take 10 minutes. Does he think he's a god? That's too much bragging." Jin Sicong was taken aback, and everyone around him was also shocked.

Zombie Xiaoqiang joked too much, and the Japanese are not soft persimmons to be bullied.

Then let's get up and go out together to see what Zombie Xiaoqiang is about to perform!
(End of this chapter)

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