Chapter 133

Instead, that figure looked fieryly at Mucheng's face, and finally smiled at her.

"I'm leaving, stay at home and be good!"

Di Yao planted a kiss on Mucheng's cheek, saw her moist lips again, and forcibly controlled himself, fearing that she couldn't take it anymore, and the flight would be postponed today.

"it is good!"

Mucheng nodded, and sent him all the way to the door, before returning to the living room feeling a bit disappointed.

She curled up on the sofa for a long while before stretching.

A bright smile appeared on his face, "What should I play!!"

Xiaoxue, who was standing aside to clean up the dining table, was startled when she saw her appearance.

The young mistress changed her face a little too quickly.

Just now he still looked so sullen, but now he looks so happy again.

Why! ~
Mucheng ran upstairs. After washing up, she took a bunch of snacks and went upstairs to find a movie to watch.

She took a picture of what she ate, and took another selfie, and sent them all to Di Yao.

Added a sentence below, when you go home, let's watch an action movie!
Soon Di Yao replied to her.

"Okay! Look, we can still move together!"


When Mucheng saw what he said, she was speechless. In front of Di Yao, she really would never want to talk to him.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but smile, put down her phone, and began to immerse herself in the romantic love movie.

When she was crying to death for the love in the movie, Zuo Yueran sat beside her abruptly.

"This heroine's acting skills are too fake!"

she says.

Mucheng's tears hung there, and she glanced at her.

Go ahead and watch the movie.

"Also, the heroine has put too much powder on her face!"

she said again.

Talking, talking, Mucheng felt that she could no longer watch movies here with a normal state of mind.

She pressed a pause and just looked at Zuo Yueran.

Can you still watch a movie? !

"Don't watch this kind of movie, turn off the IQ protection!"

Zuo Yueran clicked and turned it off for her.

"At this point, shouldn't you be at work?"

Mucheng asked helplessly.

"Di Yao asked me to play with you. I'm afraid you will be bored! By the way, should you thank me properly!"

Zuo Yueran opened a bag of potato chips and looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Well, thank you very much!"

Mucheng thanked her sincerely, if they hadn't come up with this plan, she and Di Yao wouldn't know what to do with it!
"Then why don't you quickly cook some good food and comfort our stomachs!"

Zuo Yueran put his arms around his chest, looked at her, and said proudly.

"As ordered!"

Mucheng nodded.

The two went downstairs together, "Do you eat seafood? I see a lot of seafood in the kitchen today."

"Eat, I can eat anything."

Zuo Yueran nodded repeatedly, as long as she made it, she really would eat anything.

"Is it really okay for you to leave Li Fan alone and eat alone here?"

Mucheng joked.

"So, hurry up and do it now. We're done eating. I'll send him food."

Zuo Yueran winked at her.

After eating, I have to pack it, is that really good?

Mucheng walked to the kitchen helplessly, and saw the fresh seafood delivered to the side.

"Shall we just eat fish today?"

Mucheng took a look inside, no matter if it was Jiang Xian or seafood, it was all there.

(End of this chapter)

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