Sky-high engagement: Pick up a cute wife and bring it home

Chapter 125 Men's Talents and Women's Appearance

Chapter 125 Men's Talents and Women's Appearance
After the two discussed it, Li Fan refused to leave again, and stayed with Zuo Yueran after watching a movie before leaving.

The next day.

Zuo Yueran pulled Mucheng up with great fanfare.

"But what??"

Mucheng rubbed her sleepy eyes, she thought too much last night, she didn't fall asleep until early morning.

"Tonight, Li Fan is going to host an evening for An Yinian, and An Yinian wants you to be his dance partner!"

Zuo Yueran sat down beside her bed.


For just a moment, Mucheng shook her head.


Zuo Yueran pretended not to understand, "Su Ning has already said, she and An Yinian are in name!"

"I am Di Yao's wife, and now I am An Yinian's partner, what should Di Yao do?"

Mu Cheng frowned, she dared to believe that tomorrow's major newspapers would be the headlines of theirs.

"Hahaha...I'm joking! Today I'm going to choose with Su Ning!"

Thinking about it, Zuo Yueran nodded vigorously again.

"Oh fine!"

Mucheng could only nod her head, what can she do after having said that?
When the two walked out, Su Ning was already standing outside the door waiting for them.

"An Yinian was driving downstairs, and I took the elevator directly to the parking lot."

Su Ning waited for the two of them, then walked to the elevator and pressed the floor.

"Actually, it's fine for the two of you to go."

Mucheng stood in the elevator, obviously not in a good mood.

However, just after she finished speaking, Zuo Yueran and Su Ning stared at her immediately.

"All right!"

Mucheng didn't say anything anymore.

When they arrived at the parking lot, An Yinian had already driven the car over. The three of them got in the car and went directly to a customized shop that Zuo Yueran had reserved.

"I don't like changing clothes the least, Cheng Cheng, help me try them on!"

Su Ning sat on the sofa, drank the coffee that was just served, and smiled sweetly at Mucheng.

"All right!"

Mu Orange nodded.

Fortunately, the two people's bodies are about the same, except that Su Ning's bust is a little smaller than Mu Orange's, there is not much difference in other things.

Mu Cheng took a long white dress, which was very simple, with a small V-neck, but the skirt was dotted with diamonds one by one, paved like a shining starry sky.


Mucheng had just put it on, and Zuo Yueran nodded repeatedly. Mucheng's figure, which is comparable to a model, looks very good-looking in whatever she wears.

At this moment, An Yinian also came out wearing a white suit.

In this suit, all the buttons are made of diamonds, other than that, it is probably too simple to be concise.

Standing together, the two are a perfect match.

Zuo Yueran secretly took a photo of them and sent it directly to Di Yao.

When Di Yao received that photo, he immediately threw the phone out of his hand.

A new mobile phone was smashed into several pieces in an instant.

The situation here is full of wind and clouds, but Mucheng and the others are full of laughter and laughter.

"I don't like this dress."

Su Ning shook her head, "Try a bright red one, I like bold colors."

Mucheng raised her eyebrows, took the bright red evening dress again, and went into the fitting room to change.

As soon as she came out, she surprised everyone.

The off-the-shoulder and backless evening dress tightly fits the undulating figure of the mountains, and the skirt is a coquettish fishtail.

Like a mermaid.

An Yinian also changed into a black dress of the same style, but the cuffs and neckline were a touch of flirtatious red.

(End of this chapter)

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